Let's play a game Sup Forums

Let's play a game Sup Forums
Post your age
Post your hobbies
I'll predict how successful you'll be in life

Computers are my hobby, not much else.


History, linguistics, literature, acting, x-country running, and being fucking insane.


memes, only memes

You will be very successful, a professional athlete



16 cross country
cross country

Dank dude

playing video games, browsing the dank memes, watching youtube, amature programming (inculding networking)

Literally none except consuming YouTube videos and sihtpositng here (not even anime or video games - both feel like a chore to me)


Alright programmer, decent job

>jacking off

Average programmer, decent IT job


Video Games(sometimes, not a lot lately), Horror Movies, Gorey Movies, I'm interested in the world of paranormal such as ghosts, Spirits, Demons, Unexplainable Phenomenom, ect.

Porn star



rugby and hockey and skiing and jellyfish


Professional rugby player

Daww, how sweet of you to say you fucking legend! Have this picture.


Sonic, Pokemon, freelance comic writing

computers, programming (software dev goal, fuck IT), lifting, history, knives, vidya to a lesser degree

Autismo NEET for life

Hunting rabbits and rabbies, I like looking at chargers, reading Qu'ran, eating curry and kebabs and (good) food in general and i also like feeding my plant pot.

21 Surveyor and Mapper
Beer drinking and guitar playing



the approximate age of chris chan

awful shit thread, OP left after 1 reply

18 starting college soon
I video game
Study psychology for fun
And hang out with friends and swim

no I didn't you fucker


OP is a faggot

I guess you're just terrible at replying

Sad creep


how come :(

Photography is not a good thing to do

please elaborate

16, Baseball (I've been told I have some raw talent)

Learning languages, traveling the fucking world

>pay ~$5,000 for camera
>travel to random place
>take picture
It's not profitable


Mergers and acquisitions, Music(such as the likes of Huey Lewis and Phil Collins)

Language learning, vidya, anime, Star Trek, programming, working out, going to Asian countries, learning about Asian cultures, building Gundam models

A hobby generally isn't supposed to be profitable, hence hobby.

If you profit from it, then it's considered a profession.


waste of money

>building Gundam models

In '87, Huey released this; Fore!, their most accomplished album. I think their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip To Be Square". A song so catchy, most people probably don't listen to the lyrics.

No, I just build whatever the nearby bookstore is selling.

fucking aspie, quit that.

>Hobbies: Russian, law, history, and literature


That's subjective.

The equivalent would suggest anything else purchased for a hobby is a waste of money. Such as an instrument, or a pair of soccer/football boots.

Hobbies are for enjoyment, not money.

I somehow get the impression you are not a smart man


oh fuk

samefag autist

gym > gaming >anime > drawing


Get the fuck out you talentless weeb

Playing guitar, drawing/painting, architecture/urbanism, electronics

i want to add that i benchpress 130kg so i'd probably smack the shit out of your ass

Oh man I'm scared
kys eurocuck

history, politics, business, sports: I wrestle and swim

16 yrs old

anime, guitar, drawing, piano
probably not far.

>inb4 fucking weeb

Client side programming mostly (intermediate).
Currently learning nginx + php + mysql (back-end web dev) (novice)
Anything tech related.
Video games.

20 years old
Video games
How fucked I am?

Nothing wrong with playing video games if you have a real job.

Music teacher

Sup Forums, board games, some vidya but I don't play anything new, still using X-box 360 and Wii. I play emulators too. I like to make my own board games but I can't find many people to play them with. Used to do Magic:The Gathering but it was too expensive. I watch a lot of movies at the library and can't afford cable TV anymore.

Went to college already, up to my eyeballs in student loan debt. I Work in a hospital cleaning out old sick people's trachesotomy tubes with pipe cleaners and a tiny rush because it's what I went to college for and ordinary nurses can't be bothered with that gross shit, but I love every second of it because mucus and cigarette tar is cool and squishy.

Also, I'm still a virgin and have no real interest in finding a girlfriend. I'm perfectly okay with living sex-free.

Drawing (I take architecture classes)

Literally where the fuck are the mods?

13, programming.

*tiny brush. I clean tracheostomy tubes with a tiny brush. I also use a small suction hose too.

Keeping this thread alive

This was all a fucking b8 thread and no mods came

16 jiujitsu, mma and kick boxing

Age is 22
>music(guitar, bass, drums)
>smart phones

15 no hobbies


history, politics, geography, coin collecting, charitable giving

2 hobbies
>hating my life

>it job
Are you mentally retarded?


go suck a cock, faggot

building the greatest buildings
talking with my wife or my 5 children
supporting the poor
leading the greatest presidential campaign
Making America Great Again!

make america black again

i thought summer was over fag


Not socially. After work i sneak two double shots of fireball. I hate fireball but its the only thing i can drink straight up without a chaser. I hate chasers. Im also depressed :)

Boxing, reading, politics, learning about investing, little bit of anime, listing to all kinds of music and hanging out with friends

You have a "boom"ing future.
(Not op I just hate Muslims)

Tennis, playing the piano and violin, chess, reading, watching gore and rekt videos and video games.

If you aren't in university it's weird that you are studying law and I have no idea why you are even bothering to learn Russian when you could learn good languages like German, French, Italian and Spanish.


Game of Thrones

>probably doesn't even know what pump and dump, shorting, dividends, genuine trading platforms or other forms of investing other than the stock market and why those are better to use.

neckbeard confirmed.

music(trombone, sax, trumpet, piano)
tabletop games(d&d, pathfinder, shadowrun, dark heresy)
anime(have blue rays and dvds but not pillows and posters and stuff)
gaming but i dont really consider it a hobby

Neckbeards don't do physical activity, let alone boxing
