I'm a Muslim ask me anything

I'm a Muslim ask me anything.

Don't forget Muslims don't need to pray all day everyday to be Muslim. The same way as Christians don't need to be in church 24/7 to be Christian.

I will answer to trolls within reason.

Let's try to avoid buzzword questions/statements. They don't bring the conversation anywhere interesting.

what good reasons do you have to believe what you believe?

also, why do you keep making this thread? it always turns to shit anyway.

Why do you let a book written by primitive goat fuckers over a thousand years ago dictate how you live your life?

Most of the time there are really interesting questions. If I sift through the anons trying to troll, some people are very insightful. I also make this thread on Sup Forums because people are open to ask anything here, its one of the only true places where people are anonymous.

Why Islam?

In general Abrahamic religions have a very interesting perspective on the struggle with the inner self. It states that humans have inert desires, these being detrimental (evil), in opposition it is our duty to do the hard thing and no succumb to these desires. To fight against these desires and urges to do the right things.

In day to day life. Immediate pleasures are easy to come by, however they are temporary and often leave you with more emptiness than well-being. Long term achievements and struggles are those you will be proud of, things that will bring you fulfillment. This is amplified in the Q'ran compared to the Torah and Bible, this is the concept of jihad.

Muslims then believe that the most important thing one can do in his life is the liberation of the mind from the body. To free your spirit from these worldly acts, to understand the potential of the human as a thinking being and not just a vessel moving through time.

Many other religions in the East address these issues as well. Jainism is very interesting and I have studied it. It is actually very similar to fundamental Sufi Islam.

They are not reasonable to follow in modern society, or in any society. They are idealized structured philosophies. Beautiful and I wish we could all be this pure, but the world is not so.

I can keep going. But if you have specific questions that would be useful.

The Q'ran was written by Mohammed's disciples and wife. He only spoke the Q'ran onto them.

Don't you think there might be some good in a book that has thousands of years of trial and error? I think there are many tools that religion can provide to lead a happier and more fruitful life.

During Ramadan do you abstain from sex as well?

Have you ever had bacon?

What sort of evidence would you accept that your religion isn't true? (Not being edgy, just curious as to what would make you lose faith)

What is Eid?

Well, I mostly agree with what you are saying, but none of that justifies any belief in some supernatural entity and such. You can simply acknowledge that humans are flawed and try to overcome it without the need for any sky wizard.

So I guess that didn't really answer my question. While I agree that humans have detrimental tendencies etc, none of that seems to be solved (to me) by making up invisible deities and claiming "X and Y are what god(s) wants and if you don't do it you'll be punished forever".

When you decide to self detonate to get your virgins, could you not do it around me?

fuck the usa
fuck the troops
fuck veterans

Hi, muslim here, pic related, what I think of the USA

what happen if a muslim comes out as being gay

pic related, real men defeating amerikas twink army for decades.

dude seriously, no booze, how do you people live?

i mean if you all could just have some drinks maybe you could calm the fuck down and stop blowing shit up

lol, dead faggot troops. Had it coming messing with real muslim men.

Why align yourself with a dirty sand nigger religion?

where will you do the suicide bombing?


Only at night. Sex is not permitted during the day.

No, I have not had bacon. I have had porc by accident in China.

I really don't know. Perhaps, the complete understanding of the human mind. Kind of like how we have mapped the genome. If we map the brain and then understand all of its functions. It might push me to adopt neuro-based solutions for what religion provides me today.

Eid, just means a day of feast. There are multiple of these during the year. The most important one is the last day of Ramadan.

You are taking a very structured Christian understanding of God. God is not a sky wizard. Christians misunderstood these parts of the Torah and simplified them. As was told onto Moses, and which is written in the Torah, the Bible and the Q'ran. God is as he is, he is everything that is, has been and is not. Some Christians have misinterpreted this. However, it is all encompassing and should be all encompassing. A Jewish philosopher said that once you start to define God you have already placed too many boundaries onto the entirety of that which God is.

