Anyone else here genuinely hate women? I don't mean the pretend hate in order to impress your friends online...

Anyone else here genuinely hate women? I don't mean the pretend hate in order to impress your friends online. I wish I was gay so I wouldn't be distracted by hot women walking around, but it's been a decade since I've been in a relationship and I don't miss it at all. I visit an escort every so often and the rest of the time just masturbate. Anyone here in a poisonous relationship and just hang in there because you don't want to be single?

I remember my bitch ex girlfriend used to make me agree with her or else she would withhold sex. If I was a nice obedient man and agreed with her bullshit politics and SJW leanings, I would be rewarded with her body. Before you say I should have found a better woman, I think most women are like this. Basically manipulative, spoiled, jealous, hateful overgrown children. My best friend was in a loveless relationship with a half-psycho bitch (think overly attached girlfriend but not as good looking) and he confided in me that he felt nothing for her and was about to end it. Two months later she was pregnant and he decided to stay with her for the sake of the child. He told me that she was supposed to be on birth control, but it was obvious that she got pregnant on purpose and after that she churned out several more (all unexpected by him, not her) )and he is still with her.

I wouldn't say I "hate" women, but it would take a lot more than a man for me to be able to trust/be friends with them

G8 B8 M8


Unfortunately for me, it's all completely sincere.


if you stare at this human-QR code for 6 minutes and sixty six seconds you can ask it to verify an obvious connection to 5D Universe B

I just hate people in general man. Men, women, gay, trans, w/e. All the same shit.

and the chavs/gangsters, I would happily let hitler run loose on those fuckers.


Let the hate fill you. you can achieve a deep and everlasting peace from accepting hatred of all living things. Sometimes I am consumed by so much boiling anger that it fills me with a great sense of connection with the universe

Eh, I just found a girl who isn't a fucking dreadful cunt. She doesn't put out much but she's a blank canvas for me to shape. If she comes between me and me guns though bitch goin in a curb.

OP whats with the goblin in the background?

>just found a girl
>not a bitch

Pick one, either you know her very well and she's not a bitch, or you hardly know her at all and she is probably hiding her cuntishness until either month 12 or joint apartment rental (whichever comes first)

She gives you a riddle and if you get it right you get to lick her golden clam.Get it wrong and she turns you into a tree or something


Holy shit is that a Japanese nigger? Or a Thai-coon?

id still put my dick in it

i dont hate women but i've definately given up on them, and i feel like most of them hate me just for being unattractive so oh well...c'est la vie

Idk. I just spent the last 12 hours in emotional hell.
>drive to Seattle to see my gf
>park in front of her driveway
>get out and walk to the door
>key doesn't work in door lock
>peak in the huge window by the door
>see her kissing another guy in the living room
>put the present I brought with me on her doorstep
>walk slowly to my car and get in
>peel out of driveway
>start playing the drive soundtrack because it helps
>get home and just sit on my couch
>get a text
>"What did you see, baby?"
>read at 9:22pm
>start playing league for 12 hours
>silver 4 but emotionally compromised

you're ready now, it's time to switch to dota 2, you've earned it

A goblin


I'm going to give you some advice, friend. It won't be like the advice from the regular immature edgelords on here. My advice will be measured, logical and most importantly, will make you a better man. First of all, you will rise above this. She has taken the love of a good man and thrown it back in your face. You are not the loser here, she is. Keep your head held high and go down to your local soup kitchen. Heal your anger by immersing yourself in the struggle of vulnerable people and by spreading compassion and goodwill to those who need it most. Then I want you to call your parents. If they are deceased, then visit their grave. Tell them how much you love and appreciate them. Tell them they made you the good person you are today. They struggled and now you struggle, but in the end you become more than a mere man. You become a walking embodiment of the struggle of humanity against the darkness. Have you done all this? You are almost there. Strip naked and stand outdoors in the rain and scream as loud as you can. Release all those negative thoughts swirling around into the night sky as you stand before mother nature without any secrets. You are more alive now than you ever have been. Your heart cannot be broken, as your heart is your spirit as a whole. Once you have done this, put on a balaclava and drive to her apartment in the dead of night and creep into her room. Slit her throat from ear to ear and steal any valuables in the apartment. Before you leave, mess the place up so it looks like there was a robbery and bust the door lock. Drive home quietly and masturbate powerfully on the chuck of hair you tore from the bitch's head as you slaughtered her.

