I am starting a business building, fixing, scrapping computers. dubs chooses my name

I am starting a business building, fixing, scrapping computers. dubs chooses my name

He s(crap) PC's


Harambe in my computer



homosexual african american computer repair

Save yourself the heartache and don't.
Any 14 year old that has access to google can do what you are trying to do.

Instead, you should learn a real skill.

That actually a good advice.

Learn to code or something else

The Personal Information Sales Exchange

Get it? Because you get peoples pc's, scrub their computers for personal info and then sell it to russian scammer douchebags on Tor.

I just wana work in IT, but there is nothing in my area. My employers usually find out I am good at dealing with computers, networks, etc and they say they'll option me to move into that position, eventually. Eventually never comes.

Also I am tired of making someone else rich off of my hard work.

Become a Sysadmin it's "IT"
Still need to learn to code
Any "real" job in IT needs to at least know python/some other scripting languages.

PC's PCs
(Pussy Crew's Personal Computers)

I know reddit is frowned upon here but go to
See what real IT jobs deal with.

I have a feeling you think IT is just fixing computers/networks, but it is much much more.


How hard is python to learn?



Better than going from factory job to factory job, hoping in vain to make good money.




Its the easiest language by far tbh

I have milk with that sell by date too.

Captain Neckbeard's Computers and Fedoras - buy sell & trade

WinRAR, deliver OP

No matter what job you do you are making someone else rich. The higher up the ladder the harder you suck the asshole of the guy above you. If you are your own boss, have fun slaving away trying to create a business better than competition.

In my area, I have 1 competitor, and they are expensive and unreliable. I could easily undercut them. They charge $200 for virus removal for crying out loud.

Hitler and friends mistery house
(With Harambe from devil may cry)

Computers, Electronics and Networks Administration. It's probs too long to put on a sign so advertise it as an acronym.

You made this thread yesterday. Anyway, there's a place called Green PC near me that recycles and resells pc stuff. You should try a name along those lines.

And then wait for them to undercut you early on because you're still trying to break even leaving you in crippling debt. Go for it!