What level are your expectations for this album coming out tonorrow? When I heard The Castle, I thought it was okay, nothing special, but passable dream pop to me. Then they released How??? and I thought. Seriously? I hope this isn't a major song. It's the most generic, boring, dragged out dream pop. I didn't enjoy any of it at all. Then came We a Famly from the other day....dear fucking god that just destroyed nearly all of my hopes for this album. Not only was Miley Cyrus featured on it, but it just sounded awful. When it hit the auto-tune I nearly stopped it right then.
Oczy Mlody
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It leaked
it leaked m8
I expect possibly the worst flaming lips album of all time to be released tomorrow
Welp time to listen to this possible piece of shit when I get home.
I was reminded to listen to it by this thread
just dl'ed it. Listening now
Listening now and this is easily the worst thing they've ever done.
Wow this is bad. The production of some of these electronics is just so awkward and loud. Wayne's vocals are the worst they've ever sounded, the lyrics are horrible, there's no real sense of melodic playfulness or mood at all.
It's like they've tried to pair the electronics of Yoshimi with the stagnant dream pop of the Terror and it just sounds flat and bad. The bass in some of these tracks is unbearable.
huge step back from the terror but it could be worse
hated the singles when they releases but dig em now, get a really sad vibe from everything about the album. Expecting it to be either awful or good, not great.
Yeah...from the three tracks I've heard, the lyrics are abysmal. I feel like Miley had waaaay too much assistance and influence in this shit. Because I think everyone knows how extremely buddy-buddy Wayne and her are.
Sunrise (Eyes of the Young) isn't bad actually
nice throwback to soft bulletin-esque material
however I'm fairly sure the lead melody is from fucking Bad Days
I've hated each of the singles, honestly not going to bother listening to this one all the way through. This may well be their first downright bad studio release in decades.
>This may well be their first downright bad studio release in decades.
it IS their only bad studio release ever
the Flaming Lips have never made a bad studio album. Until now
it leaked
I've listened to it two or three times.
It lacks the absolute solid cohesion of The Terror. It is similar in structure though with all the songs built around certain sounds like The Terror/Peace Sword were.
The Terror was a terrifying album. This album seems to be about escapism through substance abuse, and may lack cohesiveness by design. It's definitely trippy.
TBtPR = 9/10
AWWtM = 6/10
Embryonic = 7.5/10
The Terror = 10/10
OM = ~7-8 waiting for it to sink in more
Please somebody post a link
If you hated the singles you will ABHOR this. If you like the singles you'll find it passable.
Pretty spot on. I like it, but I agree with your assessment and will probably not recommend it to anyone despite enjoying it myself.
How on earth could you rate The Terror higher than Embryonic and Yoshimi?
>This album seems to be about escapism through substance abuse
It's literally acid-addled man has a midlife crisis: the album
some of it is just irredeemable to me, man
like Do Glowy - what is that?
The Terror feels like it was meant for me. I will tell people that the Soft Bulletin and Yoshimi are their two greatest albums but personally, I can't stop listening to the Terror. I was addicted to Yoshimi for years until I heard The Terror.
Also, I like Embryonic but it's too long and I like focus in my FL albums. Embryonic feels schizophrenic.
Is anyone else really sad that we'll never get a proper follow-up to The Terror? I think it's one of the best albums The Flaming Lips have ever made and a few years ago I was really looking forward to them making an album that further explored the dark, droning, krautrocky style that The Terror has. But ever since Wayne hooked up with Miley they've been pumping out bland psychedelic/dream pop.
I'm a polish guy and this album title is in polish, but with a grammar error - it should be oczy młode (young eyes), not młody
do głowy means to/into head
Is this real
I honestly didn't think much to the Terror.
Really wish Wayne would stop now. It's the end of the road. They were an interesting group to begin with, have had a ridiculously unique career musically, hit their stride in the late 90's, and I was on board with whatever they wanted to do up until about 2014.
After 2014 it's just been a pain to be a Flaming Lips fan. Watching Wayne turn into some kind of demigod asshole, making increasingly embarrassing music.
>I was on board with whatever they wanted to do up until about 2014.
>After 2014 it's just been a pain to be a Flaming Lips fan. Watching Wayne turn into some kind of demigod asshole, making increasingly embarrassing music.
