How do I stop social anxiety and how do I become fucking cool?

How do I stop social anxiety and how do I become fucking cool?


never come here again

Just practice talking to people who you have no interest talking to, then you'll get good at talking.

less self awareness, exposition and practice

Nah ur retarded for that bro

Sounds good, 15 year old pal.

>get a dog
>preferably female
>bitches love bitches with bitches

Fuck a hooker

Just fake til you are just doing it. Just act like your chill and you will just become chill. That's how I did it at least.

Wanna become the cool kid!?

>1 look good
You aint looking good? Try 2
>2 be one of those kids who dares to do anything!
You scared of shit? Try 3
>3 have sex at a young age! Girls/boys will like you!
You still a virgin? Try 4
>4 do something cool! Like what all the cool kids do!
Cant do that? Try 5
>5 either smash one of the cool kids faces and they k ow you cannot be reckond with! And ask them if you're cool! They wil say yes!
Always works! Complete garanteed 1 of these steps will work!

Be yourself faggot, that thing you call anxiety is really your true self trying to come out, and you know it inside.

alcohol does not help people who are socially anxious. It makes them (us) more prone to do stupid shit that will be regretted later, and will lead to avoiding social interaction so as to prevent more regrettable occurrences

Get a job. Force yourself to do it. Job then forces you to socially interact with other people every day. You become accustomed

Stop masturbating
Get a job
Be honest specially with you

Don't trust his advice op, he cant even spell guaranteed.

Coolness stems from confidence.
Try working out, and don't be a spaz, kid.

Lesson one: Don't ask for advice on the internet dummy.


How artistic are you? Holy fuck!

Quads of truth

As both the person who made that post and someone with severe social anxiety disorder, agreed user.


getting a job forces you to interact with all sorts of people, and makes you less nervous around "strangers"

I'm laughing harder then I should be. Reminds me of those scams

Quit Sup Forums you fucking normie

Meditate for 10 mins every morning > go out and remember that the people around you arent going to hurt you so theres no reason to be anxious around them.

How do I become chill tho? Weed?


Before, would use this when going out to bars, dancing, parties, meeting people, social events.

It works well under the circumstances that you don't consume caffeine the day leading up to it and you don't masturbate for at least 5 days prior.

L-Theanine will remove your social anxiety. You can't overdose on it, it's just a protein.

Make sure to sleep well otherwise it will make you sleepy. If you slept well, it won't make you sleepy at all.

first of all you have to get rid of all the shit you have on your computer for instance if you have awkward music and some odd images like the one you posted then maybe you have to get rid of them just like i got rid of my mom last tuesday I dumped her on the bin and she was crushed on the trash truck the truck that takes the trash and crushes them you know I'm pretty sure you know what I'm talking about without me having to explain because you have an IQ of 350 maybe the highest in the world that's what Goethe said to me when I was sleeping but now I'm very wide awake so much that when I blink I can feel the taste of my kitty cat rolling on the floor like he was retarded or something but he is not he just likes to be called Mark Guacamole I don't know why but maybe he has some form of mental illness I like blue Tic-Tacs because they remind me of my uncle Nestor when he used to undress in front of me I didn't like that he touched my inappropriate parts I called police and they arrested him for messing with me I don't understand what he was doing but has something to do with what I imagine doing with my mom before I dumped her on the trash together with all the stuff you have on your computer so that's how you get rid of your social anxiety i hope i could be of use bye

i have the same problem its like i try too hard talking too people maybe just try less man b happy w urself nobodys perfect n do what u wanna do

Fuck people
All the cool kids are the ones even society eventually deems fuckup burnouts and peaking too early.

I play guitar and draw sometimes, wouldn't really call myself artistic though


Garbage. Try just not consuming caffeine, getting good sleep, and not masturbating.




I like this. Very introspective view on it but very true.

>you can't overdose on it, it's just a protein.

Somebody think they know biochemistry. Bitch, do you even know what a precursor is? It's not even one of the 20 amino acids. It's used in the synthesis of certain non-essential amino acids.

What if your true self would lead even less people to like you though because you're as far from a normie and as big of a pervert as it gets?

You gotta train yourself out of it bruh.
You will never be free of the sperg but you can learn yourself to control it somewhat.

I would say alcohol helps, as in my case. I just become a more social creature but still say stupid shit and just end up talking about memes.

Doesn't help that I am quite aesthetic and people see my true power level.

More of her ? Instant cool points

>not masturbating will help with anxiety.

lol ok

cool aint a thing ur probs just ugly. stand up straight and stop giving a fuck.

find cool charismatic people and mimic what they do. you'll get there eventually. or not. :D

Psychedelics helped me a ton.

He is right though. Masturbation is a way of reducing stress just for a short time, it does not cut anxiety. If you stop masturbating, you're going to stop this cycle and eventually you'll be genuinely better than when you were dependent on it.

How to be cool.
1. Go back in time and stop 9/11

There is a plethora of research that shows that people who masturbate on a semi-regular basis have decreased over all stress. Not just immediate stress relief.

Now if you're someone who HAS to get down every 6 minutes, then ya. It won't help. But plenty of research has shown that polishing the sword over all improves quality of life.

But if you stop it too soon nobody will know that you've stopped it and you'll be pretty fucking uncool