It sucks being alone

it sucks being alone

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you have no idea

snym.mɛt kɛ ɬnʌm znok.ɑ snɵ ɬet kem.fɛ dɤts di.vom kem ʒæ.sik.ʒɛ met.fɛ dɤts di.vom.vmɛ don.ɑ kɛ ɮɵ.ɑ.kɑm tœ.ɮnon znim tœ.ɮnon.vɑ gɤɬ ʎi.dok kɛ ʎœk.ʒ ʃœ.ʃœn ɮɵ.vmɛ zæ.θœn.din næ.vnyts ʎi.dok kɛ θe.fæm ʃo.mæk tœ.ɮnon znots.fɛ zæ.θœn væ.ɬnɤm.fɛ tœ.ɮnon kɛ si.mem.ʒut.fɛ.sun di.vom zɤt ʎi.dok.vmɛ ʒe.tæm znots.fɛ ki.ʒɤt ʒʌ.ʒʌm.fɛ ki.ʒɤt ɮɵ.vmɛ ki.ʒɤt.din sœn dɛ.ɑ.vmɛ sæ.ʎem tæn fmy.vʌk.fɛ.ʎɑk ki.ʒɤt.din dæ.θnyts.fɛ θe.fnom dɛ.ɑ.vmɛ sæ.ʎem tæn ʒe.ʎɤn.mun.fɛ θe.fnom tyk zɵ ve.snen.ɛt ɮɵ ʃæ.ʃots.fɛ fnit xyt du.ɑ.kɑm kæ.syn.ʃɵ sin du.ɑ sæ.ʎem tæn ʃæ.ʃ xyt dɛ.ɑ.vmɛ mom tæ.znon tæn.ɮɤts.fɛ xyt du.ɑ dɤ.dot.fɛ θe.fæm næ.vnyts vi.θit


Better to be alone and live by your OWN schedule than having to deal with someone else's.

engrish fagit

well i mean i have my family, my friends, but i need someone more close; i never felt like i'm in the right place at the right time, i just lived untill now

>i have my family, my friends
like i said, you have no idea

no doubt about it, i mean i simply don't care about other people unless it's someone i know. It's a good thing that streets are safe (at least where i live) but i don't mind other people, that maybe is the reason i feel lonely.

indeed, but i'd like to speak to the person i think i'll ever be with, to live and, you know, start a family and shit.

what do you mean? tell me your story mate

What, you mean having to laugh at their bad jokes, paying money to keep them around, and then cucking yourself with a 'family' (which also costs a shit ton of YOUR money)?

nah, something more likesomeone to cuddle in bed with, or to talk about everything i want without making me feel like a weirdo. I mean, usually i am silent, listening and osserving people, sometimes i only hear the discussion of the night without saying anything of mine, and sometimes i think that other people's judgement is something that really matters to me, but then idgaf as before

Yeah same here but when someone doesn't share my opinion I tell them why they're wrong. Also I'm known for being silent and suddenly saying shit that would attract the attention of everyone in the room be it joke, diss, opinion or story.

Yeah but it sucks even harder when you realize you can't stand 90% of the people you see on the streets, on the Internet or even people you know including your best friends (assuming you have any). When I'm alone I feel depressed because I think of how much I want someone to love, hold and share with but then I go for a walk or visit social media and the only thing I can think is that I don't want any relation to these people and that I just want to be alone. They seem so self absorbed and proud of their stupidity and ignorance. They fake everything only to appeal to society and ultimately make me despise them. And so the vicious cycle of depression and disgust continues. Eventually it will end me.