you a funny little failure, francis

>She has taken the love of a good man and thrown it back in your face.
>You are not the loser here, she is.
>Keep your head held high and go down to your local soup kitchen.


best advice ever

This offends me as a vegan transgender hipster Native-American-Indo-Chinese hybrid alien agnostic-atheist German engineer who vapes fairtrade organic decaffeinated compressed and hydrated extra-protein soy breast milk on the regular and does Hindi Kama Sutra naked crossfit yoga 5 times per week. I'm also a nonbinary trigender genderqueer male feminist and identify myself as a pastafarian pansexual genderfluid Apache helicopter dog of mega multi alpha beta gamma delta omega combo god of hyper death who's in a polygamous polyamorous relationship to the chihuahua which helped me cross the border of Mexico because it hates Donald Trump. My dog also walks me to the park and doggy styles me, if you find that weird you're an ignorant arrogant homophobic gender-assuming globaphobic bloodthirsty gun-loving cisgender pansexual bestial sexist racist incestuous white-previlege misogynistic biased objectified raped privileged Nazi slave owner terrorist lesbian



I love sex but I hate people.


hahahahaha yeah its time buddy

I genuinely hate all humans. The selfish bastards every fucking one of them.

You took the words right out of my mouth OP. Women today fear men like us, because we threaten their lifestyle.

Feminists are desperately trying to have escorting outlawed with laws that punish the male clients. They have to be the gatekeepers of sex. If men can pay women better looking than them, their power is lost. That's why they are trying the narrative that all women in sex work are trafficked/raped

Like you even know whats out there you basement dweller. Just found as in last tense. Its been over a year.

As far as in concerned the bunch of you Are just a bunch of scared children who had some tubby highschool girl that was the only one who didn't say no. And because the tub either dumped your ass or had an attitude your net a ass couldn't handle.

Suck it bitches.

Should've kept the present, user.

No, I don't hate them. Yes, most are fucked and manipulative in the way you described and I have nothing but disgust for that. I've realized that some time ago and ever since, I never let a woman act like that on me. I always made very clear from the beginning on that sexual satisfaction is a necessity and must not be used in such belligerent ways. It is now a dogma in my relationships that.. whenever I want sex, I am getting it or I'm OUT. THE. FUCKING. DOOR. If you let them walk all over you and if you let them determine your behavior by their sexual ways, it is YOUR FUCKING MISTAKE and what once was the silhouette of a man has turned into the shadow of a pathetic weakling under the foot of a vagina carrier seduced by the smell of PISS and FISH

Happily married to my best friend for 6 years. Get sex regularly and blowjobs whenever she's not in the mood. Between that and work, we game together to hang out.


Yea I hate women too bro, just can't stand the bullshit, have to try really hard to be nice so I can get to fuck them.. but of late I don't even want to bother.. I've had enough sex that I could die happy, but gotta reproduce, so I HAVE to prented for +1yr to pop out some cunt baby and then fuck off... idk it's hard to get motivated into a fucking tortuours relationship.. doing your own thing is fucking awesome.

For every hot asian, there's about 5 of these.

quads speaking the truth

I don't inherently hate women...but I'm forced to hate them because they hate me.

Found the woman

I love women but hate them also.

I find it is better to rent than to buy.

>mfw I got suckered into marriage.

>I always made very clear from the beginning on that sexual satisfaction is a necessity and must not be used in such belligerent ways.