This is exactly how I feel. I really wasn't looking forward to Lipsha but I was willing to tolerate it but once Wayne hooked up with Miley he became completely insufferable and The Flaming Lips went spiraling downhill. Thanks to Wayne, they've devolved into a sad self-parody.
Jesus you're all sad
Have you ever considered the flaming lips don't care what you guys think
They're doing whatever they want and having fun
Am I the only one that's enjoying this? The electronics, bass and just general production feels very classic fl goofy sounding even if its all quite sombre.
Yeah, it's sad that we don't blindly suck Wayne's cock.
That's what I'm trying to say. I would suck his cock if I had the chance.
I'm glad they are, but I can't say the same for myself when I listen to this record.
They're no strangers to warped audio dynamics and other studio trickery, but it only works when they have a melody, or some kind of creative foundation. That's missing on a lot of extremely stagnant, boring songs here
Not looking forward to it at all. The singles were total garbage
Wayne, what are you doing on Sup Forums? Shouldn't you be fucking Miley right now?
Also if we're being honest the lyrics here are some of the worst I have ever heard.
I still think each song on here is compelling if only for the studio trickery.
Losing the old drummer is a major hit though, none of these songs have any reasonable drive whatsoever.
I don't agree. I think a lot of these songs have extremely obtrusive production without any real strong melody.
Although Wayne is mentally ill enough to carry on the Lips and keep making records, they need to get whatever is out of their system that compels them to make this kind of music fast.
>any Flaming Lips album past the early 90s
What the fuck even is Do Glowy
Honestly a fair point, I've never found Waynes songwriting fun, interesting or engaging, other than on embryonic which was effectively just a series of recorded jam sessions.
Still gonna keep it on my normie share list for woaah so trippy reactions.
It's the greatest album of all time
Plebs won't understand of course
I've listened to it a few times now, and I am absolutely certain that the lead melody from Sunrise is the same as Bad Days.
for me the Lips' songwriting has always been the most attractive thing about the band. from like 1982 all the way to around 2006 (I still liked the ideas on Embryonic).
Although my favorite lips LP is either TSB or Clouds
I kinda like it. It's a little fun.
the flaming lips has been so many bands by now. they're really just a brand with wayne coyne as the mascot
>Radiohead has been so many bands by now. they're really just a brand with wayne coyne as the mascot
this is how dumb you sound
Okay, I meant Thom Yorke
but the point still stands
king crimson has been so many bands by now. they're really just a brand with robert fripp as the mascot
bands have been so many brands ny bow. they're really just brad with david byrne as the bandscot
That user is being dumb but using Radiohead as an example is really dumb. Their lineup has never ever changed. Better examples are King Crimson, The Rolling Stones, Public Image Ltd. and Deerhunter.
Oh, I thought we was talking stylistically
God, now I do sound dumb
Kek, even the title doesn't make any sense
actually I feel like this is a pretty natural extension from The Terror, it sounds equally depressing but in a different way
depressing for the listener?
depressing for the longtime fans?
no, as in unironically depressing and bleak. I have no idea why people are calling this thing bright and silly, this album is about prescription opioid abuse
>The production of some of these electronics is just so awkward and loud.
That's been Dave Fridmann's production technique all round for the Lips since At War With the Mystics and it sucks. I actually laugh when people for some reason believe that Embryonic has good production.
As a follow on I'm about to listen to it for the first time now in FLAC using decent headphones. Let's see how good the production is this time.
difference is At War With the Mystics was a silly, fun pop album messing around with sonics.
OM is depressing because it's fucking boring
Where'd you get the flacs?
Is that a transcode? Someone posts the freqs and it looks like one.
The 90s were far from their peak years. Yoshimi and Embryonic both easily top anything during that era.
Looks fine to me
There are frequencies topping out at 16k, and there's a larger halo around 18-20k. That looks like a transcode.
>Not only was Miley Cyrus featured on it
>When it hit the auto-tune
this does't really matter
Embryonic is a fucking masterpiece, don't know what you're on about.
I'm currently on Listening to the Frogs. I second the guy who said this is more like The Terror. Really downbeat, atmospheric stuff. Yeah, some of these lyrics are pretty retarded and this isn't Wayne's best vocal work, and both of those factors hold it back from being a great FLips album.
Good music, production is ass.
it's noise rock, it's not supposed to sound clean/crisp or something.
