What's the best Beach Boys song and why is it "Surf's Up"?

What's the best Beach Boys song and why is it "Surf's Up"?

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It is Surf's Up, but specifically the Brian solo demos.


The best Beach Biys song is Break Away. One day the world's gonna realize that.

I never felt like Van Dyke Parks lyrics did the music justice yet at the same time the music wouldn't work without some lyricism.

'Til I Die is fucking superior

Wouldn't It Be Nice

Reminds me of daniel johnston

It's Good Vibrations. Posturing pseuds will say stuff like Disney Girls or Til I Die because they don't want people to think they enjoy the same Beach Boys that their parents do, but anybody who knows anything about music knows that Good Vibrations is the highest achievement in the history of recorded pop music

There is absolutely nothing similar between the two besides the fake legend that Pitchfork readers propagate about Brian.

>fake legend
which is?

Good Vibrations and Surf's Up make a beautiful pair, I'd say. One happier, one somber, both beautiful.

Disney Girls is kinda shit, but Til I Die is great, m8

what are you talking about

Good Vibrations was certified platinum just last year. Huh.

disney girls is great what are you talking about

anyway their best song is don't worry baby

All I Wanna Do
Til' I Die
Surfs Up
The Holy Trinity of Bri Wi songs

For such an acclaimed song, Good vibrations had a mind numbingly boring chorus. Disney Girls is their best and my dad would probably agree

all i wanna do is a mike song
brian called it boring

That's a funny way of spelling Cabin Essence

>anyway their best song is don't worry baby
patrician opinion

>disney girls is great what are you talking about
not so much

it's Don't Talk

Nah mike just did the lyrics, probably best Mike lyrics too, the sweetest for sure.
Brian production on that song is phenomenal to me. Like some people say, it sounds like shoegaze/dream pop before it was a thing

And the way he layered sounds at the end is so rewarding, a year later I've still discovered new melodies within the song

I love these choices too, I think those 3 are my fave

>three modulations up, then three modulations down in its final iteration
>more and more voices added each type the refrain is repeated
>brian hitting a g#6 at the end
>mind numbingly boring

You're autistic.

I feel like Wonderful doesn't get enough love.

The harmonies that come in at about 0:50 give me chills every time I hear them.

No, he's NOT austistic ENOUGH.