Won't happen. So don't worry.

This thread was posted on Sup Forums like a week ago. SHILL. Saged


Depends on the country, his society and his family's values. It's different for each person.

Alcohol causes a lot of harm in a society. What good is there in becoming a lesser version of yourself by drinking poison?

Refer to: No where.

is taqqyah stuff real?

I assure you it was not. I always post the thread on Sup Forums. I do not go on Sup Forums, those people are beyond reason.

The Qu'ran is mainly filled with statements on how great Allah is and how terrible the unbelievers are and how badly they will be punished and how you will all point and laugh and openly mock them in the afterlife.

Though there may be spiritual elements mixed in, (I imagine that's mainly in your hadiths if you're a sufi) it's not as if you need a religion to be spiritual.

hes comes out gay in whatever civilized place you can think of but is surrounded in a Muslim society

this time dont bounce the question and dont lie

Are you suggesting Mohammed wasn't a goatfucker?

All religions can provide comfort to people who didn't luck out in the great lottery of life, so there's always some value in that. I get why people believe this shit, because their lives are miserable, so religion is their only hope. But that's not enough to justify all the evil shit (organized) religion has brought down on humanity. It's all just means to control and abuse people who fall for this scheme. I'm pretty sure if those Mohammed or Jesus dudes existed, they never imagined how much pain and suffering organizations they basically founded would inflict on the world.

How do you feel about your profit forcing a marriage with a 6 year old girl, and then raping the piss and shit out of her.

Why do you fuck goats?

Are you a moderate Muslim? If so, how do you define Jihad?

Muhammad was a faggot.

dirty sandnigger

This question usually comes up and it's simply based on misinformation.

Taqiya is the forgiveness of God onto an individual if he sins when his life or freedom is at risk. For example, if I am imprisoned and the only available food is pork, then it would be permitted for me to eat it. According to Taaqiya, not eating the pork and committing suicide as a result would be a sin and not forgiven by God.

Taaqiya can only be used when there is a risk. It cannot be used to spread misinformation about God or Islam. That is always a sin and is stated in the Q'ran as so. Consider this, if I lie and you start following my false teachings, then you will be following a false deity. That is a sin for you, and a sin for me to encourage the worshiping of false deities.


Please answer.

He was a pedophile. Muhammad was just an angry bitter faggot.

How is it the religion of peace if it's founded in war. By which I mean isn't it kinda convenient how Muhammad upon convincing enough followers in Medina and mecca goes on the warpath that eventually leads to an empire stretching from Spain to Persia with even farther reaching influence.

>im a muslim
>goes to Sup Forums
>posts porn
>prays to allah


you aint a real muslim fcking wannabe cuck.

It's a bunch of bullshit.

Religion of dumb ass faggot fucks.

As a Muslim, have you come the the realization yet that Islamic theocracies are just as bad of an idea now as christian theocracies were a thousand years ago during the dark ages? ...Actually Islamic theocracies are worse for no other reason than access to significantly more powerful modern weapons. But we can set that point aside for now.

If seeing porn precluded you from being your religion of choice, no one would be anything. Porn trumps everything. It's probably why the concept of forgiveness was even invented.

It's Quran you dumb fuck.

>In general Abrahamic religions have a very interesting perspective on the struggle with the inner self. It states that humans have inert desires, these being detrimental (evil), in opposition it is our duty to do the hard thing and no succumb to these desires. To fight against these desires and urges to do the right things.

When you die though you get 72 virgins to rape repeatedly as they regrow their hymens and trees that grow infinite fruit to feast on so you can wallow in hedonism at the fulfillment of those inert desires you just bashed. Wasn't that your concept of heaven? Doesn't that make you a giant tool who doesn't actually believe any of what he is saying, but is being controlled?

Muhammad made a mistake. If you follow Islam and you die you're meet by 72 niggers to rape the shit out of you. Because you're an afterlife virgin.

sunni or shia?

