This thread is being monitored

This thread is being monitored.
If you post in it, then sometime within the next week, you will be kidnapped and essentially enslaved. You will be given estrogen forcibly on a regular basis, put on a strict dietary, exercise and training regimen where you will have no rights and everything is planned for you. After around several months to a couple years of this treatment, you will be crafted into a perfect cock-loving sissy whore and be put up for auction. You may be bought a single wealthy individual, a brothel, a dirty video producer, many possible things. But it all ends the same way: You will never go home or be a man ever again. The rest of your life will be spent as a feminine sex toy whose only purpose is to make men jizz.

Posting in this thread means you consent to this.

K fine

Just try bitch

sounds better than my current life come take me

I'll more than consent to that if you'll just give me source on that beautiful woman (male).

Psh, what makes you think i wouldnt do it voluntarily nerd.


We'll see.


Could be worse


i hate my life anyway


I live in West Virginia

If dubs I fucked your mother


Fuck the dubs. I fucked your mother.

please take me

NDSU bitch. Come get me.

That honestly sounds better then my life.

Try me bitch


This seems legit.

You kidnap me I'll shit on you.

Im in

A likely story.

Hi newfag.

. . .

I mean, if you really want to. And as long as I don't have to like get a job and all that shit.


pls do

This is my dream
take me!




Fucking PLEASE. I want to be a little girl. Even better if i'm kept in cute skintight rubber outfits and tied up

Thanks for the keks m8.



Fuck me then big boi

sign me up. i dont dress up like this for nothing.


Fucking do it bitch

Sign me up!

fuck knows why you dress up like that. aint cause it looks good that's for sure

have all my consent


Do it fag

Where's the downside?

You won't , no balls

oh it hurts

As long as country club rules apply, I'm cool with it. But i don't fuck niggers, mexicans, Asians, Indians, or any combination of.

I welcome a challenge. I haven't had the opportunity to blast someone with my shotgun yet


>country club rules


Rape me bitches

Welp I'm fucked

You won't

>whites only
>no poor
>no minorities
>no jews

I don't fuck outside my tax bracket or race.

hell ye boi

Count me in


Lost at

I'm in

Here's that (you)


Sign me the fuck up faggot

enslave me pls


Do you think I would make a attractive women


bet you won't do it fag


Do itbitch

Was gonna kill myself this week anyway

Fuck it, whats the worst that could happen?

Worth a shot



K leggo


I doubt anyone would ever want a 6'4" sissy

Do it faggot

Let's do this

sure why not

come get me faggot i'm unhappy here anyway :DDD


Oh fuck

Here's hoping

I have 6,000 dollars saved up that I would pitch in to my kidnappers for Facial Feminization Surgery.

All I ask is that I can research biomedical engineering. Really I just books.

Hell ye boi

Some mf gonna be real disappointed

sieg heil

Ahahaha! You think you can tame me!?! After I fuck with your heads and kill your guards then you will beg me to work for you as HBIC! I'll keep my manly figure and you'll keep getting your bitches that I Pump out!

Fuck it, ayy lmao

>I doubt anyone would ever want a 6'4" sissy
^^ same xD

Hell yeah dude



6'6" dude, I don't think I'd make a good sissy