Fucking disgusting. Enoughs enough with this shit already.
Fucking disgusting. Enoughs enough with this shit already
Thomas Richardson
Other urls found in this thread:
Zachary Cooper
Oh boy here we go
Brayden Reyes
Joshua Collins
Ron looks like he's in the closet
Lucas Ross
They couldn't find enough white people in Britain, and muslims would get offended at noburqa so they went with nigs
Juan Gonzalez
Elijah Cox
They won't stop until whites are totally out of the picture in media in a few decades all actors will be exclusively black
Brandon Bennett
>1 character now black
Oh no! Now Harry Potter is only a 97% white series!!!! Genocide!!! Jews!!!
Carter Lee
It wont end until after the civil wars in Europe.
Jayden Lee
The pic literally has two Africans and one cuck waiting for a bull