Is suicide really that big of a deal?
Is suicide really that big of a deal?
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It is for the poor bastard who has to clean up the mess made by a bloated corpse
not really if you die in a isolated places
Only one way to find out.
I recommend doing it in the tub though, just so you don't make a huge mess for others.
or donate your corpse to a cannibal like a good human being
or science
Just because the universe is an incredible size and possibly infinite, that doesn't make life insignificant. It's all comparative, if your child died, to you that would be the biggest sadness and heart wrenching feeling you could ever suffer. The person wo finds someone who's hung themselves will be significantly disturbed and upset by it. Family, friends etc.
Suicide to you may not be a big deal because you dont value your own life, but others who value it more would see it as a great loss.
not really. It's illegal because the government doesn't want to lose it's investment in you. They payed for your K-12 education and now they need to collect decades of tax revenue from you, that doesn't work if you're dead.
To attention cravers, people pretending to care and actual loved ones (the rare) of those who die that way, yep. To all others, nope.
Weaklings who don't really give a shit about anyone in their life do it. The strong who have loved ones bless the idea are rare. If you don't get that, no way of saying it will make you understand.