Ask an Army Fag Anything. I'll be here all night

Ask an Army Fag Anything. I'll be here all night.

Ok.. Question 1:
Why you in BDU's?
Those things been out of service a good while now :P


Why didn't you actually be a man and go marines?

kill anyone yet?

This Jarhead at least has an Updated uniform :P
Where's yours OP?

These are not BDU's. These are Multicams. This is the Army uniform you wear if you are curently deployed to Afganistan.

>ITT I'm a stolen valor fag, ama

Uncle Sam pays me to shoot Shit, and Kill Things. Not lick Windows.

where are you stationed?

Not Army doesnt deply much anymore.

Better uniform view :P that distance looks like ol'


Not even a close color scheme to BDU's but given the benifit of a doubt Civilians dont know much, I'll apologize for the view. They are not BDU's.

ok show me the Velcro :P

> not an officer
> not striving to lead
> kek

Officers are those preppy ass college kids who were fed by a silver spoon their entire life and doesnt even know the full meaning to what being in the Army is Like.

>never met an officer who were NCO's before officers

What do you service members think about the 2 choices for your next commander in chief?

Because those sure are common, right?

I dont want either of them, and I'm getting out because of it.

Cover on knee... brick hallway... Ha! CQ, sux to be you. MOS?

I actually have a couple questions.

1) Do you have to salute a superior when you're "off duty"? Like if you run into the guy at McDonalds or something?

2) Do you have to salute superiors in other branches of the military?

3) Can superior officers in other branches give you an order?

I've always wondered these things.

Its very rare to find those. Dont get me wrong, only a few i respect. But most of them.. Are straight out of College thinking they can lead 33 dudes into combat when they cant even make it out of a land nav course.

I seen plenty in my days. We had a ratio of 3:1.
Officers who were NCOs against the creampuffs in my unit.

11B Infantry. Staff Duty.

How hard is the work? During bootcamp and after?
I have glasses and they have pretty much held me back in every regard. Totally blind without em. Would I fare well? I fear I wouldnt. Thats whats stopped me from enlisting.

The best Officers I worked under were Mustangs (NCOs turned Officer)

All 3 of them No.

I can answer that :
1. No, but you do greet them with respect or the Greeting of the day.
2. Yes
3. Only if they are working with you or you did something that makes them have to.

Smart choice.

Hahahah how is CQ?

Alright... who's telling the truth here...

> didn't go to college
> didn't do particularly well at school
> put in the hard yards and worked multiple jobs at once before being accepted
> did a 1.5 year officer course, one of the best army courses in the world
> no one else responsible for my success, just me


Pick 1

Ive seen dudes get kicked out of reception because of bad eye sight so No, dont think you would be able to.

And for the physical part.. Yes sometimes my job is very physically demanding and I come home dripping in sweat and smelling like Grass, BO, and CLP.

Why did you join?


>Nidal Hassan

Not OP but
1. No
2. Technically we're supposed to salute all superior officers of the US military and our allies. I saluted a coastie once (Im in the Navy).
3. Yeah as long as it's a lawful order. I have never encountered this.


Hahah topkek.
When butterbars think they know more than an E-9

Good for you, did I fucking ask You?

tbh, my answers are for the superiors who are kinda douchebags.. I seen people like that who will yell at you while you're shopping with you wife and kids cause you didn't say "Good day sir"
Also captcha loves storefronts

Allies too? That's fuckin weird. How the hell would they expect a soldier to know the rank insignias of all our godddamn allies?

Ive been to MEPS. I passed all that shit, and they were gunna pass me. Never took the oath.
I just fear if Im exercising or in the field ya know, lose em, crush em, etc. Id be fucked.
What does your job consist of?
I was thinkin infantry but I heard its not a hot ticket right now.

I joined to take care of my gf at the time to make sure she got the treatments she needed. She left me right before Basic Training.

first, check um

next, whats your fav and least fav thing about army

And do all the other guys your with act a little over manly, like trying way to hard to be masculine

They don't.

Fucking jody got my girl too

Have fun being a government cog for literally no reason.

Before you enter basic, you go through ANOTHER MORE ADVANCED screening because the army has to issue you glasses and if they feel you are too blind, they'll kick you out.

Nope but your misguided opinion on officers needed some adjusting. Don't know how it is in the US Army but if your opinion is that bad then maybe the officers aren't the best.

I hate Navy ranks. I've saluted my fair share of Petty Officers of some kind. Saw the stupid Eagle before I saw the chevron. I shoulda known better considering they looked like they were fresh from Boot.

