Is there a better televison show?

Is there a better televison show?

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At least 5 or 6, yeah.

BBC Sherlock is the best TV show fella

If anyone agrees with him they suck cock by choice.

redpill me on it

The sopranos>The wire> Deadwood.
only two, i'm afraid

you mean worst, reddit

t. tumblr

>Mad Men
>Arrested Development
>The Simpsons

>arrested development

I agree with mad men. The sopranosā‰„the wire>mad men>deadwood

Hoople heads get out

Deadwood is far better than nothing happens men

Seinfeld>The Wire>Deadwood>Mad Men

I like Deadwood more than the Wire though. Haven't seen Sopranos pizza.

short answer: no
long answer: no

Many. Deadwood is babbys first attempt at patrician

Name em, fag.

A few. Deadwood was mostly beyond reproach, but it still gets edged out by virtue of not having a real ending.

Seasons 1 and 2 are the best of any drama ever

I hate Sup Forums so much now but am compelled to comment because I'm doing my first rewatch of Deadwood currently and you could definitely make an argument for it being the best show of all time. The first time through I realized its greatness but I was focused on the destination and not the journey and was bringing my preconceived notions of episodic television to it. Like all Milch shows the level of detail and nuance is what makes the show really shine, and the world of Deadwood and its characters are so fully realized that it sucks you in better than probably any show out there. It works on so many levels, you can enjoy it on a surface level or peel back the layers and be rewarded even further. It features titty licking and iambic pentameter, cocksucking and insightful meditations on humanity. I'm on the home stretch now, and although I know it won't have a proper ending this time the journey has been so ridiculously enjoyable that I know that it doesn't matter. Deadwood is the best, those who disagree suck cock by choice.

The Wire
Mad Men
Curb Your Enthusiasm

>not The Wire
Ayy lmao

The Twilight Zone
Twin Peaks
The Sopranos
Mad Men
Northern Exposure
Friday Night Lights
Six Feet Under
The Wire
The West Wing

In that order.


>those who disagree suck cock by choice.

B, But what about those who agree and do suck cock by choice?

>19th century America
>Everyone using "cocksucker" as a pejorative

you fucking disgust me. i literally spit on my own floor after reading this

Milch has said he made the conscious decision to just replace all the old-time slurs with contemporary ones, mostly to make HBO happy

Only The Sopranos and Mad Men. Twin Peaks at its best is GOAT but it's way too inconsistent to be considered.

The Sopranos > The Wire > Mad Men > Friday Night Lights > The Twilight Zone > Six Feet Under > Deadwood

The Wire > Breaking Bad > The Sopranos > Six Feet Under > Mad Men > Deadwood > Twin Peaks

You have shit taste desu

Its fucking boring and this is from someone who watched blood-c in one sitting

Black Sails is the only one, maybe LOST as well


opinion disregarded

Good the first run through, but it has low replay value.

yeah rewatching deadwood was fucking fantastic, seeing all the characters introduced and meeting each other for the first time, seeing the town grow and evolve throughout the seasons, etc

Sopranos > Twin Peaks > Deadwood > The Wire >Breaking Bad

Sparticus for the cock metaphors alone


The Pacific and BoB, this is 3rd.

Poor mans Boardwalk Empire.Overrated trash.

At least it didn't end like fucking trash. Only an utter pleb wouldn't enjoy it


go suck cock where I can't see you

nice quads

>a show that goes to shit after one of the main characters gets killed
>better than deadwood