Why do germans love to destroy Europe?

Why do germans love to destroy Europe?

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You're incompetent

just imagine being raised in nothing but sandniggersness where everything was already blown up before you were born, so while you grow up and see everything all nice you see it and want to make it like home again
so you make big groups and rape white women and do suicide attacks

the best germans were dead by 1945

Their sworn enemy, the Eastern Francians, therefore the modern French, are the founders of Europe and the timeless protectors of the Christian Faith, therefore to be our antithesis, the Germans have to destroy everything we accomplish.

Will they take me in if I'm white? I could really use those classes...

Tfw i'm 100% sure Merkel will get another 4 year.

they fought Greeks
they deserved death

Because you guys always think you know it better.

In the Netherlands people always try to come to a consensus carried by all parties.
In Germany the person in charge knows best.

hillary would've been the american merkel
why didnt i realize this

I would do that desu

is merkel really going to win another election?

it's their nature

it would be western though wouldn't it, they are the hunnic easterners not us


Ah, and now you've had me all blushing at my mistake.
Don't think "francians" even exists as a word.

Need a mean ""German"" gf to humiliate me in either german or turkish, the two ugliest languages known to man

French education has really gone down hill.

Yeah and SD will not win

Also I'm fairly certain Norway will get a red-green government in the election this year

Well who else are they going to vote for? The other mainstream parties aren't going to change anything and AfD are incompetent cucks

>any of those
>the ugliest
Listen to someone speak Chechen.


French people are just as bad with your laws against paternity tests. Western civilization is dead as a rock in France.

>Germans aren't manly enough to get their own women
>Lose them to refugees

>Americans aren't manly enough to get a job
>lose them to Mexicans and Indians

SD will most certainly be on the ruling side in after the 2018 election, possible with Jimmie Ã…kesson as prime minister since they are polling above M lately as second biggest party

If it's for the same pay then all the better.
Bring in the stronger ones.


You gotta deal with it!

>he says to the country that redacted the Code civil which is used in 90% of the countries of Europe
You're welcome?...

There's nothing wrong with this, assuming they provide this service for Germans as well. It's literally a country full of autists.


Those guys look pretty white if you ask me, whitebois be crazy

yeah they look like the average american

In Europe it's less about skin color and more about your native cunt.

>but was defeated by anglo-saxons

>pussy grabs back

Really wanted to see them do it and some guy blowing them the fuck out.

Really sad what human trash is allowed nowadays.


Poor Russia.
Was maskirovska all for naught?


explain why

Meanwhile, Sweden teach them how to use guns.

Meanwhile, France gives out free truck licenses..

Rome: Love at the Gate

Cocus Maximus is a simple roman administrator until the Emperor himself asks him to teach the barbarian hordes how to seduce and mate with the empowered yet lonely female citizens of Rome. Will he successfully transform the once bloody Colosseum into a beautiful haven of love or will he be crucified?

Directed by Ben Rosenberg

>the city of Germany

Well duh, how else will they journey to England?

verpiss dich.

They've been providing it for Germans all along. This way it's made sure that no one in Germany reproduces, not even migrants. You just need to see the bigger plan.

UK: salarians
US: turians
USSR: vorcha

no the word is franks
mais, ce n'est pas grave

Germany pls make it stop

>at least we have mosques

Wtf she's heavenly

Smart way to teach refugees to stop raping.


We should have listened to Stalin.

>German men are deducted taxes from their hard earned money to fund this.


You can't make this shit up!

He's doing a good thing. Now refugees won't look at a girl in a skirt they think is too short and rape.

Do refugees really pull white bitches daily in Germany or is it a meme?

What is there to like about their culture?

Surely, you have a twisted view of reality, because you're probably talking about the spineless murderers who sacked village after village, and executed millions of civilians. And why am I not surprised? Because you might just be a retard.

>surprised when men from a culture of arranged marriages can't flirt
On the other hand Ger""""mans""""" are cucking themselves at levels that shouldn't even be possible

>timeless protectors of the Christian Faith
>worked with the ottoman empire more than once