What's the most amount of days you've gone without fapping?

What's the most amount of days you've gone without fapping?

7 h

Wait, people can choose not to?

12 years

a few months, didn't feel the need

3 months. Youll get really horny and want to fuck something.

a week. Now only on weekends I don't fap, because I can fuck my wife at any moment, otherwise, I would keep fapping everyday at least once.

6 months

Seriously? Like 4 or 5 days probably. Just because I had three roomates.

4 months

Four years nofap. Feels good.

Mmmm I think.....4 days(?) For sure I can't do that again

11 days, was edging bust by accident. after like 4 days you start to forget that youre sometimes unconsciously touching yourself.

Here's another question for everyone: How often do you masturbate?

2 seconds heh heh

23 years... If a girl cant do it for you dont do it all.

5 months because my ex was a prude about it, ended that, now it's been about 9 months because the new girlfriend takes care of it

I did all of June but reverted to full blown degenerate

user does she give good head jobs? Sorry if its coming out so random.

20th day today

Very, she's way into bondage too, nice lil surprise.

14 years

Woah! Thats nice indeed.

2 months. Boot camp