If you think quips are easy

You have 30 seconds to invent JUST ONE QUIP that is worthy of a Marvel film. I'll even let you make up the situation and it can be as implausible as you want (i.e. would never appear in a movie) but it has to be Avengers characters talking to each other.

Other urls found in this thread:



'For you'

>hero and villain fighting in the sea
>giant whale eats villain up

Vision: The one they call Thanos will bring about destruction till the end of infinity. War is coming.
Spiderman: Uh - that doesn't sound so good.

Audience looses their shit


Wow did you already read the script

>Captain America jumps in front of Ultron


Enough with the prattle, let's battle

>Sherlock: This woman was murdered.
>Watson: No shit, Sherlock.

How you like dem apples

Stark: Hey Thor does that armor protect your lower spine and tailbone?

Thor: I'm not sure I can't see that-

Stark: Looks like it doesn't come with an ASGARD HAHAHAHA


>Scarjo does something cool

'By the way: girls rule, boys drool!'

>everyone's got a gimmick now

was watching civil war last night and when bucky said it i burst into uncontrollable laughter

you're terminated, fucker

did you just throw a frisbee at me?

I think you're misunderstanding how they're written.

Here's how you write a quip:

1. Write the film
2. Go back through it and have your characters constantly flirt with the fourth wall by commenting on/joking about currently unfolding events

It's a kind of cowardice in writing; a fear of letting a moment be serious in case a viewer undermines it with their own thought process. It's the equivalent of mocking yourself so others don't get a chance to.

jesus what the fuck why is his skull so long

Nice shooting, son. What's your name?

That one always crack me up


>It's a kind of cowardice in writing; a fear of letting a moment be serious in case a viewer undermines it with their own thought process. It's the equivalent of mocking yourself so others don't get a chance to.

This is true, applies to so many shows and capeshit really. And the average Sup Forums post actually about real opinions actually

because he's balding

Scarjo: Wow your is so hard.
Ironman: That is not the only thing that is hard. My penis is also hard.

>Spider-Man hits bad guy with a lamp
>looks like it's.....lights out for you

>3rd Thor film
>Iron man cameo at ACDC concert.
>axle rose asks if we're ready to ragnaROCK

thank you for posting this, seriously. hopefully a few people will pull their heads out of their asses, grow up, and see how worthless all this superhero crap is

>Punisher fries enemy with Flamethrower
>Well that takes care of the cremation

You're a big Marvel

>Falcon: Iron Man? More like iron can, am i right?
>Iron Man: Tell this to my iron fist
>Iron Fist: Did someone call me?


Iron man flicks on the light and says "Let there be light"
every1 laughs

A billionaire play boy philanthropist in a war zone... And no suit of armour to compensate for it.

What's the difference between a quip and a one liner?

One Liners seem to come after the action (like a Bond pun after he kills someone)
Where as a quip happens during the action to basically fill up time

Falcon said it. Why was that funny?

>"did you just throw a ginormous frisbee at me? the fuck..."
>"im supposed to be a spider, not a dog"

Tony and Vision are talking, Wanda is out-of-focus in the background

Tony: How's existence treating you anyway? You happy to be alive yet?

Vision: While I must say I've become rather taken with some of the more idiosyncratic elements of humanity...

Switch focus to Wanda who is stood holding a coffee pot

Wanda: Vision did you forget to change the filter again?

Focus switches back

Vision: ...I remain conflicted.

Is this a thread that Joss created just because he got lazy writting the next avengers movie?

It's a cynical self referential quip used to defuse any criticism of the innate stupidness of the scene (ha ha we know it's stupid guys ! Don't worry)

>Hawkeye releases an arrow into someones eye

seems like it. jfc and people laugh and pay to see this shit

it's the same shit idiot.

Quips are more snarky, one liners are more sincere.

Joss has a cameo in the next generic capeshit in which he pisses all over Birdman
>WELL... I guess he weed on you

a CIA plane shoots down iron man


*stan lee farts*
I guess now I'm the one who STANK

What did he mean by this? wandas thighs?

>Ironman is trying to ride a CGI dinosaur for some reason
>how the hell do you work this thing?
>ok boy go!
>let's go now!
>gee no wonder you guys went extinct
>dinosaur gives him an angry look
>woah easy buddy we're on the same side
>and I thought Hulk was scary

>Iron Man and Daredevil arguing
IM: Now, see, you're looking at it all wrong. I can't believe I said that, I'm sorry.
DD: It's cool. Happens all the time.
IM: I look like such an idiot.
IM: I'm actually done now.

This Jesus Christ.

dinosaur starts trying to shake stark off

Fuckan shit too close man, too close.

they insist on using this formula for IM every fucking marvel film he's in

jfc. are you whedon?