>Flaming Lips
>noise rock
well what is it then?
Post-Psychedelic Janglegaze
Considering I only seriously enjoy their Embryonic/Terror era stuff, trying to going back to that Soft Bulletin/Yoshimi sound is losing me pretty hard, even if it does retain some Embryonic/Terror detail. Not even sure if I'll give it a listen as none of the singles have really captivated me.
What most of you guys don't seem to understand is that they're embracing this generic Miley Cyrus pop hedonism BDSM for a reason... they're swimming in the aesthetic of mainstream pop bravado, classic flaming lips psychedelia, and disgusting lack of morality that goes with commercialism. The use of diarhea brown on the album cover contrasts with the sugary magenta, get it? It's like how most "artistic" musicians are constantly using the same form of punk criticism on pop music, the flaming lips are trying something different, diving into this fairy-tale land corrupted by constant drug-fueled orgies, munchkins and pixies fucking unicorns in the ass with lollipops. That kind of thing. There's a sadness to that, I think.
I think you're giving Wayne way too much credit. For the last few years he has unironically been a hedonistic attention whore. I don't think the album is some commentary on commercialism, I think it just reflects what Wayne has devolved into.
It's not the aesthetic or concepts that I can't get into on this record, it's the tepid ass music. I don't know, maybe it's a grower.
Wayne Coyne lost all self awareness. He played a role for so long that it became his actual personality
Zaireeka>The Terror>Soft Bulletin>AWWtM>Ebryonic>Yoshimi
Not the same guy, but the depressing cohesiveness of the Terror is really great to get lost in. Yoshimi is good, but is entry-level.
I think it's reasonable to rate it higher than Embryonic. Embryonic had a tendency to ramble and lack focus. It's great, but The Terror was an amazing, depressing unit.
Honestly, I can't give them that much credit. It's just not there in the music or the lyrics. This sounds like something that that one ultra-pot head from high school---you know, the guy who acted obnoxiously like he was a throwback to Woodstock and flaunted it---would dream up and think was awesome.
>For the last few years he has unironically been a hedonistic attention whore. I don't think the album is some commentary on commercialism, I think it just reflects what Wayne has devolved into.
This is Wayne in a nutshell. He's not making a statement. He's now just a creepy old guy who started hanging with a younger girl and now he thinks he's hip to what all the kids are in to.
I quit 4 tracks in, it really sucks.
He's like a real-life Randy from The Residents.
While I agree that Wayne is experiencing a mid-life crisis, he does explain the album's concept in interviews, about everyone partying in a fairytale land, having sex on unicorns while high on a drug called "Oczy Mlody."
Just because it has a concept doesn't mean (a) it's a good concept or (b) it's executed well.
On paper, Yoshimi could've been a shittastic concept or amazing. The execution was amazing.
On paper, this album could be shitty or fantastic. Unfortunately, it's just shitty. This is the worst example of people on drugs thinking they're funny or deep or innovative, but they're just fucking spinning their tires.
>On paper, Yoshimi could've been a shittastic concept or amazing. The execution was amazing.
But Yoshimi wasn't a concept album.
I-I like it...
I like the concept thought, maybe I'm just thinking of it differently than how it's intended. Reminds me of like a fucked-up Michael Jackon-esque fantasy a la Neverland gone wrong. And I don't really like Yoshimi or Soft Bulletin that much, which is what the album apparently draws from. That's all just my opinion though. This isn't my favorite Lips album, but I wouldn't just call it shitty.
is that robert beatty album art????
One Night While Hunting for Faeries and Witches and Wizards to Kill is a fucking great song
the rest of this album is a disaster, feels like they did 75% of the work to make something great and then just phoned the rest in. it's really frustrating because so many elements of it almost work
this is like the Prometheus of music, and like that film it will probably gain a cult following of staunch defenders
It's supposed to be awkward and loud. It's supposed to sound "fucked up," like the whole "magical psychedelia gone wrong" aesthetic.
Jesus. Someone finally gets it.
yep. Wayne even explicitly said the title was (phonetically) supposed to be reminiscent of oxycodone.
I don't think this is their best by a long shot, but I really don't get the extreme backlash from people on here. I think the production is actually pretty good, but I do agree that the vocals are just off at times, and the lyrics are all over the place, admittedly not very good imo