Any medi fags here?

Any medi fags here?
Whats wrong with my dick?

Other urls found in this thread:

You got cancer.

what the fuck, your mushroom is decaying

This is what happens when the head of the penis comes in contact with the freshly cut foreskin. It is called a skin bridge. This usually doesn't happen, it is usually because parents are ignorant and don't follow things doctors say or notice that their child's penis looks odd.

What isn't wrong with it?

Yep, still summer

cut it off

so can it be fixed?

You've had that for years
It's probably not even yours
It's a fucked up circumcision
This thread is bait, maily around mutilated dicks or anteater dicks

you have an hentai looking dick, top lel

stop making this thread. the guy that posted this thread originally has fucked off and you have nothing to gain from making this thread again except for pic related.
> sage


you in da matrix nigga

It's an alien

You were aggressively circumcised and ended up with skin bridges.

Look into foreskin restoration followed by corrections to your glans done surgically.

Sure you're awake bro?

Summer doesn't end on August 31st dumbass

>Whats wrong with my dick?


A course of steroid cream will cure the problem (make it look "normal").

Deja Vu.

Stifle from Stifle and Ollie Show.

Its just having trouble growing, cut those little pieces of skin holding it back. Yw ;P

What good a hand if you are unable to fap


ive just been to this place before
higher on the street

Oh god here come the foreskin nuts that are fucking obsessed with foreskins and will tell you ways to "undo the damage" the doctors did to your dick. Circumcised penises look better to girls, get over it, just because you are bitter than your parents cut your dick doesn't mean you have to annoy the rest of us with your dick activism.


top kek

You dick is a zombie.

it's voldemort

Got that too. Looks different.


>Not focusing on human rights
>Not knowing thinking cut is better is such an American and Jewish deal.
>Thinking it has real medical benefits in any non piss poor shit tier 3rd world country.

Kill yourself.


it is telling you to start the reactor faggot

Your foreskin is separating from your little head.. should happened at 2-5 age.. go see a doctor, He will help you to make it more Quick And painless.. And terryfying


yeah those are skin bridges ,i had then too when i was doesnt need surgery however you have put hot water on it and slowly peel/rip it apart. afterwards just let it heel for a couple days. dont try to all at once if its too much for you, you can do it over several days bit by bit. just make sure your not in too much pain .

I just use mine at a keychain when I go swimming

you have AIDS faggot, now quit fucking guys and kill yourself.

it looks like supreme leader snoke


youre no smoothskin

>Circumcised penises look better to girls

1) Only if they're used to them.
2) You think it's a good idea to cut a piece off your dick so females will think it looks better?

Free keychain bitches!


I had something similar (but not NEARLY as extreme) happen to me. It went away when I started masturbating. The foreskin that was left over kinda fused to the head a bit.

Keep my leatherman handy.. really anything...

> tfw you mutilate your dick thanks to an outdated Jewish custom and now it looks like your cock melted

Poor circumcision

jewish/mudslime ritual gone wrong.
so simple so rejected

Someone hot-glued your knob crookedly


I mean repressed
(english not my thing)

literally came here to post this. damn you



Best part, if i'm tied up doing other things, I can still jot down notes

Keep pulling it's not going to get any longer

You call that a dick?

>implying his parents didn't do it to him while he was a babby
>implying they followed up with proper care for it afterwards, probably due to the fact they thought it was pedo behaviour to look after their kids genitals properly.

Do you have a piercing or something?

This is what happens when you defile your perfect nature-given organ with Jewish blood rituals.

I'm just a attention whoring faggot


Naw, just skin bridges man... didnt you see the note?

What an abomination, I was born in a 3rd world country and they did a better job that that. What in the fuck man

lol @ your circumcision you jewdick
intact european cock reporting in


It seems like it's just some skin that's causing the problem. So, yes, it can very likely be fixed with a simple operation. Just ask your usual practician, he will be able to give you directions.

Keychain guy here. I was going to get mine removed. But I'm married, wife doesnt care.. so no point really.

Medically speaking? You have monstrous parents.

that's, apart from being bizzare shamefull turd, is a really short cock, isn't it mate?


What did they change?

Looks like a bad circumcision.

>how to get 24hr ban on Sup Forums

Fuck, beat me to it

>medi fags

fag the fags?

fag dis thred?


I wonder how much my keychain dick can hold. Im bored alone in a hotel right now. Fuckin a man.

>a lot

It's circumcised.