
Canada USA Mexico

/cum/fy posting edition

Other urls found in this thread:


first for five guys


ginger sub edition

quintessential mexican post

Cajun fries are based


Post an actual ginger next time.

split was pretty gay wouldn't recommend

bost asian qts :DDD

shut up
shut up

damn for real? what happens

when I imagine Seattle i think of 20 year liberal hipsters and stuck up/rude people, am i right?


seattle was nice the last time i went but then again i was 7

somewhat. Portland would be a better representation of that


>got asked today if I went to the women's march thing in my city that was apparently an anti-trump rally by a guy
>we're in canada
>he seems surprised I think it's silly
i don't get it?

It started out okay but then it goes full retard and stops trying to be realistic, don't wanna spoil it though. It might be worth watching for free but I don't think it was worth seeing in theaters.

wut dis mean
that's not a man


made a post and lots of people replied to it

Boxers are dank

good work

you replied to a dog throwing up to post this?

pretty sure that's the dog breed

good for you

maybe it is

rate my sinaloan gfs m8

Why are indian girls so attractive

stop toying with me

It's January and I have the window open.

Not cozy at all

meant to post this

nice filename

ok it isn't

Go to bed, Dean.

pretty gud

*wipes sweat off brow*

They aren't

also pretty gud

Go to bed, Dean.
You would know.

>be american
>go to canada to ski

the Hindu and Slavic goddesses of death, the Buddhist demon of temptation, the German and Scandinavian demons that cause nightmares and form the root of the English word nightmare, and the Roman personification of death all share the same Proto-Indo-European root "mer" which means to die

*blows you a kiss*

they still live?

what do you expected?

Boxers are dank

I honestly enjoy vintage porn and sexploitation films more than normal porn

Good post

*catches it*
*holds it tight*

And I enjoy you

vintage stuff is stylish and real

i need a gf buds

Are Latinas good at sex? I'd like to sex one

That doesn't make bestiality any more right than it is wrong

Mestiza's are

It is 2bh vintage porn is aesthetic as fuck

Tinto Brass is my hero

She looks like shes squishing her boobs closer


Flat girls are the worst.

touch my penny sack boobs

>florida has it's own flag
See you later prixies and wanks

what do bags of sand feel like?

Whatever happened to that Calgary guy?

they feel like bags of sand

the one who wanted to kill himself? he decided not to because we have an ok comic con in our city


Like you're mom last night.

Good job, fuckhead

No, the one from a couple of threads back whose flag we bantered. And glad to hear about that other guy.

Everybody need one, buddy

Think I might go get ramen tonight

no idea, wasn't here for that one

>tfw never played violin as a kid

Fiddles are better

I know this feel and it's not one of my favorites.
I blame my elementary through highschool music programs being feeder programs for the highly successful hs marching band.

>being autistic and socially conservative will be mainstream in gen z

The future is bright

Weak bait.

communism is the future

Fiddles are violins.


And yet you still took it.
Great job!

by e b ye man was ass

*jævler intensifies*

But not today?

I was taught to play piano by an old Russian woman who constantly yelled at me but it wasn't so bad. Still, I like the violin.

I got a present for the kraut

fuck off

its industrial, its art

Not after what I did to her.

Does anyone have any success stories to share regarding Upwork or other freelancing sites? I'm thinking about becoming a writer for hire on Upwork.

I know that I will probably have to start below minimum wage. I am willing to do this as long as I can work my way up as I get experience.

Blondes > brunettes > redheads

posting shit tier bait will not make it true

Yeah, good one.



Can't argue with that post.

tfw no nympho gf



why is she holding dinner?

I have a Justin Trudeau autograph