I agree, religion is not necessary for spirituality. Religion incorporates spirituality and much more. Religions are like a chiseled and tested version of what an individual might construed as his spirituality.

It depends. In Morocco, homosexuality is a taboo issue. It is accepted in private. However, it is outlawed in public.

In Turkey, Malaysia and Indonesia it is accepted openly.

In Iran it is entirely outlawed.

In North American Muslim families it is usually taboo but accepted.

It depends. All people are different.

Is the pope's life miserable? There is a lot of good that can be learned and had from religion. It is a great source of knowledge about things that science has yet to understand about the mind and wellbeing.
There is no age stated in the Q'ran as to when they consummated the marriage. Most scholars believe it to be between 9 and 13 years old. Who knows. All that we are certain is that she had gone through puberty.

I am not moderate. I am a serious practitioner of Islam in its fundamental form. The fundamental form is not what the word has been perverted to mean. It is the root of what Islam is. Islam is the jihad of an individual against his inner self. And much more. Moreover, it is the adherence of an individual to the five pillars of Islam and the Ten Commandments as told in the Q'ran. These are useful guidelines, some that we can benefit from.

Jihad is an internal struggle. The word jihad appears in the Q'ran more often pertaining to the internal struggle than for the external struggle. It is also stated that the foremost jihad is with the self

OP here. I'm a faggot.


There are no "pillars" of Islam. Islam isn't a fucking building. It's a cult, an idea. Stop it with this pillar shit. Don't give me this metaphorical pillar shit either.


Why do you fuck goats?

You do realize the purpose of alcohol besides the obvious of getting drunk or helping people get laid. Provides temporary comfort and escape. The US tried going without and utterly failed. Have you ever read Brave New World? Soma is their equivalent to alcohol, calms the masses so they can be controlled without question or thought of rebellion along with conditioning like religion does.

>religion. It is a great source of knowledge about things that science has yet to understand about the mind and wellbeing.

if something cant be understood and described by science then it literally is of no consequence, and can be safely ignored.

the only thing that region can address that science can not is make believe

so take your poorly written christian and jew fan fiction and go elsewhere


Why do Muslims stink like shit all the time?

Jews are the origin of christianity and islam. Therefore islam is just a sect of judaism.


Why do Muslims think religion is important?


Why are Muslims retarded?

You are not the only person here. I almost disregarded your question as being too buzzwordy, but I answered anyways. Be patient, you are not the center of the world.

Islam is not a religion of peace nor war. It is like any other ideology or philosophy, it is a text that provides means to live a better life. Violent people will apply this philosophy in a violent manner, peaceful people will apply it peacefully. For example, Darwin's theory of evolution is a scientific theory. Neither evil, nor peaceful, it is just a theory. However, it was interpreted by violent people and later became the basis of social-Darwinism. Does that mean that the theory of evolution is evil? No, it simply means that evil people are willing to interpret anything to suit their evil tendencies.

I am a serious practitioner of Islam in its fundamental form. The fundamental form is not what the word has been perverted to mean. It is the root of what Islam is. Islam is the jihad of an individual against his inner self. And much more. Moreover, it is the adherence of an individual to the five pillars of Islam and the Ten Commandments as told in the Q'ran. These are useful guidelines, some that we can benefit from.

Theocracies are not an effective governing body, Religion is something that is meant to be between the believer and his community. If every individual in a society were a perfect practitioner, then theocracies would work. However, it is impossible to ensure that all people would be perfect practitioners. There will always be individuals that do wrong onto others. Or, act in ways that are counter-culture, be it good or bad. Therefore, theocracies do not work.

It's an Arabic word that we are deciding to write using roman script. In Morocco it's actually Koran, due to the french pronunciation of the letters.

Do you follow sharia law and if so do you still think the religion is peaceful?

What's your take on the recent burkini clusterfuck in France?

No. Jewish religion and Christian religion are pretty much the same, minus some things like Jesus was who Christians claim he was. Other things about the afterlife. Islam branched way off. But yeah pretty much spot on. It's all the same God for Jews, Christians and Muslins.

