Without mentioning Trump, why are you voting for Hillary?

Without mentioning Trump, why are you voting for Hillary?

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Because of Trump

There is no reason to vote for hillary except because of trump. She's a horrible candidate.

because trump is a massive faggot.

Despite the minor things she's done wrong in the past, she simply is the best current choice. Anyone against her jumps straight to either mentioning her "crimes" or the fact she's a woman. When really, every president has broken the law one way or another. At least the first woman president will put us in the right direction.

>minor things

constant brainwashing by the media or ignorance idk

Why are you pretending she is a good candidate? There is no sin in admitting that you're just voting strategically against trump. Everybody - you, me, OP, everybody, is currently the victim of this two party system. There are other voting systems out there where you don't fuck the most likely to win candidate by voting 3rd party, but the system we're in right now isn't that, and we are consigned to do strategic voting.

Because I hate niggers and Russians. War is kinda fun because being a world's policeman, or whether a world's policewoman make you powerful and no countries will fuck with you.

If you or I mishandled classified information, we'd be in the pokey.

That said, I'm probably going to vote green.

Tell me, who did she kill? Who has she raped? What cities have been burned down? How many actual lives have been ended due to her?
>yes, minor

>implying the only things which are crimes are rape, murder, and destruction of property

To be fair, if you mishandled classified information, i would say it was harsh to give you 20 years in jail. But the difference is, nobody is gonna give a fuck, because you're just a random guy, not a presidential candidate.

she broke laws that if we broke we'd be in jail for, and then acts ignorant about it. she thinks shes above the law, you really want someone like that in office

If it's a crime to be the best choice to sit in the president's chair, than lawwwdy put dat dar waman in cuffs!

Honestly, i think they both should go to jail. There are a lot of laws in this country that are stupid, but it pisses me off a lot more that the powerful can break them with impunity than that we have them. Maybe if we enforced our laws equally, they'd change the stupid laws.

Your literal only arguement is she broke the law? Damn, fire that manager at your local taco bell for smoking weed then, you complete saint

People acting like her breaking the law and not being arrested is so crazy when half these people in the thread probably avoided speeding tickets or loitered once.

Why? For the truly authentic lulz, my friend. The butthurt will be greater than anything Trump could inspire.

I've voting for her because America needs a woman president. it's the right thing to do

>who did she kill?
Vince Foster and at least 47 others.

While Clinton mishandled classified documents out of negligence rather than treason/espionage, it's the same crime that jumpstarted the Soviet nuclear program and set the Cold War in motion. Not exactly the same as rolling through a stop sign.

Because it's time to have a woman in charge. Men are pigs and responsible for all of the war and violence on the planet. We need a woman to stand up, and fix this.


How long has CTR been shitting up 4/b/

t. other imageboard browser

My argument is lesser of two evils, so I can't really say why I'm voting for her independent of my opinion of trump.

She's not actually retarded.

Also she cheated with mass election fraud in the primary, one example is people getting their party affiliation switched in Arizona.

>the logic that's killing america

I'm voting third party.

I'm not.

Hillary Clinton will be a fantastic leader.

She's proven that in the Senate, and as Secretary of State.

Hillary Clinton has decades of experiencing leading, and engaging in diplomacy. Also, she has many allies entrenched in American economics.

She will win. And she'll be fantastic, just like President Obama.

because y'all can't do it like Hillary can


Because I want more dead Muslims in the Middle East and ensuing blowback

Because I want a critical mass of migrants/refugees flooding Europe until they wisen up

Because I want her to attempt to push and sign an AWB and see how well that turns out

Because I want her to push HUD diversification and White Guilt until people can't take it anymore

Because I'm an Accelerationist.

BTW I'm not even mememing.

I voted for and will vote for HRC for these exact reasons.

Trump is a stopgap. People will get too comfortable with him and think their problems will be solved.

Her foundation is a global money laundering network. Soros and her working together.

Here come shills

Like Kissenger's decisions to involve the US in Vietnam and Cambodian politics that led to the exile of Prince Sihanouk, the rise of the Khmer Rogue, and the death of 1.5 million Cambodians, Clinton's decision to back Libyan rebels and depose Ghaddafi led to the power vacuum that let ISIS rise to power.

"Minor mistakes"

Go fuck yourself.

because she has the biggest balls of all the candidates and has stood up to murdoch's gop fascists for 30 frickin years

She is LITERALLY the most qualified candidate right now

You have the strongest case of autism I have ever seen

Fuck off you shills

Kissinger belongs in prison.

But you blaming Clinton for ISIS is absurd, and you should swallow a .50cal aspirin.

GW Bush's policies led to Syria, ISIS, Lybia, Benghazi etc.

You liars - you uneducated, stupid, underemployed filthy LIARS, blame Clinton for Iraq, and you blame Clinton/Obama for ISIS - whilst in the same sentence you'll say "oh I guess you're going to bring up gw bush again".

You're literally what's wrong with America. And people like you belong in shallow, mass graves. I'm being super serious.

Because Shillary has promised a great wall,
and she can at least pull it off with all of her corporate/bank/congress support.





dammit you win!