Be transgender mtf

>be transgender mtf
>find out I have a twin brother that my mom gave up for adoption
>just learned today that she is transgender too
meeting with her tomorrow when I arrive at the airport

thoughts? what do I say or do? this is spooky

Tits or gtfo

Siblings that never met usually end up fucking..

Insanity runs in the family huh? Or was mom a druggie?


no way, plus I already had the snip

whatever it is that caused it its linked genetically

sorry about my late responses btw, had to change a maxi pad

Post pics of yourself

>two females cant have sex

i'm going to regret this

I really hope you end up making out with your "sister".

Do you think your parents/grandparents are disappointed in you

Now topless

Snipped? We need proof


no, my mom (the one on the far left) is cool with me, my dad died in a car accident and left mom with bills right when I and my twin were born so the state took my then twin brother. I grew up and realized I wanted to be a girl and transitioned, what I didn't know is that I had a sibling that was just like me.

I have a fiancee, why would I kiss my sister?

d'aww. You're so pretty, op.

Lets see that dick.

Its gone

Sorry, you're a man that looks like a 45 year old woman. But don't get me wrong you're still a male.

fucking disgusting

show us what you got then

So let's see what you've got now

satanic trips don't lie fam

Eww. >:(

Short of me hitting you with a bat, how do trans mtf even bleed monthly?

You look good guril

Not uncommon. Case in point: the Wachowski Sisters.

So, for real. Do they give you the option of keeping the old parts? Like, in a jar or something? When I go and get stuff done to my car I can ask them to toss the old parts into the new parts' boxes and toss them into my car so I can make sure they actually pulled and replaced the old part or figure out why it went out. Or do they do a core charge where they charge a few extra (hundred) bucks when you buy the new part and when you turn the old one in you get that extra charge back?

Let's see it

they inside out it dummy

gimmie a sec

Maybe for the penis itself, but what about the scrotum and testicles?

tossed, scrotum is used for labia



cmon faggot lets see this horrible mistake of human ingenuity so we can chuckle and say gross and close this thread

come on dude. we are all waiting.


Need timestamp

Answer this user OP!

they don't faggot you need a working uterus to do that

Oh my god

Than why is OP changin a pad?

Timestamp or its fake

Maybe it's something to do with piss? I have no idea tbh


What the actual fuck

>OP is an attention seeking faggot and hasent actually done shit to their body.

ya'll got trolled hard.

I don't have anything to write with



Period blood from your maxipad OP.
You know, from your uterus, that you totally have.

use that.

That's just what they want you to think! Right before they strike!

Nearly threw up.

Find something

its not period blood, sometimes I get a small tear from fucking and I bleed for a few days after if its rough enough. This time it was caused by a cheap dildo I got off amazon.

get studied. you two will be great for trans science understanding

Find something now!


And for that... you use a pad...

Instead of... like... underwear.. or a bandage... or just stop lying and put your cock away you jew.

Write it on your man-cunt with a sharpie.


That sounds painful

really not bad considering how compllicated the procedure is. you got good doctors

I find it more spooky that you think mutilating your genitals makes you more of a woman/female

On the upside, you're both more likely to kill yourselves and that makes me chuckle



If people actually stick their dick in that, them I'd assume they're either high, or drunk


>ITT: proof that autism is genetic

Eww... I could have gone my whole life without seeing that...

You know when something is SO realistic, you can kinda smell it, through like mental focus or something...


You know seeing things like this honestly make me wonder why something hasn't killed off the human race yet.

Lmao I know what you mean user, fucking disgusting

That doesn't look half bad, stitches look odd but that's all. I'm really surprised there's so much hate for this

why am i feeling so envious right now? oh god I want to be a girl too

Maybe you could go back to Tumblr and then kill yourself as well?

you dont even look feminine though
crying wont help
get on hrt and stop asking for sympathy


Serious question OP. What do the doctors do with the testicles.

Also, can you have an orgasm?

Master crafted.

Still looks painful as fuck.

Any post-op suicidal thoughts op?

I've seen worse but why does it look like you still have stitches? Have you done this recently?

Give it time

Welp that another point for the "nature" group.

How many years of hrt?



- OP, 2016

This. If you're not a troll go get your dna's tested or something to see if there's a 'trans' gene. Then maybe I'll have sympathy for you weirdos.

you look like an old lady


I guess being gay is genetic after all

All things considered, could be worse.
Pubes give it away, though.

IT not she, you fucking cockroach.

I would rather fuck this
than this
and I'm straight
but still op, thats just on the surface. I actually value you more than just your looks and you should too

that's not op

Why see a shrink for your problems, of course.

I'm obviously some kind of faggot because I've always wanted to be a girl, but goddamn I can't imagine actually going through with the methods available for physical modification along those lines today

call me when you can grow your own on a scaffold and have it surgically installed as a mtf, or turn your testes into ovaries for the purpose of hormone output

still, is one of the better looking post-op pussies I've seen, just there's only so much you can do with that kind of approach, it looks all fucked up and anatomically wrong

You are almost already a grill fam. You just arn't pretty enough.

Top kek. Electing Trump as President will be the final straw.

You should fuck each other and post pics + greentext.

>OP had a poor mother who ended up raising two mentally-ill idiots.

Don't jerk each other off.