'Religions are like a chiseled and tested version of what an individual might construed as his spirituality.'

Religion is a mockery of spirituality. In fact, it's probably worse than that, because Religion is for the most part imposed on young children who don't fully know what is real and what isn't, teaching them the rules and regulations of how not to be eternally tortured and avoiding at all costs them coming to their own conclusions on reality.

Sure, during prayer or gatherings like dikur (not sure if i spelled that right) there is a sense of higher purpose/transcendence but that can be attained through meditation or any other number of things that don't have all this bullshit bolted onto it to have you believe you have to hate someone for not supporting your cause.

"O ye who believe! Choose not your fathers nor your brethren for friends if they take pleasure in disbelief rather than faith. Whoso of you taketh them for friends, such are wrong-doers"

We're all trying to find out what's going on here, can we just stop it with this silliness.

Why do you alienate, estrange or even behead apostates?
inb4 lie

>it is a text that provides means to live a better life. Violent people will apply this philosophy in a violent manner, peaceful people will apply it peacefully.

Why then, isn't there a larger or equivalent problem with violence in other religions?
inb4 'violence' is too buzzwordy, you used the word yourself

>Is the pope's life miserable?

No, pope is actually the bad guy here, using religion as a tool to force his morals onto people who trust him as an authority figure. I honestly don't care if he honestly believes using condoms is immoral or not, but the fact that he uses his position to tell poor, uneducated people to avoid using contraception is just deplorable.

>There is a lot of good that can be learned and had from religion. It is a great source of knowledge about things that science has yet to understand about the mind and wellbeing.
Religion is only as good in telling us about ourselves as any fiction, because it's just an artistic representation of life, with some crude moral rules derived from those stories. It's not a source of knowledge of any kind, because religion by definition doesn't deal with empirical facts.

The Q'ran was written for a plethora of people, ranging in intellect. Heaven is described to have all of your wants and desires. For certain people 72 virgins is an unimaginable desire, impossible in the world in which we live. The same is true for endless fruit, and happiness, these are all things that are not possible in our world. Heaven is supposed to be everything you want. Anything. For me, 72 virgins would be of very little interest.

I do not have a particular denomination. I have my own interpretation based on my plentiful studies. However I do associate strongly with Maliki interpretations, but also some aspects of Nizari Islam (Shi'a) and even Sufism. My great-grandfather was Sufi. My grandparents and parents were non-religious.

Are you serious? Pillars, means the five most important principles of Islam. Before being so mad, it is wise to understand the basics of what you disagree with.

Do you not think temporary "comfort" and "escape" is dangerous? That is exactly how addiction starts, you get a small reward for an action. Your brain then associates drinking alcohol to that reward and you become an alcoholic. Alcohol is a considerable killer in the world. It leads to liver disease, drunk driving, addiction and many other ails.

Isn't it better to solve your problems permanently rather than escaping them temporarily?

I am a scientist, therefore I know this better than anyone on this board. Religion is not mutually exclusive of science.

It is. Muslim scholars understand this. The Q'ran details the lives of the Hebrew prophets that came before Mohammed.

And a grand fuck you to you!

Yet Muhammad was the first caliph, well not technically. That title was granted after his death. That empire he founded essentially based off war and religion started in his lifetime. Yes Christian kingdoms used religion to justify war, but the creation of either Judaism or Christianity did lead to an empire devoted to it within 50 years.
That empire founded in war and religion is the basis of what current extremist(Islamic state) want to recreate.

>I'm a Muslim

Are you aware you have been brainwashed since birth? To believe in a fake fairytale storybook?

Do you realize if you were born in Antarctica you wouldn't have the same beliefs?

Do you realize that beliefs don't mean shit? It doens't matter what you beieve the planet and sun will continue to orbit each other until the sun blows up.

Have you even watched the Cosmos series? With Carl Sagan or Neil Tyson? Do you know what science is?