You're wrong

No it doesn't, human beings are blind squirrels who cant see the big picture

We came in this world alone and we will leave this world alone.

yep, i'm exactly that kind of person


of course, but i won't watch at the 99% of people i don't like, i'd watch at the 1% i like

you see yourself as a tool? of course we are, but life is an illusion we can't live without (or would be totally different as the modern society)

That's the problem, after a while I begin to hate them too. For example I can barely stand most of my family, I find my two closest friends incredibly boring and my best friend annoys the shit out of me. Still I can stand those people because at least they don't pretend to be something they aren't.

staying together with someone isn't forcefully do everything together, when i go out with my friends i wouldn't go with my girlfriend every single day; she has her friends, i have mine

I don't have a girlfriend. Therefore I have two options: be alone or spend time with friends.
> inb4 find a Gf
No thanks I hate relationships.

i never had one, so i can't be really judgemental about it; the only two i had was like at 12 and 16 years old while being on vacation, and i think they doesn't count as i only wanted a thing, and they wasn't that thing (although they had it)

>family, my friends
Don't get me wrong, this is not a competetion who has it worse.
But I honestly think you're joking.

I get what you mean. We don't have it as bad as most people but it feels crippling.

i explained my situation with them, i feel them too distant from me, i'm not saying i live by myself and the rat that i place cheese in front of its home to

What makes you say life is an illusion?

But if you feel alone, why don't you call your friends.
Well, that's what I would do if I had friends.

>i feel them too distant from me

Are you more of a open person or a shut in?
Or how would you describe yourself?


Go on then.

Being alone is good space to become self aware and develop ideas, it will pas and one day you will wish you had time alone, youll get through this.

>"you're a big guy"

it really does. i wish that someone would like me back soon. sometimes i feel like killing myself but i never go for it because i have a fear of going to hell. I used to have a dream about finding someone and starting a family. Then after years of looking, I have determined that no one wants me.

I wrote it up before: I am that kind of person that doesn't interact too much with any group of people (being them my friends, my colleagues, my parents etc...) I don't feel I have any thrusty bond with people that aren't my 3-4 best friends, but still it is a manly friendship, I won't go cuddling with them as I would do with my soul mate

Develop charm just as hard as you possibly can.

It's a skill. You learn it.

havent had a person I could call a friend for 10 years now

I read the biography of pirandello and I felt his description about life to be very accurate, as I tend to see life as an rpg game (he saw it as a theatrical act, something like Shakespeare)

Basically this, and if you're looking for a relationship add in some confidence. Don't mistake confidence with being an asshole either, there's a difference.


>In the south
>Tries to date men over internet
>They're all fat as fuck and ugly
>Kill me

I have paranoid schizophrenia and when i was admitted to the psych ward all my friends left me. Sucks to suck i guess.

Better than being with someone who drives you nuts or fucks around on you or whatever.

I Dunno man I know someone who I'd date that's truly my equal in life with their own money, similar mindset, just a great match.

But I'm not attracted to them because life is cruel

Just listen to some al green

But sorry I don't know what to do desu senpai ;_;

>pic related

So you just want a gf?

You're implying that what you do is any better. What if everyone sees you as too severe of a person with no enjoyment out of life? Cause I feel like I'm right fucking there with you brother

I live in Tennessee. It's the same with women. Honestly just don't do online in the south. Meet people in real life through shared interests, if any.

I am indeedly throwing my time away right now, but still I wish I had someone to be your real self with, that person that doesn't care if you live your life both as a couple and as a single person; and I feel that meeting her in 10 years wouldn't be as satisfying as meeting her now (you know, all the shit that you'd like to do with someone different from your friends) it's indeed that I will go through this, I have never considered suicide as a valid alternative, as life is a game I like to play at

This is something I have to do: be more empathetic

Never lose hope, mate; it could be tough but it won't kill you. Never stop to look for someone that see world as you do

>smile alot and be annoying

Awww thank you weebanon

>>They're all fat as fuck and ugly
Fat guys can get fit
No reason to unless youre trying to win a girl tho
Of girls were smart they woukd motivate men to get fit
Yes yes, i know i know

>Meet people in real life through shared interests, if any.
I mean, I suppose I could try that. Though, not many fags in the south from what I know.

most of the time they say they're going to get fit but just never do it. or they're just too lazy to put forth the effort.

Oh God yes that is.

Aww that sucks. Anyway I'm from Italy not USA, I didn't wrote it before

No, he isn't. He isn't right either. We cannot speak for him without truly knowing him.

