Nostalgia Thread

Nostalgia Thread
Let's get some feelings flowing.


>when internet was out

What's the story OP?









I had the eye-lidded lion and the deer with the green armor. Never knew what it was from but they were some of my favorite toys mainly by the way how they look.
Thanks for posting user!



!!!! I still have this

mah nigga





kek'd n chek'd



Anybody ever have one of these?




The best thing from my childhood

If you had one of these growing up you are an old fag like me



yep, i used to. that cannon thing in the front was the best thing on the whole fucking planet.

aww shit nostalg'd hard







Awww man... Pretty sure I have it somewhere at home




Gathering around to see penetrative sex in penthouse black label mags under your friend's dad's bed.
Before the Internet spoiled everyone with infinite porn.


Canadian edition.

My little bro still has his. i wonder if its worth anything?


you opened up a whole forgotten barrel of feels to flow freely


Anyone who knows what this is now has that fucked up song stuck in their heads.
It will be there for weeks.
Suffer like I do.


This isn't even that old but fuck



Lost. Can still hear the entire commercial in my head kek

I remember my dad bringing me one of these home, I must have been about 7 at the time. So much nostalgia

nah get fucked

have you ever, ever felt like this

Haven't seen this during years.
>Maybe because I'm on GNU/Linux system.

Hey, whatcha watching watching?

Dude fuuuuuck
My best friend had this and I always wanted to steal it.


It was this for me.
I had to be almost 10.

i thought underage faggot detected then realize the 360 came out like 11 years ago





We get it, you can stop now.

Fuck off tinfoil hat.


that fucker sounded like ja rule. also checked

is that a real thing?

fuck yeah. film for class today.

Plot twist: user is a poor fag and his dad barely bought it for him last Christmas

amalgam comics
marvel dc cross over

Nostalgia from all the fucking money I made selling these things.



Just one more, 3 years of my childhood went on these(i'm old)


this right here was pokemon go in the early 2000's



flea circus

I recently found out that that actually was a DEMO version for an extended full game. Talking about doing a lousy job at marketing... millions of people playing your demo and probably still not a lot of sales

this stuff is blowing my mind. idk how i didnt know about this



my entire time in the computer lab was this shit



one more for you

That's funny I've got lots of Kid Pics too.

Got my first gameboy color from these things.

This is the reason we don't see movies like Men in Black 1 and Independence Day on TV anymore. Same for that Spider Man Trailer where a helicopter was flying away and got stuck in a web between them.

Ironic how when Jewish people blab to NEVER forget the Holocaust, they will try to make you forget 9/11. Of course, the only exception is that Muslims did it.


scared the fuck outta me, goosebumps were the shit

You got trolled mate