Hey guys i got a question. Im probably a 4/10 and i usually hook up with 5/10s or 6/10s

Hey guys i got a question. Im probably a 4/10 and i usually hook up with 5/10s or 6/10s.
Whenever they want to go further in the relationship, i usually end it because i feel like i deserve someone better looking. What do?

Settle for a 5/10 before you become a 2/10

You obviously have a lack of self worth

Why is that?

Work hard enough to look good enough or be interesting enough to actually have some game. Get what you give amigo.

I feel like i have plenty of time

Lack of self worth how so? Im not gonna sugarcoat how i look

You think women deserve better than you. If they're with you then they must obviously think you're adequate for them. But, I think if you keep dumping women because you think you're unworthy of them, then you'll never have a successful relationship

Plenty of time? To get in shape or what?

Women go for looks for a shag, so you must have gr8 banter if they want a relationship.

Waste the rest of his fucking life, dude life is short get on that shit don't wait for good shit to happen to you, MAKE IT HAPPEN

Are you literally retarded or can you just not read?

>i feel like i deserve someone better looking.

Plenty of time in general. Im a relatively young guy. I dont want to settle for something i dont want now just to do it.

I dont speak british m8, what does that mean

Not sure if you're retarded or just trolling, but I'll bite anyway

I'm trying to help you but you keep chatting shit, this thread is supposed to be on advice anyway

What I said makes sense. Did you understand what I said?

Op here - i didnt make that post, but yeah i can see what you are saying. i somewhat agree

You may not be attractive but you may have alternative characteristics that attract women, i.e good job?, humour? etc.

Could it be that i just havent found the right one yet? is there a right one?

I'm honestly a 8/10 8,5/10 and the only girls interested in me are 9/10 to 10/10 and everytime one of these bitches try to go deep in the relationship with me I leave them, cause my father made me think that they are only bitches interested in. Money and cheating on me. I fucking hate women, they are only useful for having sex and nothing else.

Yeah but when you are that good looking, they probably know whats up. Girls wanna have fun too. Until the clock starts ticking.

Cuck agenda.

With guys it's not all looks. A lot of it is social context that makes you attractive. You are as attractive as the girls you are able to pull. Unless you are dating crazy chicks. If so then rip.

Include personality in the ratings? People usually rate me 8 or 9/10, with some saying 10/10. I'd rate my gf a 10/10 but I'm not sure everyone else would, know what I mean? I love everything about her though, so the superficial details just blur out in my mind. I could have some "9/10" barbie doll lookin bitty, but I've never met one that I'd want to wake up next to and make coffee for every day.

Actually get to know people before you jump into a relationship, you might be surprised what your "type" ends up being.

They don't deserve fun, they only deserve to fuck off

Haha, nah you're MAYBE a 5/10 with that ugly ass attitude, friend. Don't worry about superficial bitties hypothetically cheating on you man - you're the shallow one.

Damn you're a sad motherfucker

I've been around the block once or twice, all I can say is pull up your fuckin skirt open and fuckin everything in site and stop questioning yourself. I have never been with a 8/10 +woman who did not have issues and had an attitude like they were gods gift to men, and trust me I have fucked my fair share of 8/10 women. At least 5/10's give you respect and try harder in the sack, but hey I'm just another nonymous Sup Forums poster, wtf do know right?

I know bro ty

It's not my fault. When my mother and my father divorced my father started to teach me that women are only toys, you play a little with then and then you go for another. Probably cause my mother cheated on him he put his frustration in me, but now it's too late. For me they can all die

Oh please.

Your dad is right, they are all whores. Find em feel em fucked em and forget em.

Well you don't have to be friend. Either choose to improve your attitude and your life, or find help if you genuinely have a crippling chemical imbalance.

Ill tell ya, I stay the fuck off of Sup Forums when I see a bout of depression rearin' it's ugly head. This place is unhealthy as fuck. The whole internet in general is a sick place full of sick people.

Stop watching porn. You're a porn addict and you feel like you deserve pornstar tier looking women.

Im tired of fucking random women tho. Its better to find a girl you can teach and learn from, but i just cant seem to find a good enough chick.

Porn stars are usually ugly tbh

Fuck this guy:
Life just aint that simple man. Men and women are both fucked up becuase most people in general are fucked up. You just CHOOSE to only see the shitty women. I can tell you, from being raised by a badass and loving mother (and father) and later finding a badass and loving girlfriend, that there are women out there who are cool and deserve respect. At that point it's your choice to see any sign of imperfection as total failure. That's your issue, not the issue of a whole gender. And by seeing women that way, you find more and more women who are like that, then you treat them shitt? How are you any better? You're just feeding into the whole shitfest when you could just not associate yourself with it.

OR, and I'm not into hippy dippy shit, you could open your heart and mind and good people will flood your life. Instead of feeding the issue, or running away from it, you'll see the potential in people and unconsciously feed into constructive relationships with women AND men that are beneficial to to everyone.

Ignorance is bliss until you start living your life with the weight of a shitty perspective.

Good luck man, sorry for the rant but I genuinely hope you eventually see the value in even the worst of people one day. The world just ain't that bad of a place unless you're one of the bad people.