Be me

>be me
>18 yo
>i fucking hate parties
>SPECIALLY costume parties
>mostly because I think costumes are fucking retarded
>i've been invited to a costume party on saturday
>i declined from the beginning
>i told my gf about it
>she asked me if she could go
>I said yes, it's ok if she wants to
>tell her I'm not going because I hate parties (she knows this)
>she begs me to go
>starts begging more and more
>i end up accepting
>i don't have a fucking clue about those parties
>it'll be full of fucking hippies and shitbag niggerdicks
>i can't decline because she'll be mad at me

So now i have to go to a stupid fucking party and i don't know what to do, i need a costume before saturday or they won't let me in

fuck me amirite

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go as a nudist or Adam and put a leaf over your schlong. play it cool

op is a faggot

ps if you don't go your gf will be getting ALL the niggercock

found a costume for you op

get her to dress you like a drag queen then youll get to live out all those sissy fantasies

go as a whiny cunt that way you won't have to change.

oh my quads


Do I spy quints?!

Green body suit and a suit on top?

Do it faggot

It was meant to be.


Quints u Berk clearly 5 lots of 3

Quints do not lie.

Stop whining.

Dress as Hitler or isis

Just dump yourself with melted cheese and say you're Nachos

You sound incredibly anti-social. For the good of everyone, just off yourself. You're a perfect example of someone the world is better off without.

tape a note to your t-shirt that says "I'm an insufferable cunt"

such negativity, sounds like you're great at parties.

Stop being a cuck and tell her you don't want to fucking go. Jesus, you are fucking pathetic.

have her go as flo and you as that dude with the khaki pants

then everyone fucks flo

op here

niggers come on, costume parties are fucking retarded if you're over 16

but anyway, i'm just complaining because either way i'm going

Blow it off. If your girlfriend asks what happened, just say you went as a ghost.


So what are you going as then, faggot? And what short skirt slutfest costume will the gf be in?

Stop lying. that "gf" was your sister and you just having a shitfit because you don't know how to talk to a fucking stranger.

i have no fucking clue

A little out of date now, but I knew a couple who went as Jodi Arias and Travis Alexander.

Oh op you're such a whiny bitch.... You need to learn to just go with the flow. You'll have plenty of time to become master level hermit in your late 20's and avoid all social contact. I remember when I was exactly like you though. Hah. Just go and make the most of it.

The fig leaf thing is a great idea. Wear a body suit if you have too. Don't act like a cockbag either other wise your gf with pick some other dudes dick she's gonna polish while you're not paying attention or whenever she gets tired of your whiney bitchy no partying ass. Just get a DD or pay for a cab and get so effin hammered you don't care where you are if you have too. But don't go and complain the whole time and act like a bitch. That's the recipe for ruining your relationship.

OP your autism is off the charts.

Put on a fucking lobster costume, get shitfaced, and have some fun. You don't have to like anyone there.

This is day one shit bro. Fuck, do I have to do EVERYTHING for you?

i don't like getting shitfaced on those enviroments
i've never been to a costume party in my whole life
so day one shit my ass

Text your bitch right now. Find out what she's dressing as. Once you got that figured out, you can plan your shit accordingly. I'll wait.

well we're going as fucking bonnie and clyde

could've been worse
man i fucking hate costumes

Looks like you found an excuse to wear a fedora in public there champ. This chick your cousin or some shit? That's a weak ass costume. Or maybe she's paying attention to your distaste for costume parties by not having you wear a retarded Raggedy Andy gettup or something. Fuck, idk man. My best advice for you is to probably kill yourself and get out of it. was her fucking idea

>because she'll be mad at me

Grow a fucking pair and tell her no


Kill her