Are spore kits really safe to buy? In both health and legal aspects...

Are spore kits really safe to buy? In both health and legal aspects? I've read that you can get the Magic Mushroom spores through websites legally as they do not contain any psilocybin.

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Bump for knowledge


Don't buy the kits, it creates provable intent just buy spore syringes. Completely legal and the state doesn't give a shit

Or just buy spores off a Tor site and not have to worry as much


Thanks for that info, but why would they not be looked at as the same thing? Why would a syringe differ?

Also any reputable sites?

I did this years ago. Bought just the syringes, then grow kits through a separate site. Best shrooms I ever did. How safe they are depends on if you know how to avoid contams. With legit sites, everything will come to you sterile.

pic related: Shrooms I grew a billion years ago

bump for info

Got a sauce site?

Earth's Tongue. Bought from them in 2003 and 2006, so take my recc with a grain of salt. They're still around.

Do you know if they would ship to Canada? I'm looking around but nothings popping out at me.

The plausible deniability in this case is that mycologists may be a market for this product.
Growing medium can be cheaply and easily concocted out of rice flour and vermiculite, when buying syringes alone. The only intermediary step is to boil the jars containing the growing medium, as you would a regular canning/jarring process.

I've got 2g in my pocket. Trips and I trip.

No clue, sorry user.


Man, that must be strong. First time I did shrooms I did 10g

I found myself.

All good. Found out they stopped a while ago.

So I would assume Earth's Tounge is the place to get them from. They seem like a legitimate source as they have a decent amount of traceable footsteps online. Located in Texas. I guess I will give them my business if I decide to bite the bullet.

So back to the other question, spore syringes are legal for order?

First time, 10g? Was it dry?

Anyone know how to exactly do it step by step?
Is it difficult?
How long does it take?

From my amature research, Grow Time is 3-5 weeks, only hard part is sterilization so there is no foreign bacteria involved.

i did it back in the day but use a compost bag and burn the syringe until its good and friggin hot before you stick it in but let it cool dont scorch the substrate

don't fall for the bags of corn you have to get something that composts, the heat generated helps growth

do you just put the spores in and wait or is there a special process?

There's a few methods that you can do. I've just glanced on YouTube. There's a couple great videos that go into detail.



>buy the spore kit, its ok because you might be a mycologist!

Are you a mycologist op? Are you affiliated in any way with a research group?

What sort of experiment are you running? What will your control group be?

If you cant answer these overly simple questions to me, you wont pass a DEA agent
but either way, it dont matter OP. are you a sketchy looking nigger? If not then dont worry. if you order a small amount, they WILL know, but not afford to care. no sort of bullshit like BUT I MIGHT BE A MYCOLOGIST is going to stop them from checking xD

but i literally got caught and let go by claiming i was using for medicinal reasons and was sad. imagine the saddest white kid ever and thats how i tried to act

>source I've actually been interrogated by the DEA for LSD import
>tfw dea lets me go after spraining my wrist

to explain more, the reason spore kits are sold LESS than syringes is because of intent, which protects the seller of the spores; the buyer is still assumed to be a mycologist and growing is illegal otherwise

literally no difference in buying a kit vs syringe, but a HUGE difference in selling syringes vs kits


speicifically, 10 hits of lsd. they didnt even know how many

I had my wrist almost broken, injued for several months over 10 hits of LSD because i bought a bong from, a pipe from grasscity (both shipped from amsterdam) and then the LSD (also oddly enough from amsterdam)

so they showed up, tried to get me to admit to whats in it, then i pretend cried and told them i was depressed and it worked.

literally same thing can happen to OP, same style of drug; both have anti depression studies you can use (if your not a nigger)

What state were you in?

50% hydrogen peroxide 50% water q-tips slightly dab where it gets cobweb mold it kind of mimics mycelium dont freak out. bad mold is dark and don't chance it by eating moldy shrooms they bruise dark when you cut them out even with a razor where you touch gets slightly dark but are okay

Spores in any format (print, suspension in a syringe) are legal. Growing them is not.

Not a good comparison because buying LSD is illegal all by itself. Buying spores might throw up a red flag, but the DEA would have to go a step further to prove that you actually broke the law

Could you theoretically buy them, and leave them in the syringe and be 100% legal. Because you wouldn't be growing them so what's the harm?

I'm not saying an asshole cop couldn't give you shit over it, but according to the letter of the law, you'd be in the clear.

