Answer me this Sup Forums

Answer me this Sup Forums

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I just found it in google images I swear

2nd Poll niggas xDDDD

I'm watching you user.


I have wife and kids please don't hurt me

wtf bitch i'm white

Now take a seat and SMASH THAT MF LIKE

Now that you passed the past quizzes, answer the final one

Ayyye dats why yo MF mama liked my button whilst I smashed dat turdcutter (sucks teeth) BOW BOW BOW BOW muh nugga

Have you aswered my mf quizzes my nugga?

It's too late user, you must be cleansed I'm sorry but I have to do this.

Hell naw you ole lil bill lookin ass nugga

i do not associate with niggers

*Uses nigger power to run away*
Can catch me mah nigga

Nah but you wish you did ya fukin peckerwood


I didn't know monkeys knew how to use computers.


*shoots at you*
Nigger powers can't deflect bullets trayvon and now your nigger ass is dead.

*reflects bullets by roasting your bich ass*

Damn niggers and their witchcraft.

that's what you learn when you spend your childhood in the witchland (aka africa)