I dont regret it. If it wasnt for the army, i would not have gotten to meet my wife.

My son is almost Born so Im pretty happy.

Ah gotcha. I was gunna join marines and they were gung hoe set on puttin me in. I just thought about it and said na.

I once considered joining the army, but I was told by someone (don't remmber who) I wouldn't be accepted because I have psoriasis. It's a mild case but I was told the military considers it a chronic disease.


Why did you choose literally the worst job in America for shit pay? Did you get dropped on your head as an infant?

It's not a big deal, most of the time when I see foreign soldiers/sailors I'm in civvies so I don't give a fuck. But at training there was this one British officer. The only dude on base with a weird uniform and a beard. Guy was actually pretty cool.

I am in a pretty shitty unit when most of the leadership does everything by the book and still manages to fuck things up.

You know you get leave for that right? Plus you're in garrison so it shouldn't be a problem

That depends.. I had 20/200 Vision and they still took me :P.. without my glasses I can't see anything untill it's hitting my face

good luck man. i hope you stay happy

Lemme guess. 25th ID?

It was never about the money.

Happens all the time, user. Enlisted military personnel aren't exactly geniuses.

Im well aware.


Oh the E4 mafia. Laziest bunch of pricks in the entire US military. Show up late, delegate anything possible so you don't have to actually do anything. Got your lifetime supply of monster and vape knob gobbler?

Neither are the officers

If it's a medically documented/diagnosed case of Psoriasis, then yes. Chronic conditions that need regular application of medication could be a liability.

Now if you happened to go to MEPS in between a flare up and say you don't have any conditions thay you are aware of (as long as its undocumented)...

I would bet money money you're a POG.

Marine POGs are just as soft as army POGS.

sling lead or STFU

If there's a chance it can progress into something worse then you most likely won't be allowed - Even if you went to MEPS, for having almost any rash you'll get DQ'd and have to go back for consult.


Not the user youre replyin to, but whats a POG?
Are they that bad?

Another Army fag here willing to answer questions
To start: mos 92F
Station, Ft Riley (wont give unit due to fact about to deploy opsec bs blah blah)

Wow two idiots, one thread. My new favorite porn.

Confirmed 100% true.
>tfw been E-4 for almost 3 years

Ahh 1st cav.

Little late there Slowbro

> E-4 sham masters

Im in the Infantry, so that mean everything is one big Pissing contest. But in the end, we are all normal dudes with Minor drinking problems and far too many dick jokes.

Also, worst thing: being treated like a child when someone else does something stupid.

Best thing? Going shooting at the range, living moments you can never have again with your buddies.

Eh just got here.

"Person Other-than Grunt"

Applies to anyone not in the Combat Arms field

Do you like green tea?

How have you not made Sgt yet?

Whats Opsec?
How hard is it?
How hard is it to get the job?
Do u enjoy it?
Stories, details?

Fuckin kek.

Fuck YOU faggot CHECK EM faggots

Watch out for b8

Your son or your wife's son? Hello?

So literally everyone else but combat.
Why use it as a negative term for enlisteds tho?

That's Operation Security..
My unit used OPSEC only as a social media thing.. like don't tell people where you are when deployed to a combat zone.
I made the privates call us the E-4Overlords

So undisciplined..

This may or may not be the threat to ask, I'm not sure.

The missus and I are considering a move to Florida. I'm an IT guy, and in looking for jobs down there on Indeed I see a lot available that I would qualify for but they are all on military bases with top secret security requirements. So...

1) Can civilians get "top secret" security clearances or are these jobs for military personnel only? Cuz the listings really don't specify.

2) If possible, how the hell would a civilian go about getting it?

3) Again, if possible, what are the criteria they look at in determining whether you qualify? Arrest records? Criminal records? I'm not a felon or anything but I've got a DUI from about 11 years ago and a municipal disorderly conduct from about 5 years ago. Also got arrested once for "going armed while intoxicated" but it was a self-defense situation and the prosecutor just flat out dropped it - I really never should have even been arrested. I'm also pretty anti-government. Not that I'm gonna jihad or anything I just can't stand what the US government has become and I shitpost about it a lot on social media. On the flip side I am VERY pro law enforcement and pro military. Is all of this looked at?

Thanks user.

I hate Tea.

What was your rank and are you still serving?


Prior service user-here. First time down range?

Fuck you

I know E-4's are great at delegation. Dont feel like doing something, get a private to do it.

Rank is Specialist and yea still serving.