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fat fuck

He's a walking heart attack lads, pray for Bringle

It honestly pisses me off that they still drag him out on stage like this. It's like they're fucking using him.

>As for how they got along, [Jeff] Beck confirms that “Brian never said a word. It was the most bizarre thing. I don’t know what’s going on with Brian, but perhaps it’s best left alone, not mention too much about that. Perhaps he’s so cool, he never speaks to anybody. [Laughs.]”

>Beck later spent five weeks on the road with Wilson, only to run into him at a favorite deli — one that the former Beach Boys star frequents several times a day. “Sure enough,” Beck says, “within five minutes, he walked in. And on the way out, I said, ‘Hello, Brian,’ he said, ‘Hi!’ And he walked straight past me. [Laughs.] It was like I never existed, we had never toured for five weeks.


mike love needs money

he just slipped as he sat on the piano stool
hes not collapsing on stage

we're all walking heart attacks. you never really know.

>Made one good album his whole life

Why is this cunt compared to Beatles and such?

>“Brian never said a word. It was the most bizarre thing.
>I said, ‘Hello, Brian,’ he said, ‘Hi!’ And he walked straight past me.

was it autism?

Because he's better than The Beatles?

you shut your fucking mouth right now, OP

Digts and he dies really soon

pretty sure it's his choice lad

my god take it back

Holy shit

Because the Beatles made 0 good albums

>implying the mentally retarded can make their own choices

Good, I hope this autismo fucker dies soon.

Watch any video of him from recent years. He has no fucking clue who he is or where he is. It's all just automatic muscle memory for him. They place him in front of a piano and he starts playing.

>One good album
Smile Sessions and Pet Sounds, senpai. That's two.

landy did a serious number on him