Inb4 haven't passed last year of high school

>inb4 haven't passed last year of high school
>now I have to repeat it
>not willing to go to this shitty school anymore
>math teacher is a bitch
>told her that year ago so she made me no go
>getting angry af, bought a gun yesterday
>thinking about school shooting

Sup Forums what should I do?

Pic related

if you can't get out of highschool, just waste yourself. all you have do is show up you little pussy.

I missed 4 months of school and the rest I showed up late to while I was baked as fuck every day, never did any homework, slept in all my classes and I passed A/B while completely chink eyed.

You're a little bitch OP

Idiot last night that did something similar yo this. People reported to the fbi tips. They showed screen caps. This is stupid. You can get yourself in a lot of trouble. All it takes is one person to believe you and report you. Your shitty vpn isnt going to protect you. This sort of posting is very dumb.

Oh snap. You're already tagged...

I don't give a fuck about fbi, my dad is in fbi

If you were maliciously failed (as opposed to being too fucking stupid to pass high school) you can appeal it

>high school
>bought gun
If you're 21 and still in high school, just give up. You'll never be anything.

Shoot your cock off
Blame maths teacher
Get into freak porn

Also you morons I told that bitch ass math teacher made me no go because of me calling her a slut

Insinuating a mass shooting will get your ass a felony record or worse and fuck your life up. At least we now know that you are to stupid to finish rather than being maliciously failed. Given your ability to understand the seriousness of your threat. Not a prude but terristic threats and people who make them.. deserve what they get.