Daily Most Enjoyable Berserk Thread

Daily Most Enjoyable Berserk Thread.

Come one, come all, and come read a few chapters with us.
It's not porn, but it's still pretty good.


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Links to read Berserk online:

Links to Berserk torrent:

It's a manga that's been running for 20+ years now, and it's pretty incredible. One of the things that's most interesting about it, is that the author has basically reinvented himself in his style several times throughout the series, while still keeping it true to its roots. During the first 10 volumes (referred to collectively as the "Golden Age" arc), it's basically gritty 80s style manga of purely dark medieval warfare, becoming borderlined historical fiction. but in volumes 11-12+ literally hell opens up and pours itself onto earth evil dead style but in a completely serious manner. Over the next ~5 volumes you have every bit of bad in his world corrupted and risen to full blown demonic rape-fests; corrupt priests burning everyone at the stake, packs of roving goblins kidnapping women, raping and impregnating them to make more monsters, an evil god-emporer who tries to take over the world etc. It then turns into a traditional swords/sorcery fantasy where Guts assembles a team of rag-tag heroes to destroy the five God Hands of hell, one of whom was his best friend and rival during the Golden Age.





Hey guys! What's up?

Hey Zer0!

Not much, been watching more GitS which has been sublime as expected. Also released Illya.






Hey 911, what's new?



Not a lot, playing more Rebel Galaxy. Tried to install a mod but it didn't do what it was supposed to so whatever.

What was it supposed to do?


Make a certain thing not take up an equip slot, but it didn't work as intended (the thing simply disappeared from the game)


End of Chapter 235

I guess in a sense it kind of worked, can't fault the devs too much.

Onto 236


Considering that there aren't really any official mod tools for the game, and not too many mods, you really can't complain too much.

Jesus post eclipse Griffiths eyes are fucking SPOOKY.

Is this a thing where we slowly change the subject and give reasons to not complain about things it's okay to complain about?

Forgive me for the ClickHole link,




Not much, just reading random shit again to pass time. Seems like I forgot to watch newest Amaama which is strange because I was almost certain I did but apparently I didn't so gonna go watch that in a bit. Not a whole lot else though, you?


The usual, did some subbing, watched some more GitS.

By the way, what're you looking forward to next season?








Drifters I suppose? Was reading & enjoying the manga and hope the anime is as good. Probably just gonna pick up a bunch of stuff and see if they're decent as usual though.


No, it's not.

I was thinking of watching Drifters as well. Had planned to read it, but never happened.
Think I'm planning on watching 12 or 13 as of now, didn't know how many shows I knew were airing until I checked.


End of Chapter 236 and end of dump for tonight

Right, then.

It could've happened.

Could have, but no more.

I saw the 90s show a while back, currently enjoying the new series as much as I can because of the egregious CG. Is it even worth it to start the manga? Are there still a multitude of hiatuses that keep the story not progressing as fast as it should?

I always recommend the manga, I believe it's better than the 1997 anime, the 2016 one, and the movies. Definitely never too late to start on it, doesn't take too long to get caught up, and it's worth it.
There have been periods of long hiatuses, and there will likely be a few more in the future. As of now, we've been on a stead one chapter per month release schedule for a while now.
Hopefully that'll keep up.