Do you realize all speech, every single word is created by humans in the last few thousand years? 10,000 years ago humans lived on the plains of Africa in tribes and had only rudimentary sign language. Where was your shitty religion then?

Have you even thought about any of this? Or do you just wear rags on your head and belive the bullshit because your peers do?

I have a question, why haven't you realized that out of the Christian/Judaism/Islam trio that Islam is the worst? That's saying a lot since Christainity and Judaism are pretty fucked up.

What we think of Islam!!!

So if Mohammed was a pedophile, does that make pedophilia ok for muslims?

>I am a scientist
explain to me why you need the crutch of religion?

is the world not beautiful enough, why do you need to believe in these stories?

you can enjoy myths without believing they are truth and describe the natural world

Whats your opinion on drugs like LSD which elevate our thoughts to a higher plain of thinking and reasoning?

>Theocracies are not an effective governing body, Religion is something that is meant to be between the believer and his community. If every individual in a society were a perfect practitioner, then theocracies would work. However, it is impossible to ensure that all people would be perfect practitioners. There will always be individuals that do wrong onto others. Or, act in ways that are counter-culture, be it good or bad. Therefore, theocracies do not work.

Okay, I have no problems with you then. Although I think you and the all the other Muslims that agree with you need to work harder to bring the rest of the Islamic world into the 21st century.

>The Q'ran was written for a plethora of people, ranging in intellect. Heaven is described to have all of your wants and desires.
So your previous statement and this one are mutually exclusive. You cant repress your desires at the hope of being rewarded with your desires, that's still desire.

What do you think about people without any believes

where do you stand on sharia law?

Why do you support isis?

How many Korans or fingers can you fit in your snatch, pretty lady?

>ITT: Religious cherry picking
If you don't follow doctrine 100% you're a fake no matter the religion. Why the fuck follow it otherwise?

>there is no age states in the koran
“Khadija died three years before the Prophet departed to Medina. He stayed [alone] for two years or so. He married Aisha when she was a girl of six years of age, and he consummated that marriage when she was nine years old.”

There isn't a single Muslim in the world that supports the true beliefs expressed in the quran not even fucking isis

science has proved religion wrong long ago. why do you still hold onto this shit?

religious people are like the people that get way into star trek and think the enterprise is real

for some stupid reason they cant enjoy the story without thinking that god, or capt kirk, is real and out their doing shit

its a mental illness, unfortunately people think its perfectly fine to believe the god fan fiction but crazy to believe the star trek

So basically the religion is fucking void?

Then its fake. Believe 100% or don't believe at all.

I apply Sharia onto myself and myself only.

I think women should be free to wear whatever they please. We should not force women to wear burkas, nor should we force women to remove their burkas. Women need to be given avenues to get help if they are in a dangerous relationship where a husband is imposing his rules on her. The state should not further punish her.

Moreover, what does banning a burkini solve? Do terrorists wear burkinis, like sexy ninjas? It's ridiculous.

It is the same God. Islam is not way off. You should simply read the Torah, Bible and Q'ran and you'll see. They are not long books.

I agree the bickering between spiritual paths is silliness. However, weak people bicker about nullity, that's a part of life.

I think if someone is capable of finding happiness and positivity in his life through alternative spiritual means. Then power to him. However, it is unreasonable to assume you, in your short life, will be able to come up with the rights means to calm the mind. It's possible but improbable.

I don't. Refer to the reply right above.

Read some history. Common. Every religious group has done horrible things, and amazing things. It's human nature. Some people are bad, some are good.

The pope does a lot of good for the world. Another example is Mother Theresa. Are you really ready to tell me that ALL religious people are miserable? I'm not. So that is already enough counter proof.

Religion is based on reality. It isn't some random fiction. It's a solution to life's struggles. It's a way of making the human condition easier to manage. I can give some concrete examples of this.

if thats you in the pic then wtf. dont you believe in modesty?

