Does he pirate every album he reviews, Sup Forums?

Does he pirate every album he reviews, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

>browse Sup Forums for years and always just scroll past anything about fantano
>finally get curious one day and look up one of his videos
>realize this is what passes for music criticism on Sup Forums

i wouldn't be surprised
But there's so many ways to listen to albums without having to pirate them

He does seem to like vinyl so He might actually buy the majority of the albums.

He's made videos before saying he got an Apple Music subscription

What does that entail

...What do you mean "what does that entail" he has a subscription to a streaming service so he can just stream new albums when they come out and more than likely doesn't need to pirate them most of the time.

No I don't.


Who cares he's a baldheaded fuck

I dont know about every, but he does pirate.

Back in 2015, he dropped a review of Blur's Magic Whip and it confused a lot of people because the way he described the album and certain songs didn't match up with how the album and songs were. Come to find out, he downloaded a fake version that someone put together and uploaded here.

But how long would he have access to them for? Does he get unlimited listens?

Do you wear the black and yellow polo because you're a Steelers fan

Doesn't he get review copies?

He's popular enough that people will send him their music to review.


Why wouldn't he? He's the biggest music critic of this decade. The Lester Bangers of our generation.

Yes it's unlimited that's why you pay for a subscription

Are you retarded or just new to the world?

nigga are you an IRL newfag?

I think you have autism. I ask you simple questions and you get angry.

you're the one who doesn't know how streaming services work

He's probably got subscriptions for Apple Music and Tidal and Spotify, wouldn't be shocked at all if labels sent him CD's to a PO box either

He reviewed a fake leak of an album and took it down when the real one was up.

Pretty sure he does.

he probably streams it and convinces himself its not the same thing

Why allow another persons words demoralize you and manipulate your emotions and cause irrational thinking?

don't lie, you post your feelings on him every time he's posted

do you really not understand how streaming services work? what rock are you under?

He claimed a while back that he was paying for an Apple Music sub.