Top-tier documentary thread

Top-tier documentary thread

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Beat me to it

more you assholes







Yeah I liked this one




go back to /r/atheism high school neckbeard fadora wearing retards






you wanted God tier, you got God tier!

The real Thin Blue Line...


Fuuuuuuuuck there are too many good documentaries to watch

Pic very much related

this isn't even a documentary and it has piss poor acting.

>makes trainspotting look like an afterschool special



Its on netflix

>this isn't even a documentary and it has piss poor acting.
ahh what?


nvm, thought it read "black tar road"

You cheeky cunt


leave him alone faggot

Your cock-up, my arse!

is this the one where the guy pretends to be the long lost kid and goes to live with the kids family despite not looking like the kid whatsoever, and he's like wtf why are they going along with this, and then at the end it is heavily implied that the kid was actually killed by the family?

This is very well done



Clarkson couldn't be further up his own grim arse if he tried. He's like the creepy uncle of the uk we all wish had cancer

kek at the methheads

im from fresno.

damn stay safe bro don't break bad

dont worry user, ive still got my virginity intact