Is there anything this man can't do?
Is there anything this man can't do?
Other urls found in this thread:
Become president.
run a bank making operation from his banks
>How come he don't want me?
Keep a wife
buy a decent wig even with all his billions
Grow hair.
start something promising huge gains and huger dreams which doesn't end up in all his supporters/investors losing everything and him being the only one getting richer
We are talking about will smith, right?
not make America the laughing stock of the world.
Trump Casinos. Trump Airlines. Trump Vodka. Trump Mortgage. Marriage.
Quite a lot.
Beat Hilary.
Run a university that isn't a scam.
Make me a sandwhich?
Dude is a year off 70 and probably has more hair than your premature balding ass, and especially more than Sanders.
I wonder how many people are falseflag SJWs and how many are actually against Trump on Sup Forums
Not make America great again.
You sound like a 12-year-old. Are you a 12-year-old?
get stumped
>people don't like Trump
reddit is down the hall and to the left you fucking newfags
Calm down, Donald.
Trump has had that comb-over for 40 years.
Actually more like make a sandwich, since he hasn't done that in who knows how long
I wonder how many of his daily activities are automated by people around him
check my repeating digits
either reddit plants, or chicanos aka wetbacks
not get cucked by jews
it's not a wig
They're all paid shills for Clinton
He can't let the illegal aliens enter american land.
Just like Trump is a paid shill for Israel :^)
I honestly don't give a shit but I hate Sup Forums crossposters and our fucking mods that don't permaban the shit out of you
keep Sup Forums in Sup Forums
That's like saying Trump is a paid shill for Clinton
just like the nigga on op-pic did in "Men in black"
>implying I've even been on Sup Forums more than twice
Build the wall, put faggots like you on the other side of it.
>c-c-censor these people hellllpppp!
you dont say.
he basically is though
just look at what his former campaign manager said. He never expected to do well in the campaign, he just wanted a boost to his image and to shake the Republicans around a bit, and then bow out with like 10% of the delegates or whatever and support Hillary in the general (as he's been a lifelong support of the Clintons)
>asking to follow the rules=censorship
you don't really need to visit Sup Forums since Sup Forums is being invaded
I wonder how many people are falseflag alt-righters and how many are actually for Trump on Sup Forums
>help I can't shill my pet causes on every board, I'm being censored
I'd be glad if anything goes though, I can go back to spamming ponies everywhere. If you've got a problem, you're clearly just a butthurt SJW who can't tolerate another point of view.
>Support Trump
>it's this easy to get (you)s
>he doesn't know about r/the_donald, one of the most popular subreddits on the site
fucking idiot
He's had that hair since I was a kid in the 70's. Why are you so sensitive?
it's not about supporting trump, it's about discussing politics in the appropriate board I'm getting tired of this shit
Sup Forums has news, so Trump is Sup Forums
>Sup Forums has news
I think you might be looking for /news/ friend
this isn't on the telly?
Hello, newfriend.
Let me explain to you how Sup Forums works.
It is true that there are political and news programs on television, but this does not make them Sup Forums. Much like /mlp/ was created for discussion on a specific interest (and is also based around a television program), Sup Forums and /news/ offer a more direct method of pursuing the kinds of discussions that you desire.
Just because something is on Sup Forums doesn't mean it is Sup Forums material. Sports are on Sup Forums but there is a Sup Forums board and so on and so forth.
I'm sure that my explanation will have cleared up things for you. Welcome to Sup Forums.
Trump has been the star of a TV show, made countless cameos in movies and TV, and even got a WWF championship belt
It's almost as if he wasn't Hitler and everything you've been told about him has been a lie...
That's literally his hair, everyone knows this. It's real, get your facts straight.
>It's almost as if he wasn't Hitler and everything you've been told about him has been a lie...
Why are Trump supporters this annoying?
who cares faggots
>if it's on the TV, it belongs on Sup Forums
perfect, we don't need Sup Forums, /mlp/, or any of the anime boards anymore, let's just bring them on here
I really, reallllly like game of thrones, what do I do?
>liking a con-artist
Good Goy
because they honestly think just because liberals and SJW's hate someone, he must be good. If it makes "the other side" angry they'll swallow anything, no matter how dumb it is
it's funny because I know this is your actual world view.
What's obnoxious is the guy literally said nothing to criticize Trump and that faggot came out of nowhere to show his unbridled support and make a Hitler comparison.
At this point I hope Trump loses just to make them bitch
Get stumped by the media.
looks like rdj desu
He's going to lose because the government isn't run fairly, and that's what this should be proving to everyone.
Instead, you would rather complain about people posting about something that could affect the entire planet because you're a child that doesn't quite understand the gravity of the situation yet.
build a wall
I'm not even liberal or American. I couldn't give less of a fuck if Trump wins or how the culture wars in the US go down
I just want Sup Forums to not be 80% threads on racemixing, US politics, and being buttmad about women and niggers in film. Keep that shit-tier bait in Sup Forums and Sup Forums where it belongs
Post it on Sup Forums where it's on topic
Why is he so cool?
Sup Forums has always been and always will be a shitposting board.
I don't think I've ever had a single good conversation on here, that's not why anyone comes.
Funny enough, the one thing I can remember discussing and enjoying was The Vampire Diaries during season 3 with some tripfaggot.
beat bernie sanders in an election
Literally Sup Forums: the candidate
I agree but it should be posted on the apposite board, every corner of the internet is poisoned by this SJWs vs alt righters "debate" and these fucking elections
He's just a winner
He was good looking back in the day 2bh
is that supposed to be Emo Phillips?
Look how butthurt these triggered redditors are
>yfw based Trump is an off screen character in Sup Forums's official kino
dumb frogposter
We're being invaded by angry leftists from r/ShitRedditSays
He already beat that warmongering corporate stooge Sanders in the election
>He's going to lose because the government isn't run fairly, and that's what this should be proving to everyone.
No, he's going to lose because the majority hates him.
How can you trust a man to lead an entire country when he can't even admit that he's bald... even though everyone already knows it.
People are warming up to him and don't want shillary.
>being a trump cuck
based bernie is the most important politician of the last 20 years
>being a loser
How retarded are you seriously?
He literally had someone come up on stage and try to yank his hair off and she couldn't.
He has more hair than you do, manlet.
>warming up to con-artist Trump
>No, he's going to lose because the majority hates him.
he's already ahead in the polls and steadily increasing.
Hillary isnt winning anyone else over. She has hit peak saturation.
The media has blown its load already by spamming "racist" months ago. They have literally nothing on him. No controversies, no former friends badmouthing him, no dirt, no skeletons in his closet, nothing.
>MUhh loozer
Go to bed Donald
hey man, if you run a for-profit university that scams the poor and elderly that's fine
it's their fault they were dumb enough to sign up for it, Trump did nothing wrong, MAGA
>voting for literally anyone else
Nobody is warming up to him expect for the Republicans who are so attached to the dying party they're going to support a lost cause and as bad as Hillary is, nearly everyone much prefers her.
>Literally being sued by US government for fraud
>No controversies
You're a fucking idiot
back to your shed
>bummed around for the majority of his life
> supported countless aggressive wars
> voted the same as Hillary Clinton for 93% of the time
> wants to force everyone to pay for useless woman's studies degrees, without fixing the real reason tuition is so expensive
> supports the government monopolizing the healthcare market
> is a SJW cuck
> been a career politician for his whole career
> supports countless other authoritarian policies
Kill your self