More info here:

First time I did I was 16, and from photos I've seen, I recently discovered it was between 16-20g dry.

I had no idea I was taking an absolute fuck ton. I thought that's how much you were supposed to take seeing that's how my friend gave it to me.

Any state but CA I believe and maybe GA as well? Can't remember. But yeah, it's just the active drug that's scheduled illegal. They're not hunting down growers really, they got heroin to worry about.

Kits are a waste of money.

Had my place raided and the cops found all my spore syringes. Luckily I wasnt growing at the time.

They ended up having to give them back.

Question for the experienced
Should I start fruiting? Its fully colonized on top, this is the bottom

Just go to and learn everything you need to. You can't possibly gather all the information you need to know on this thread. No one gives enough of a shit to type it all out. There's a lot to know, so start reading.

Patience young one. There is time yet. They'll start pinning on their own when they're ready. You can see the corners and edges aren't even colonized really.

so I should just keep them covered and wait until they pin?
its my first grow so I dont know anything about the fruiting process
so once they do pin on their own. then I should give them light right?
thank you by the way

Decent amount of info posted here from people with current knowledge though

Needs more time. The more colonized it is, the better chance it'll ward off contams once you open it up. Just make sure the substrate isn't losing too much moisture.

May or may not pin on their own, depending on the strain and temp. I've had to shock some cakes into pinning by dropping the temperature by a few degrees.

Always wait until they pin. Wait until you see 10ish pins spaced evenly over the surface and then pop it open with free air and misting 4x a day. Should explode

Also I hope you didnt open the lid to check the top.

light has a very minimal effect, its not too big a deal. The best thing you can do is to let the C02 or whatever build up in their until you see pins, then untape the air holes any polyfil them losely. How dense depends on how often you can mist. If you have access all day and can mist a bunch, less polyfil. If you can only mist a couple times then more polyfil. Just dont let it dry out

If you can't get any Psylociben, then Amanita Muscaria is your next best bet! It's 100% Legal and cheap too! You can get them on Ebay, 15$ for about 30 grams.

The magic in these shrooms is what is does to your dreams. They make your REM states last LONGER! Add mugwort and b6 vitamins to the mix and you will be lucid dreaming in no time!


A few degrees isn't a "shock" but I know what you mean. When people talk about cold shock they're usually talking about sticking it in the fridge, and the benefits are disputed. But yes temperature is one of a few factors that galvanizes the production of fruit bodies. And while you may be technically right, I imagine it's quite rare for no pins to form when the substrate isn't fully colonized, even if other conditions aren't met. 100% colonization is the #1 factor at play.

>Not a good comparison because buying LSD is illegal all by itself. Buying spores might throw up a red flag, but the DEA would have to go a step further to prove that you actually broke the law

it is that good of a comparison, because I was caught with getting mail from Amsterdam and not LSD so i manipulated laws =)

*is* fully colonized

Out of 300+ tubs I never once had to shock a tub made from damion's coir tek.

Had to shock the cakes I made though. Did verm cakes once then went right to grain and coir tubs. Stupid easy and the yields are an easy 4oz per tub.

Built my own flow hood and shit took off like crazy. Once youve got agar and semi-isolated strains you can have 100 or more rye jars fully colonized within a week with g2g

no of course not, it was really hard taping all that cointainer since it was actually broken in one part
so fuck no I aint doing all that taping again

also what is polyfil?

Yea light isn't as important a factor as the others but if you've got the right spectrum bulb by all means get them on a light cycle.

Also I don't know how you designed your tub but if you have high holes and low holes you can pack the polyfill densely in the low ones and loosely in the high ones. This creates a natural convection that is very beneficial.

Do you take them right before sleeping? Never had the Amanita but I would definitely stay awake the first time.

Do you have the schematics for your flow hood design? I'm pretty handy and considering a build.

I tried a ton of different tub set ups. I ended up settling on 1" holes about 1.5" from the top. Two on the long sides and one on each short side. Then polyfilled very lightly.

At the time all my income came from my tubs so I could mist/fan as many times per day as I wanted

You weren't planning on using polyfill? What exactly was your plan? Just fanning? The fruits need plenty of oxygen my friend.

I followed a tek on shroomery but god that was like 4 years ago now. I went ultra simple with it.

