You've just killed a man. Wheres the best place to hide the body?

You've just killed a man. Wheres the best place to hide the body?

In hundreds of unknowing bellies.

page 2 of google search
you just fucking said it moron

page 2 of Google search results

corsica, south of galeria in the macchia

I'm autistic and I don't get what that means

Feed to pigs

pigs don't dispose of the teeth or something like that, make sure you get rid of whatever specific body part the pigs leave behind

The joke is that nobody looks past the first page of google results.

That aside, an incinerator is a good bet


And afterwards, feed these Pigs to Men

Honestly we don't people just buy a boat and go drop it out in the middle of a lake and ocean? Is there something wrong with this idea? It seems so simple to me.

bodies tend to float sometimes

Weight it down with bricks?

I recommend moving the cadaver to another state and burning it along with your car

bricks inside of the body? may work. but attaching weight with ropes or similar does not work that well because they loosen with deformation and decomposition

sure, if you want to get caught after 5-10 years and sit 25 years in prison

Cement block shes dummy, just like the mafia movies yeah

sounds like you know what you're talking about.

Underrated post

in the tems and conditions

You sick fuck, its perfect

cuz no one looks at that shit

What chopping it and burning it.

Actually it depends on how much time you've got. If I have 1 hour I got rent a boat and drop it in the ocean.

One day and i'll burn it in the garage.

1 week i'll chop it in pieces and have something eat it.

We a fire work if you poisoned them? Set house on fire look like accident

the point is that you can't find him anymore.

Googling this puts you on a list.

Retards try that all the time.

It's pretty suspicious when EMTs find a bullet-ridden corpse inside of a burnt down house.

If there is even a possibility that the fire was arson they perform autopsies on the victims.

What body?