>OI fam. Wanna bun a lettuce leaf bruv

I'll give u that, still a theory like creationism that came before it in the various forms in religious texts. But it's not a religion and it does have for more proof that u can see (in geologic timescale). Social Darwinism is what u get when u let religion poison science

'Evil people are willing to interpret anything to suit their evil tendencies' so ur saying Muhammad was evil. He led his fellow Bedouins and Arab to war which is evil, at times necessary but an 'evil' nonetheless. Isn't that ironic? You figure a prophet while still human is supposed to be the closest thing to a saint.

>Moreover, what does banning a burkini solve? Do terrorists wear burkinis, like sexy ninjas? It's ridiculous.

In france you are a french citizen first, then a religions follower second, always. If there is a conflict between the french ideals of citizenship your religion you are expected, in france, to prioritize the french ideal over your religion

it all goes back the the french revolution and how they define things like equality.

>Another example is Mother Theresa
she was an evil women that promoted suffering because she believed that suffering brought people closer to god.

when she died she did not suffer, she got the best medical treatment money could buy.

she was a wicked evil women that let people suffer and die

its almost unfortunate there is no hell for her to rot in

actually untrue, they believe all religion of the book will be in the same after life as islam.If you are genuinely a good person you are forgiven

religion is for the simple minded. people who need an answer for life after death. without some sort of answer as to what happens when we die, the world would be chaos. so we made up some shit, people believed it. then donated millions of dollars towards the idea. most organised religions make a mockery of mankind


Roman empire, they adopted Christianity and used it as a basis to spread Christianity throughout Europe.

Before judging what kind of image I am portraying understand that these are my opinions and interpretations. Secondly, understand that my opinions and stances are well researched academically and through religious schools of thought throughout the world in many mosques, in many continents and countries. Lastly, I have studied philosophy and religion (many different ones) congruently with my field of work throughout my life. I have experience. I invite you to read my responses and get to know me before judging me.

1. I was not raised Muslim.
2. Refer to first answer.
3. Of course, even if we all died the Earth would still continue to orbit the Sun.
4. I am a scientist and yes I have watched that show. Although, it is not very interesting, just general information for the general crowd.
5. It already existed. People simply weren't able to adhere to it. We have grown since then and now we are capable of better lives further from our animalistic pasts.
6. Muslims do not wear turbans. Don't judge me with your low-level questions.

How so?

Desecrating the Q'ran is also desecrating the name of Jesus and all prophets before him.

I do not think pedophilia is permissible in any context.

Refer to: There is much more to religion that nonsense stories. There is a large part that religion suggests solutions for that science has yet to understand. refer to the second reply in:
They're interesting. I cannot wait until we understand what is their effect on the brain. I did some research using mushrooms. Was interesting how they effect perception. They drastically change the EEG and MRI scans when doing the exact same tasks.

That's not my pursuit. I work to better myself and the people close to me. Not strangers that share the same label.

OP cherrypicks arguments just as much as he cherrypicks verses in the Qu'ran. Useless AMA.

you can buy that shit at fucking walmart?

Pretty much

It's just a label people can put on themselves so they can say and do wacky shit

Being a Muslim now it's like a fashion statement it's a fucking fad that's why there are so many stories about gay Muslims and trans Muslims they know full well that the quran says to put them to death but it makes them feel good inside it's just as vapid on the surface as it is in depth these people just like sjws just want a laundry list of labels for themselves so they can lecture other people about how oppressed they are in western culture

Middle eastern Muslims are just uneducated fuckwits and this who support isis are the closest to real Muslims as defined by the quran you can get

But that's not what 90% of the Muslim population says. Most believe infidels should be killed and taxed heavily and there are worse things than that, that they believe should be enforced. Now tell me do you honestly believe islam is not a death cult because I read the entire Quran and a lot of things there are absolutely wrong. Forexample the prophet Muhammad had sexual relations with a 12 year old girl. None believer's should be hunted and killed and if you say anything that goes against their ideology you are to be killed.

>I do not think pedophilia is permissible in any context
Even if the prophet did it?