snek bread
Snek bread
isn't it snake?
Wheres bananasnek
*danger noodle
top snek
dont be upsetti
Mcdolan snek 4 u my fren
top snek
i luv snek! who does 2?
Post small sneks!
Boop 4 moar snek
Snek munch doggo
Metal snek
nice snek
octopussy snek
Bad snek
what do you think?
Upvoted! XDD
Not sneks
snek Story time.
>be me
>13 I had a lot of pet Reptiles (geckos, a bearded dragon, some newts, and even a froggo) (le froggo is still alive and is like 10 years old)
>mom was terrified of sneks
>could never get one bc she was so scared. >until one day our family friend came along
>he was a landscaper
>brought me the smallest and cutest garter snake ever
>Autistic 13 year old self named him "squiggles"
>loved this snek
>would have him crawling in my hand for hours
>Mom was reluctant of keeping him of course but because it was so small and wasn't poisonous she finally let me keep it
>or so i thought
>few months later
>Squiggles is alive, healthy and happy
>going to grandmothers house for the weekend
>mom offers to take care of pets
>thought this was odd bc i always pay one of my friends to do it as she is scared of my pets, but like the idea
>squiggles enclosure was a cheap 10 gallon container with a water part and a land part
>would change the water weekly
>would also put minnows in the water so he could eat
>come home from grandmothers house
>go to check on pets
>everything seems fine until i get to squiggles
>his cage smells like semen
>everything in the cage is dead, fish, snek everything
a few years later my mom admitted to me that she put bleach in the water bc she hated sneks >pic is what squiggles looked like
rip squiggle snek :(
kill ur mom
I do not have snek all i have is bump
but garters grow up to be hella bitey. i raised a few to try see if i could tame em.
Best wild raised snek was a baby milk snek i found. People keep killing them thinking they are rattlers, but i have never raised a friendlier snek.
I made an snek Sup Forums, what you tink?
I've never seen a milk snake in my part of the U.S. (I live in Coastal Connecticut near NYC) but the weather here is quite mild. I have heard they make great pets tho
blood python, year and a half old
australian snek
R.I.P Squiggles.
what the fuck are you talking about?
babby snek
There are no Austrailian sneks, only snikes.
what snek is this?
dregon snek
I find this strangely appealing....
.... whaaaa
that's your penis
>Posts STD notsnek in a snek thread.
That's a blind snake.
Well time to kill one of your moms pets. I know it's been years but I know you still miss squiggles bud. What she did was borderline psychotic. Give her a taste of her own medicine
wannabesnek salamander
bush viper
shes going down the trail of becoming an old cat lady. She already has three.
fuck you for a: saving that gif, and b: posting it, and c: not killing yourself
fucking prick
Snek needs calibration
Underage faggot kill yourself
Your mum's a cunt
loving dogs = /= underage
eat shit and die you fucking sociopathic waste of oxygen. I hope you get horribly mauled by a rottweiler
Fuck off you edgy faggot. When ever you get insulted you reply with kill yourself every fucking time. You are cancer. Just because someone doesn't want to see a gif of a cute puppy being mauled alive by a fucking snake doesn't mean they are underage. Fuck off
Welcome to Sup Forums you sensitive little faggot. This is how we operate.
circle of life brah
quit being such a faggot, those cows that you love to eat go through much worse.
Your mom is a garbage parent and deserves to be beaten by a pack of niggers.
Can you guys stop arguing? You're disturbing the sneks.
put laxatives in the catfood, that'll be fun.
That snake is gorgeous
your mom is retard. sorry bro
How the hell is that man still alive?
Did the snakes sense that he's an alpha predator or something?
beautiful banana
there's nothing circle of life about some basement dwelling edgehog feeding his snake stolen pets and uploading it to youtube
look at da ballz on dees min. He haz beeg dinosaw ballz.
your mom did the right thing, you should be ashamed for keeping garbage tier pets
>thinking that's a rattler
It's like theyve never even seen a snake before.
damn dude
Are you autistic?If he kills an innocent animal he is as retarded as his mom,you don't need to kill someone's pet to take revenge
He could always just lure her to the ghetto so she can get gangraped by a pack of wild niggers.
A lot of people a that haven't seen a real rattle snek before so I wouldn't be surprised tbh.
my corn snake
But its okay for it to be a bunny though right?
Looks a bit like a chocolate snek
I had cholat snek in my toilet once.
cate play with snek
No much just hugs