Hitler did nothing wrong ?

Hitler did nothing wrong ?

No, he fucked up in multiple occasions, regardless if you agree with him or not.

He invaded Russia instead of finishing off the West and lost the war. How is that "nothing wrong"?

Also, he didn't listen to Donitz.


>didn't decide what to do with the Jews until mid-WWII; had even floated the idea of shipping them to Madagascar
>didn't finish off the Allies at Dunkirk
>switched bombing of England to civilian targets while on the brink of finishing off the RAF for good and really fucking them
>trusted Goering too much
>let Mussolini do stupid shit - from Abyssinia to North Africa to Greece
>started war with Russia while he had multiple other fronts open
>declared war on the US when he didn't really have to; only doing it to be nice to Japan
>stopped listening to his good generals mid-war because success went to his head
so many fuck ups

You're damn right!

So how do u guys think about Himmler and the SS?

>failing to appreciate Russian winters - from mud to cold
>didn't anticipate Russia moving production to the Caucuses/away from the front
>didn't appreciate the rail gauges, meaning trains had to switch from European gauge to Russian gauge, hindering logistics
>overestimated ability to take Russia via three fronts
>switched between different axis of advance in Russia and didn't do any of them well enough
>didn't take the far bank of the Volga in Stalingrad and let himself be encircled
>didn't get proper intel re: the T-34; failed to develop anti-tank weapons and had to repurpose the 88
>made all planes be developed with fighter capabilities and failed to develop strategic bombing
>failed to appreciate the effects of targeted allied bombing on critical parts supplies (e.g. ball bearing works and Romanian oil fields)
>didn't develop the atomic bomb properly, which could have theoretically saved WWII, especially by targeting London with a nuclear-armed V2

need more?

You queer, Jew?

Nice. Mind if I save this greentext? Also, yes, more.

You unoriginal faggot. Write your own yellow text (tomorrow, nigger)

It's all yours friend!


yeah i'm thristy too


Sie werden sich hinsetzen!
Sie werden ruhig sein!
Sie werden nicht beleidigen Deutschland!"

We're here

Yeah but if you view the fuck ups in context it actually make sense; he was pushed by the forces to be to make the decisions that he did so that he could further his war and attempt to win over the world with his way.

>comfortably cool

Sorry, I don't speak French

Somos aqui. Somos los Nazis, tambien

it's just a quote from American Dad, you moron


Well Stalingrad was pretty stupid.

I also don't speak Swahili

(sound of airplane passing overhead)

Stalingrad was a good strategic target, but he failed to secure the far bank - meaning the Soviets were able to sneak up troops, cross up and down from the city, and encircle the German army there

in another example of overconfidence in Goering, he thought they'd be able to see any Russian advance coming and prevent them from crossing

You watch American Dad?

You queer?

>when you're on the 10th floor and don't realy the joke is still over your head

>far bank


don't post that around feminists, or they'll make that their new logo

is it a penis and balls, or a clit and vagina lips? can't tell! that's true equality! only when everyone looks like that will the 3rd wave be a success!

couldn't have said it better

Even if you like Hitlers politics he was too convinced of knowing everything, regularly discarting the valid objections of people who actually know what the fuck they're doing,

>good strategic


He suffers from mico-penis. Not made up



>Mr Hitler!
>The Allies are coming at Normandy!!!
nah, that's just a fake - they're really coming at Pas de Calais
>But they have like a million fucking ships!
it's just a diversion, don't worry
>We just lost the beaches! We're fucked!
Hmm... maybe you're right, but I still think it's Calais
>We're so fucked! Please send the armored divisions!
Nah, they're coming at Calais, quit horsing around.

Hate to be that guy, but that's definitely the type of thing his zodiac sign would do