What the fuck?

What the fuck?

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I'm waiting for Armond White to tell me what to think of this movie

>leave comedykino to me

Good cast. Fitting and decent cameos. Modern and relevant idea, big budget.

The film always had a chance to do well

Hard for me to believe a mashup of Spinal Tap and Zoolander would do so well critically


When will people actually realize that RT is worthless?

It seems moderately funny and it's an original IP. What makes it hard to imagine it will be good?

Kino of the year desu

>Tumblr Tomatoes

The ads make it look like an unfunny Sandler video. Not one joke, just Sandler all over the screen.

Tv shows always get good scores on Rotten Tomatoes you dumbass. Arrow S4 is at 100%, Supergirl at 97%, etc.

Good cuck

Disney does it again.

Except when the show does something triggering. See: GoT Season 5. All episodes got fresh reviews except the one with the rape scene.

Hot Rod is a patrician comedy.

hot rod was pretty gud.

i'm expecting this shit to be at least decent.

Here's an easy one: take whatever popular consensus is and go the opposite. Armond White doesn't think for himself.

>Never stop never stopping

Give up?

Shame, all episodes should be rotten.

Jews don't get bad reviews in this industry.

Don't forget MacGruber

>he doesn't only watch debbie schlussel pure five reagon kinos