Why are niggers so incomprehensible? why can't they speak normally?

why are niggers so incomprehensible? why can't they speak normally?

you know what he meant tho. I'm white but can't stand when other whites pretend they don't understand simple shit.

That's hardly being racist 'on the low', that's screaming it from the rooftops!

This is a classic example of siding with eloquence over right, the garbled text speak guy is the one who is correct but til he starts writing properly, he'll be ignored over smooth talking cunts.

Didn't you hear it's against the civil rights laws to correct a nigger's grammar now?

Retard level IQ was 85 prior to desegregation. Most niggers score 60. Interestingly enough, dogs also score 60, but they are loyal much more often.

>this is what you actually believe

2/10 for making me reply kek


Worst part is you shut ins think this shit is true.


I see bait is the new exit strategy