Can someone bring up one good reason to vote Clinton...This is what you get if you youtube her name...

Can someone bring up one good reason to vote Clinton...This is what you get if you youtube her name. And it's no better if you google her.

Other urls found in this thread:




>FBI Releases Clinton Email Report
The one where they found her not guilty of any wrongdoing?

>FBI Report Provides New Details About Hillary Clinton Email Inquiry
See above

>Hillary Clinton Admits She Has Brain Damage & Unfit To Serve
Literally from Alex Jones' Youtube. Try harder

I don't even like Hillary, but it blows my mind how much Fox libel you guys actually believe. I mean they hate her SO MUCH that they just take anything they can think of to use against her and retards just blindly accept it as truth.

Is she perfect, or even a great person? Hell no. But come the fuck on.

Not a fan of hillary but for the sake of argument, id say that media coverage and stories are less important than a persons politics. go gary.

>Rightwing establishment realizes they have no chance of winning with their candidate pool
>Start an even worse smear campaign against Clinton than they had against Obama
>Demonize her for things literally all of her predecessors in recent years have done
>Retarded constituents actually believe it

>The one where they found her not guilty of any wrongdoing?

It's amazing how uninformed or misinformed by mainstream media people are.

They explicitly found her guilty of wrongdoing - they just recommended not to charge her. Now look up who was responsible for that decision and you'll understand why.

Or maybe not. You seem pretty dumb.