Bro, I did this with my wife before we got married. She understood then and has never not satisfied me or used it as a weapon or leverage.

This right here is the key gents. They don't understand that the snake HAS to be drained regularly for most dudes to be happy.


So 5 cute asians for every hot asian?



But, I mostly have sex with chubby middled aged women. I find younger women are pain in the ass.

Also though, I find many American women have this weird insecure narcissist thing going on. They think everything is about them, but simultaneously think are powerless victims.

oh trust me, most do understand this even before the guy telling them; they just intuitively use this weak spot (if you let it be a weakness!) to get what they want.

gonna need a sauce on that pic

I don't hate females in general I just hate certain things about them. What really grinds my gears is the entitlement it's fucking too much Sup Forums, it really is. I've been with my girl for about 2 years now and my god, when she wants to be an insufferable cunt she is. She actually was this weekend she broke up with me on Saturday cause she says I've been getting distant, I told her that she's not giving me the attention I want and she's not putting out. Why don't females understand that if they take care "care" of their man then he has little reason to stray. Why is this so hard to understand? If you ladies want your relationships to last you better put out, that's just how it is.

Maybe you're an asshole that can't get a nice girl so you're stuck with psycho bitches?

You're picking the wrong women

laughed out loud in the real life

What's is a vasectomy

Sauce for the image?

You picked the wrong woman

>American women have this weird insecure narcissist thing going on
This. I genuinely hate American women for this. Still up in the air on foreign bitches.

Yeah. 21st century females are insufferable. Why do think we've all been migrating to traps?

FSET-513 Half-naked School Girls Only

So..., you don't have mother? sister? aunt?, Or you hate them all too?

She's been getting better user, I remember before I would fuck her once every 3-4 weeks and now ya like twice a week. So there's improvement. I've broken this down to her so many ways and I think she's starting to understand but I'm on my last fucking legs user. I'm starting to feel resentment towards her, the whole thing that I have to tell her to stop being a stump in bed if fucking maddening. Put some fucking effort in it you stupid vapod cunt, it's not that hard to spread your legs and keep your dude happy. This is exactly why I was ducking my ex all through out the first year of our relationship. I don't feel even remotely bad and if she stops putting out in gonna do it again.

These nice girls seem to change personality after about two months

You'd be suprised how wealthy some of us are, only true idiots presume to know other people.. of course for you to feel good about yourself you have to expect we're all fat neckbeard virgins, it's how you cope with you're own inadequacies, but alas this comment will be ignored by you, to your own detriment.

My nice girl has been good to me for almost 25 years

No idea why some men allow women to treat sex as a treat for them, its something for you both, you must be a cuck and bad at sex you are the only one in the relationship who wants it.

Why is pic related no longer socially acceptable? I genuinely believe that women sometimes need a physical reminder to stop being massive cunts. Trying to talk to and reason with them simply doesn't work, they're too irrational.

>Random Teens Fucking Site

You're picking the wrong women

Just man handle her, scare some sense into her.

> If I was a nice obedient man and agreed with her bullshit politics and SJW leanings, I would be rewarded with her body

I had an ex-gf a bit like that. Although I fully agree with her feminist view point. I always did what she asked and we fucked every single night and quite a few times during the day. She was quite happy to fuck when she was bleeding. The dried blood splattered all over my cock looked like she had branded me - it just washed off in the shower.

It was an unspoken agreement - I gave her help and she gave me sex. I guess you could describe her as a prostitute.

Sadly after nearly four years we broke up. She really wanted kids and she claimed I wasn't fertile. I certainly miss her body but I don't really miss her demands.

Women that don't need this occasional reminder are certainly in the minority. I'm not even convinced that they actually exist, some just hide it better than others.

It's not that they don't want it. They can use it to control the man as it's always up to them whether it happens not. They will accrue money, power, possessions by withholding it.