I'm curious, who would you pick?

I tried drinking my loneliness away
alcholo eventually stop having its effect on me.

I mean, calling her girlfriend would be restrictive; I want a lets call it soulmate

8 years here.
Kinda funny when you think about it.
Alot of people here don't have friends, but we're too autistic, angry or both to say ''Let's be friends, user''(and you're probably on the other side of the globe and wouldn't like a weeaboo stoner fag like me).

Sometimes I think about going to /soc/ or make a facebook account or just anything.

But I just can't for some reason.

Y-you're welcome :)

Maybe you should go out with your friends or if you have hobbies or anything try that.

Don't do drugs to resolve a problem, it just won't. When I do drugs is because I want to experiment them, nothing else.

it's not so bad. Stop romanticizing about what it's like to be with other people and you'll be fine.

>most of the time they say they're going to get fit but just never do it. or they're just too lazy to put forth the effort.
You litterally have no odea how motivation works do you
First time i got fit was because a girl u liked was OBSESSED witg muscled men but was too shy to act on it
She would juat react like a bitch in heat
I wanted that reaction from her
So god damn satisfying when i finally got it

That's real, it is something I always do; You mean that I care too much of other people?

>I wanted that reaction from her
>So god damn satisfying when i finally got it

I'm happy for you, user.
Maybe I should get /fit/ too.

I don't know what it is, but my sister, brother, and I grew up pariahs. Sort of untouchables, I guess. None of us really had friends. Sister had her bitch crew she rolled with, but bitches are volatile, they never stayed around for very long. We had mum, of course, but dad left right as I was on the cusp of adolescence. My brother and I beat the shit out of her boyfriend for hitting her and our sister. Sister turned into a slut who got emancipated as soon as she could, she stopped coming around altogether a few years ago, brother developed schizophrenia and was eventually put in a home, so it was just mum and I. And I made a promise to her when I graduated, that I'd never abandon her like dad or sis did.

Sometimes I wonder if I've done enough for her. Does the silence in her once chaotic house bother her?

some real fuckin needy pussies in this thread. fuck women. my life was complete as soon as i got a dog and a motorcycle. if you feel the need to have to drag around and deal with some whiny whore, go ahead. but in the long run its not going to make you feel better lol.

Honestly it makes you feel awesome and boosts confidence like crazy. I'm getting fit but I'm still just scrawny with a little potbelly, but consider that I'm fixing it before it gets worse, and I'll look back and thank myself.

Probably will be nice to be lusted after but I hope I have the sense to pump and dump

How old are you OP?

i don't know what you do.
I know from my experience, my problems being alone came from my idea of what being with other people was like. Specifically, the perfect partner, or perfect friend, like what you see in a movie or read about in a book.
I was in love with an idea.
It didn't exist, but that sure as hell didn't stop me from feeling bad for not having it.

Being alone isn't that bad. It's something you need to get on top of.

I can assure you this, though.
If you keep feeling bad about things, you will start to really feel it one day. It will start killing you from within. It's not something you can sustain.

Maybe for a year, two years, hell ten years. But sooner or later you will realize (hopefully) that feeling "bad" and "lonely" is bullshit.

You just need to let go and yes, stop caring so much.
Caring too much about things will ruin you.
I'm not saying be some kinda sociopath and not care about anything.
But be smart about it.
Know when it is a benefit or a detriment.
Simply "caring" about things doesn't do anything anyway, not unless you be proactive about it and even then, it shouldn't require so much thought that it keeps you awake at night.
Just sitting there, "caring" about stuff is pointless.
Just learn how to be good to yourself. Consider that your happiness doesn't depend on other people. The cliche is right- happiness must first come from within.

Not that user,
but I think he means that you always keep thinking about how it would be to have a soulmate and that you just hype it to much and have high expectations.

You should just stop thinking about it, but instead live your life and just look for something smaller first like new friends or so, instead of forcing yourself. You just put yourself under too much pressure.

Maybe I should listen to my own advices.

>I'll look back and thank myself.
I regret so many things.

yep that's pretty much what i meant.