Hey /bros how do you cope with your depression or anxiety ?

hey /bros how do you cope with your depression or anxiety ?

i just kinda sit at home being emo as fuck until i absolutely have to go do something.

coming here and read about faggots like you, also drugs, video games, and drinking.


I drink and take xanax to zombie out how miserable I am and force myself out with friends. Once I get a few drinks in me I'm good. I'll text a bunch of people and we'll meet up and have a good time.

Competitive fps Video games, like CSGO and overwatch. I can get so immersed that I don't notice the pain for a while.


i mean i smoke weed and drink at least a few times a week but at this point video games have gotten less and less fun, feels more like a chore now

if you have the cash travel to Chile, if you dont, get into fight and shit, if you are to much of a faggot dedicate yourself to the art of drinking heavier, or always you can choose to belive in some weird shit that makes you feel better

Don't cope.

Don't believe that the death is the light at the end of the tunnel.
It isn't.
The bliss you think you'll get from it is one you can only feel when alive.

What helped me get over anxiety:

>Stop caring about it; if it happens, it happens.
>Don't feel guilty about doing nothing; If it makes you a lazy fuck, you'll be a happy lazy fuck.
>Make your own world; pretend you're a a villain, hero, badass, mad scientist, whatever spices life up at least a bit
>Look ahead, not down (literally)

Make your own goddamn story.
If you feel lazy, act on it.
Quit feeling sorry for yourself, but don't blame yourself either.

I love all of you
Love yoself

Git 'r dun

>overcame depression by increasing anxiety (idk how that happened it just did)
>became way more afraid of the future
>started looking for a job and took the first one I could lay my claws on
>too busy to have time to think about nasty stuff
>im ok again because i just sweep the shit under the rug and pretend that its all fine
Its all fine..rr r ight?
tl;dr just get a job and stop caring so much fam we all been there

I've had depression/anxiety for ~12 years. Various meds, counselling, coping mechanisms, etc. Nothing helps. It doesn't get better. Alcohol is the only remedy.

drinking just made me more sad idk why
eh glad i quit

what kinda job

It's gonna be okay man.

I developed anxiety after 2 years of unemployment right out of school.
Got agoraphobia, so stayed in and watched movies and played games all night,
biorhythm was fucked up.

Then I got a job at a factory.
Worked 10 hour-days and had money to spare.
I was happy, but still had anxiety.

Don't keep fighting.
Believe you've made it, because you did.
But you'll keep worrying about something if you worry about anxiety, and so keep feeling under the weather.

You're okay, user.
Embrace it.

some soul crushing data entry bullshit that got boring fast
Yes, i know
>not automating repetitive stuff

I need a job and I'm sure it's gonna endup being dishwashing since its the easiest job to get



Then I got on the vivitrol shot to quit. I was hoping to find what I was missing through sobriety. Instead I'm just getting messed up on research chemicals

>tfw did 4 aco dmt, hexen, mda, coke, weed, alcohol, xanax, and acid this weekend just because I was bored

Sniffing dope was probably way less damaging then what I'm up to now. Only 26 days left on the shot...

better than nothing. minium wage > 0$/h
And in the meantime look for something better and when they interview you just say that "i did stuff im not lazy" and employers will like you just because you don't dick around in your basement

I'm 22 and successful. I have a motorcycle and a car I'm going to school and have a high paying job plus a I'm a 8/10 /fit/. Had a girl but she was going to college far away so she broke up with me after I had bought her a ring. It sucks but after I lost the one person that I connected with spiritually and physically. Every thing that used to make me anxious disappeared after she left. I literally stop giving a fuck about having everything go perfectly. So to put it into perspective she gave me something I couldn't obtain which was freedom from being obsessive and materialistic which in turn I stopped being anxious all the time. Thank you Emily

>The bliss you think you'll get from it is one you can only feel when alive.
actually no, because the bliss i'm seeking is nothingness. with that i mean not being aware of anything, not even myself, simply not existing.

I'm a drug addict but not a total loser. Have a 3.9 in physician assistant (bs/ms), junior in college

That's only because you've lowered your standards, since you lost hope in anything better than the lack of misery.

it hurts to hear that. i haven't lost all hope though, if i did i could end myself but i can't. i just wish i could because nothingness seems so much better than all the effort i have to put in for the possibility of a slightly better future.

I kill myself atleast twice a day

Being content is a lot easier than being depressed.
Just got to break that cycle.

Slightly better is not enough.
Go for gold, go for everything you didn't dare dream of since you grew up.

There's always time; don't waste it.

Now get off your ass and back on that horse, soldier.

its makes sense since you are a fucking PUSSY

i try to fill all my time with things to do and keep myself busy, when i walk i alweays listen to music in order not to hear my thoughts and if i have still some free time left i go out and i drink until i'm not able to think anymore

You have to want to make that change. I've done alot in my life drugs, drifting cars, had a motorcycle, skydiving. But the one thing that I can say for sure is worth waking up for is a girl you love. Friends that you can tell anything to. Those night where you just room around at 3am. Life is hard but, you have to want to better yourself if you want to experience the full experience.

You can't feel nothingness when dead. If I were you, I would seriously look into Buddhism. Bunch of shit about blissful emptiness/nothingness. Also a bunch of pushy religion/way of life stuff but still pretty cool anyhow.

I donate to food banks and homeless shelters. Cans of Surströmming in particular.

Dude just set a medium term objective, whater it is, and do everything to reach it rinse and repeat, you won't be happy but you may be succeful and it gives you a reason to live

i don't want to feel it. i don't to be aware of not being aware of anything. i don't want myself to exist.
yeah, but there are things i have almost no control over. i can't get any kids, i'm dependent on meds for the rest of my life, most people think i'm a freak just for following what gives me the oppurtunity to make me happy, i don't like talking to people so finding a bf is going to be incredibly hard, let alone a bf who is willing to adopt. if you haven't guessed yet, i'm a tranny.
i am willing to do things, i am trying to but if i had a gun or another easy way out, i'd be gone.

What meds?

Look I'm the guy that posted about Emily. I was prepared to marry her. After she broke up with me I rode my motorcycle everyday wrecklessy hoping to die. I still think of going to the beach I used to hangout at and shooting myself. Gun are cheap. There are so many people on this planet searching for themselves. You are not alone in the struggle just remember that. You get one chance on those journey to make it the adventure you want it to be. I will say this, don't let the doubts and social views of people dictate what makes you happy. Ever Emily left me I've stopped caring. I live my life the way it makes me happy. You can't be happy until you love yourself

Please leave underage

Currently on lexapro 10mg and see a therapist once a week.

You know what?

Fuck you faggot. Get some professional help and don't post this shit here.

Go on. GTFO.

If you guys kill yourself please use hanging and absolutely NOT pills, this way other people can use your organs if you are donors