common core thread.
what the fuck am i reading?
common core thread.
what the fuck am i reading?
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what. the. fuck. did. i. just. read.
Is this how counting is teached to children in the USA?
fuck i remember that shit, op's underage or a retard
>when something is so simple that it's hard to explain it.
That's not what I was shown in school here in Canada, but that's how I do mental calculations
I know you're all trolling...
..but in case not, math teacher here. And a parent.
My 6693 - 2573 is a completely different problem from 2002 - 1997. Kids need to learn how to deal with both efficiently. The method you'd use for the first is stupid for the second. Vice versa.
My 5 year old did 15 + 7 in her head - quickly - the other day by realizing that 7 is just 5+2. Most kids that age would have to use their fingers.
You retards seriously can't understand that? Have you never added by parts in your head before?
Like 13+26. Mentally, you add the 6 to 13 first to have 19, then add the remaining 20 to have 39.
You're just breaking the number up so its easier.
Taught, my European simpleton. Taught.
That being said, the worksheet is stupid. The things I just described don't really fit that problem. Don't blame common core and alternative problem solving strategies whenever you see a shitty worksheet.
And keep in mind most adults (including teachers) suck at basic math. So they have no idea what they're talking about...
...but that doesn't mean Common Core is bad. Just idiots implementing it.