How does he do it?

how does he do it?

Other urls found in this thread:

By being a redhead. We are literally the masterrace and the next step in human evolution


Nice cherry picking there friend. We are still King God Mode and the future of humanity

if redheads are so great why are there so few of them?

check mate, faggot

Because we are the Exceptional, the Few. Most are not worthy of The Gift

he's a cornish autist so he had nothing else to do there

idk I've never been that in to Ed Sheeran

Redheads have leprechaun genetics, of course they're rare

Let your jealousy wash away my untermensch friend. One day I will carry you into the Light

carrot top, ed sheeran, lindsay lohan, ronald macdonald

>redheads make up 2% of earth's population
>150,000,000 redheads
>you can only come up with 4 bad examples, 1 of which is a fictional character

Stop, I can't handle all this superiority

I feel like he spent the entirety of the 90's sounding 20 years ahead, and then got bored and started making throwback music

redheads are soulless fucks who should be banished by the hand of god

this is the first time in my life I can feel even remotely good about my hair color and I realize soon this thread will fill up with people telling me to kill myself but for a moment i was infinite

that's... amazingly accurate

smash your keyboard and add multiple effects to your track

Redhead women are amazing. The only purpose redhead men serve is to help carry on the genes to make more redhead women.

ae are better desu
>tfw Rettic AC


redhead women are attractive as fuck

