Singapore tops latest OECD PISA global education survey, Japan, Estonia...

Singapore tops latest OECD PISA global education survey, Japan, Estonia, Finland & Canada are the 4 highest performing OECD countries

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i know you like making these threads about data

pisa is a meme

just because east asians can remember the first 100000 digits of pi, doesn't mean they'll win Nobel prizes and go to Mars.

PISA is not about memorization see:
please inform yourself before commenting.
And what do you have against east asians? there are other countries that perform very well and are not "chinese"

Oh and by the way, this is a typical knee jerk reaction from Anglo countries, Western countries, and especially English-speaking ones have a lot of stereotypes about East Asians countries, they think they are not "creative" that they are "cold" see OECD Secretary General Ángel Gurría Treviño here:
and OECD Director for Education and Skills Andreas Schleicher here:





Better luck last time,Norway,United states,austria,france,sweden,czech republic,spain,latvia,russia,itally,hungary,lithuania,croatia,iceland,israel,malta,slovakia,greece,chile,bulgaria,uruguay,romania,moldova,turkey,albania

And also, in the science framework for PISA 2015, it differenciated between "content knowledge" that is physics, chemistry, biology etc., knowledge about science facts and theories and "procedural and epistemic knowledge" which is good knowledge on the ability to think like a scientist, to understand the underlying explanation for how such facts are produced. And some countries perform better on one of the science subscales, an extreme case would be Taiwan, that performs way better in content knowledge than in procedural and epistemic knowledge, and some people says, again especially Anglos, oh well surprise surprise of course those chinks are gonna be at the top of such tests because East Asians are pretty good at just reproducing facts but they are weaker on the ability to think like a scientist, but data doesn't support those claims for example Singapore does pretty good on content knowledge (in fact better than the rest of the participating countries/economies in PISA 2015) but it performs way better on procedural and epistemic knowledge

Fuck off m8

>below Finland, again
>below the UK and Germany
>even below the Slavic countries of Slovenia and Estonia

We have a fucking culture of mediocrity here nowadays.

in 2012, besides the tree main areas of assesment, the OECD also had financial literacy and creative problem solving as optional minor domains, and East Asians countries Korea and Japan actually performed better than expected in creative problem solving (as predicted from their 2012 reading, mathematics and science PISA scores) but also East Asian Shanghai performed worse than predicted

Is it just me or is this Mexican guy constantly making the same thread? Is the data posted here the same every time i can't be bothered to read all of this.


Why is it ordered only by science? It makes Kiwis look better than us.

Finnish boys are bringing down our mathematics scores.

he has been doing this for years now, sometimes he just changes topic but it's always an image dump of data

he and the mexico is white guy are probably the only recognizable mexicans on this site

learn to read you fucking nigger

