Does Sup Forums honestly believe Portugal isn't white?

does Sup Forums honestly believe Portugal isn't white?

Other urls found in this thread:

>who are the moors
Most Mediterraneans aren't white, they're way too dark skinned and Arab looking to be white. There's nothing really wrong with that though, it's not their fault they're so close to North Africa

I do. Neither we spaniards are white. We are the direct descents of the human populations that lived here for millenia. Yes, some goth, arab, celtic, phoenician rapes, but mostly we are natives and the only relation we have with germans is that we evolved in """similar""" ways because of our geographical location

Shit thread

We aren't mediterranean tho

For the longest I though Portugal was in South America.

The only Portuguese I've met was a manlet with horrible english in the UK working in nandos.
To be fair he seamed like a nice guy, but I didn't see much of him.

Southern Europeans are not white then

Yeah, Portugal. Like all the south brazillian that think they are germans...

An allahu ackbar to you my friend.

Why are Portuguese immigrants so dumb?


look everyone, americans the walking memes.

>o norte é branco e celta


quality thread

They look white to me


os grunhos não são sequer humanos.

All I see is one White guy surrounded by filthy looking Arabs

>wanting to be considered white

muh dik is bigger den da nigga

from left to right:

- arab influence
- roman influence
- native iberian influence
- celtic influence
- goth influence

man, portugal, as spain, is still an unmixed potpourri of the peoples that have lived in here

>You will never be a Portuguese white boy

Are you high?

From left to right

-Semite influence
-Slight semite influence
-Semite influence
-Native Iberian

You can't define Spain/Portugal by not white/white. First of all the whole notion of being "white" is incredibly arbitrary and subjective. Spain and Portugal are a mixed bag, you'll get a middle eastern looking with European influences and then you'll get a typical white guy that would fit anywhere in America.


you just proved his point

American education...

Yes, it's actually beige, olive or light brown

I know, allahu akbar, allah is the unique and muhmmad(pbuh) is his prophet.

in spanish we have a word for people like you, it's "cansino"

Excelente thread

No one here is white. We all look like indians