Fan from the hydroponic store, filter from ebay, and some scrap plywood glued and calked. All in all cost me about 300$. Just make sure the resistance on the filter matches up with the cfm on the fan or the flow wont be laminar. Easy test is if you take a cig lighter's flame a cm from the filter and it bends 90 degrees without being blown out or flickering youre probably good. Also a speed controller for the fan helps. Thats what I ended up doing cause my fan turned out to be way too strong

TBH Im surprised it worked at all

this was my plan actually, just asking around on the internet
someone is bound to know whats up
I'm taking notes man but still never heard of polyfill, sounds crucial so pleease tell me my man
I've been taking care of these like they were my own
2 times already the light went out and I had to keep them warm under my covers

polyfil is pillow stuffing. 2$ for a giant bag at whatever craft store is in your area

>Vermiculite, Brown Rice, Water
>Cup of vermiculite mixed with half a cup of water
>Add half a cup of brown rice flour
>Stir well
>Add to jars
>Top off jars with an inch layer of vermiculite
>Sterilize 45-60 minutes at 15psi
>Wait 2 weeks

Well they're living, breathing things. Constant fresh air is best. Polyfill will allow that to happen without them losing too much moisture.

Instead of shrooms, try mescaline containing cacti. Much more pleasant.

I guess it's nice that you're trying to help but there's simply not enough information here for someone to have a successful grow from these steps. They need to follow a TEK

this always concerned me.
if during the colonization phase, its closed right?
so no oxigen comes in
couldnt they suffocate since they consume oxigen an produce co2?
was this ever a problem for anyone?

It's not an issue. The lid on your tub doesn't create an airtight seal; they can get what they need during the colonization process. It's during fruiting that you need plenty of FAE

Bullshit. You ate > 1/2 oz of shrooms? That's a lot of shit taste for someone to stomach.

Also calling bullshit. You can't possibly know your dosage to that accuracy by looking at pictures. Also tell us about your trip. I think it will become very obvious that you didn't take that much, but I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.

>Rye grain from local supply 50$/100lb
>Rinse well in colander until the water runs clear
>Soak grains in water over night
>Drain and wash again until water runs clear
>Add grains to giant pot (use your pc) and add a few spoons of gypsum
>Boil on stove for about an hour-ish, until a spoonful is about 10% or less burst grains
>Drain into colanders and let cool
>Fill jars 2/3-3/4 full of grains
>Place micro pore filter discs then lids with self healing ports and gas exchange, then secure with ring
>PC at 15psi for 90min. Let cool inside pc.
>Remove, let cool 100%, then inoculate with spore solution, liquid culture, or grain to grain
>Spores can take up to a month, LC a couple weeks, G2G a few days
>Once jar is 3/4-4/5 colonized, shake the shit out of it to break the myc up and mix
>Let colonize 100%
>Open jars and with gloves/sterlized spoon remove myc and mix evenly into coir tub. I found layering to work best. I usually used 10 jars per tubs cause I had 100's. More jars per tub = faster colonization and less likely to contam
>Let colonize. My fastest tubs did this in a week, slowest in a month.
>Once you see pins open your tubs, untape holes and poly fill them.
>Mist/fan at least 3 times a day

This is super easy to do and even your first few times you should see less then 3-4oz per tub on first flush.

Look up damion5050'scoir tek to learn about pasteurizing and prep'ing the coir.

It is beyond easy.

I even had a 9/10 success rate with the stupid bucket tek for pasteurization

I get high by making lots of money. Every time I score a big sale I get a super hot escort and fuck the shit out of her. Drugs are for losers.

Sounds kind of fun.

Skipping over inoculation - the most important part and the part that is fucked up the most - otherwise good writeup. Better cover those jars with tinfoil while in the PC, I wouldn't trust the filters to keep out moisture. (condensation rains from above in PC)

I probably should have put to follow sterile procedure or use a SAB when noc'ing your jars.

TBH for my first year I lysoled the shit out of my bathroom and treated it as a giant SAB that i sat in. Had 80% success with spores and about 70% with GLC.

Not acceptable failure rates for large scale, but when you have hundreds of jars that work and each fail costs less then $.50 in supplies it doesn't really matter

Yeah it was mostly about the prep. noc procedure is complicated enough to warrant looking up a tek

I just always try to impart how simple grains are. I hate seeing people put so much effort into cakes and then they get like a half ounce.

yeah it sucks cakes have the rep as beginner mode - but i think and hope that's changing. they just need to look beyond to the next step and see how everyone's saying it's so much better and just as easy.