Is Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor one of the top 5 castings of all time? She was literally perfect and others who have tried to fill the role have failed miserably.


Iron Man: Spiderman your web looks like cum!
Hawkeye: He didn't ask for your favorite drink!
/everyone laughs

>peter fighting falcon
>oh bad phrasing, I'm not actually a police officer or in the police academy
>and I wouldn't ever consider shooting you because you're black
>all I have to shoot are webs anyway
>hehe wings up don't shoot right?
>why did I get stuck chasing Falcon? I really do hate my parker luck--- WAIT, I mean smith luck, no, eisenberg luck?

>Iron Man to cap, during an argument: "What's your superpower anyway?"
>Spiderman:"America, duh"

Thanos: you are all insects to me
Spiderman: thats not a nice thing to say
Antman: what he said

i can actually hear it already

The only problem I have with the Spiderman/Falcon scene is how the fuck is Vulture supposed to be taken seriously as a threat when Spiderman already effortlessly toyed with Falcon. They are essentially the same, except Falcons wingsuit can actually do things other than make him fly, and he's a trained soldier with combat experience. Vulture is just an old guy in a suit that lets him fly and fight/take hits like he's not 100 years old

>Black Widow: You learn to live with it

> *ant man grows to giant man*

> Tony stark looks at him with jealousy

> Spiderman ; "Hes a big guy..."

> Tony stark begins to become visibly agitated

> Spiderman turns to face him

> "...For you"

> *Platform shoeing intensifies*

>30 seconds? I could get more joy from that than my ex wife!
>"You have 30 seconds" jeez, what is this, (insert random game show name)?

generic shit


this will happen
screenshot this

>Avengers all go visit hawkeye's ranch
>we see Hawkeye's wife with the new baby in her arms
>the baby's black
>Stark: "Looks like you really hit the bull's eye there, Clint"

Spiderman: spiders are no insects

You don't have to shoehorn this into everything.

Iron man: I hate niggers
Black Panther: What he say

>Spidey: "Uhh, Arachnid, duhh?"


>everyone laughs

Ant Man loses his power to go giant
>Hey Ant Man go giant!

hahahaha omg XD spidey is so random and I know who he is bc I'm such a nerd. That is SO me!


get rekt faggot

Not really.
One liner can also be used to only sound cool.

Iron Man: He's getting away!
Spider-Man: let me STICK it to them!!!
*shoots web*

Tony: You got a lot more faith in people than I do.

Captain America: No, Tony. I have hope, and that's worth fighting for.

Ant-Man: Yeah I saw that bumper sticker too.

Wrong thread nigger. But I'd like to know where you meant to post. I'm always game for Batman/Superman fight threads.


Only you can perform these wonders and Marvel's™ Daredevil™!

>Hero throws a bad guy through a door
>"What happened to that guy?
>"I showed him the door"

>Silver Surfer tries to open a heavy door but is too weak
>Iron Man: alloy me

Justice League movie
Deadshot: Ayo, why you guys so dark and brooding, ya'll need to lighten up (pulls face at the camera)
Zack Snyder cameo: Dark? This isn't dark, you didn't even get raped in prison

The crap in this thread makes me want to commit suicide

then do it already faggot

I can actually imagine him saying that.

>Avengers sitting around somberly
>Iron Man walks in
>"Why are you guys so miserable, somebody die?"
>In memory of Stan Lee

>Random New Hero is added to the roster to get them cameo bucks
>After seeing Black Widow do something for the first time

Random Hero: Perhaps I have misjudged you, Miss Romanov.

Black Widow: *shrugs one shoulder, trying way too hard to look casual* Well, you know. Books. Covers. *does a flip and kicks a bad guy in the chest and lands in a pose*

Random Hero: *turns to Hawk Eye* Iiiiiiii LIKE her.

There, I've even used Whedon's obnoxious, arbitrary shortening of sentences.


Black Panther walks up to Falcon, War Machine, and Mordo having a conversation whilst Iron Man and Captain America are discussing something in the background.

Falcon: Hey Panther, who is your master?
BP: Excuse me?
War Machine: You're some white guy's sidekick right?
BP: No, I am a King. I serve no man.
Mordo: Oh shiiiiet.

Iron Man and Captain America share a worried glance.

Iron Man: Ruh roh shaggy.

>Tony Stark to Coulson
- "I thought you were dead"
- "Nope"

>You shouldn't have brought a man-hole cover to a gunfight, Cap
>Hey, I know we're at war here but please, lets try and keep things civil

Spider-Man: So Mr. Stark, did you travel through time?
Tony: What?
SM: You know. For the future of mankind.

Not bad.

Ahnold get out.