This attitude is why you never meet decent women

>ITT: basement-dwelling virgins give relationship advice

i just thought it was because we're faggots

You'd be suprised how wealthy some of us are, only true idiots presume to know other people.. of course for you to feel good about yourself you have to expect we're all fat neckbeard virgins, it's how you cope with you're own inadequacies, but alas this comment will be ignored by you, to your own detriment.


OP. I'm not going to sugar coat this. Your woman's issues were literally your fault because you let her get away with it. If you'd been a real man and doubled down and stood by your ideals rather than letting her walk all over you then she'd have probably fallen in line. I've had girls try to pull the whole "if you don't agree with me/do what I say then I'll withhold sex" on me before.

Here's how you counter that: You say "If that's how you want to play it..." and then immediately fap. You can go into another room or you can be a master and just whip your dick out and start fapping right there and then.
The whole point is to show your girl that you aren't there for their pussy, you are there for them and they just happen to get dick from you every once in a while when you feel like it.

Also if you couldn't be platonic friends with a girl then you shouldn't date them.

The most annoying thing on Sup Forums nowadays are all the fucking stupid assholes falling for copypasta. It's like Sup Forums has been invaded by stupid underage b& faggots who can't even detect the most basic forms of irony/sarcasm.
Thanks alot, people who put Sup Forums out in the open every time they has the opportunity.

GTFO newfag



no, but i'm starting to

The most annoying thing on Sup Forums nowadays are all the fucking stupid assholes falling for copypasta. It's like Sup Forums has been invaded by stupid underage b& faggots who can't even detect the most basic forms of irony/sarcasm.
Thanks alot, people who put Sup Forums out in the open every time they has the opportunity.

She was a totally different person and then transformed. I understand you can't give in, that relationship ended but the hassle of trying to find a girl that's not a complete succubus is time consuming, I'd rather just pay for sex. At least that way I don't have to have her try to make me do gay shit like watch True Blood or go to couples activities with crusty hispter sjw fag couples she knows from her work. Or the talk about having kids.


They're all deceiving and bitches in their own way, but there are decent ones out there. My first gf was definitely marriage material, I just got tired of her immaturity and was not attracted to her anymore after she gai ned a couple lbs. If shes easy to get and flirt with, she is probably a sloot and should not be treated differently. The good girls are the ones you have to look for and actually try to get.

Case in point, men like OP should stick to casual sex only relationships. If you think you are actually ready to date, any red flags usually come out within a month of knowing a girl. If she 'surprisingly' becomes a cunt, its because your dumbass didnt see the signs.

>wants to stay at home all day, play with daughter, and live off husband's income
women are so fucking dumb

I work in finance and accounting services and I have to say that the fact that a woman can financially destroy you scares me a lot more than doing something like withhold sex.

We have a lot of divorced clients who suffer or have suffered tremendously after a divorce where they're taken to the cleaners and still have to pay considerable amounts years later.

I honestly don't see the appeal of marriage given what I've seen others go through, but I'm sure that could change if I found 'the right one'.

Or you could just move on and find someone better


Well, after a few bad women, I just got more comfortable being single and paying for sex. I get to keep my money and have a more peaceful life.

What do their butts smell like?

Dude, I'm not going to rag on you for dumping her. I've had bitches change their whole persona six months in and think they were being cute about the whole thing. I had an outdoorsy girl turn full "I'm an otherkin" and start talking about how she was literally a wolf, trapped inside a sentient tree who thought she was a girl. I can't even make this shit up, I just dumped her ass and left it up to the blind will of the universe to take care of.

I'm not saying to put up with crazy bitches, I'm just saying to not put all women in the same crazy deceptive basket. Some of them are just bros in disguise.

If you pick the right person marriage is great if you don't it's a nightmare

Radiation and regret

Something is wrong with this world when it costs less to regularly visit a whore than to have a gf/wife.

Honestly it's about the wife/gf you choose. The right one will actually help you to become wealthier.