Sup bros, so tonight I've concluded for sure that my girlfriend of 4 years is indeed schizophrenic

Sup bros, so tonight I've concluded for sure that my girlfriend of 4 years is indeed schizophrenic.

inb4 anything like leave

I love this girl with my heart, been dating her since I was 15.

I just need some advice really, how to deal with a partner with mental issues.

There's days where'd I'd be the boxing bag (verbally) for all her problems, and others where I'm the cushion.

Have any of you lads had/have relationships like this?

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Its fun to date someone with mental issues if you ask me

How so?

Whats the point of dating a gf thats just normy like the others. I wish im you

Chill you dont have to be like the others, ur already having a special relationship

looks like the sex is worth it


They lie about religion.
They lie about history.
They lie about homosexuality.
They lied about 9/11.
They lie about drugs.

......they're lying about mental illness.

There's no such thing as schizophrenia.
Everybody is, in a way, psychic or telepathic or something.

Schizophrenia is the evil spin they put on the symptoms to make people think they're fucking crazy.
And THEN they go crazy.

Send the bitch to a shrink.

First of all there are other mental disorders other than schizophrenia that induce psychosis. She should see a shrink right away


It's not just the sex, she's great all round. But there's times where I'm sure something is wrong mentally. I've concluded that for sure now.


Her aunt is diagnosed with schizophrenia and is on anti-psychotics

user, I am pretty sure you are already insane.

every single part of our body can have malfunction...brain not excluded

I have one. My girlfriend/ex/icanttellrightnowbecausesheskindabipolar tells me she hears God's voice while she's in church. She tends to get mixed messages, but she deciphers them as something else... Which leads to her temporarily dumping me at times. Shes fucking sexy as hell, though.
>Inb4 noods.
I love her. This shit is confidential.

Can't she send that shit in one message?

You'll deny it to the end, and won't take my advice, but you should at least read it from someone who dated a girl with "issues". Run away. Leave her and don't look back. The relief you will feel afterwards will change your life and move you towards bigger and better things.

your gf is an attention whore
and you're stupid enough to buy it

>There's no such thing as schizophrenia.
haha, wow.
your fucking dumb.


she probablty isn't schitzo unless she hallucinates all of the time. sounds like run of the mill stress induced psychosis4 to me. ive heard voices plenty of times. doesn't make you a lost cause, as long as you can tell them apart from real shit you can live normally. sometimes you can't though.

Facebook lad,

Same boat here load. She drives mad at times, but I won't ever leave her. Too much history together.

I've spent the good part of my childhood with her, she makes up a good percentage of my life.


dude any chick is schizophrenic, you're girl ain't special.


Don't commit the gambler's error and throw good time after bad.

She's telling the voices tell her to bash her head off walls and cut herself.
There's weeks where it's just happiness and we're fine, then suddenly I'm the worst person in the world. But then everythings alright after a day or two.

I honestly am not sure. This is a girl who is absolutely gorgeous, funny, kinky shit in bed, and is indeed willing to marry me.
Not to say that she does make me happy.

Meh, I dealt with paranoia related to bipolar (whether or not that's a real thing or just being very emotional is up for debate.) They put me on antipsychotics, made me feel better. I don't take them any more though. Shitty side effects. She should see a therapist.

People are far more capable of controlling their thoughts, emotions and reactions to them than they are willing to take responsibility for.

you're really dumb, and you're gonna enable it

everybody is a little fucked up. we all "hear voices", fell psychotic at times, interpret vivid dreams too literally, ect.

those who tell others either want attention or time off work. every single girl i've ever dated has been unable to shut the fuck up about her "mental issues"

if you enable a womans crazy, you will ruin both of your lives

Just have to continue to be her cushion and punching bag user.

Collaborate, try to make positive change together, whether that be therapy, medication, diet change, exercise, career change, etc.

get her on some lithium, shell be just fine man.

best advice? find someone whos not a fucking kook

with this much projection I could open a movie theatre on the cheap!


you're the only crazy woman here

Borderline schizo here, but better than I used to be. Don't hear voices anymore. My ex said she heard the voices of people that ridiculed her and was also pretty bipolar and a chronic liar, but right now she's a pregnant homeless lesbian, so take her word with a grain of salt.

Only change she can make is by herself, for herself. That or see a doctor. I never have, but it's best thing she can do.

I've told her that if she thinks it's becoming bothersome, we'll do something about it.

But if she can handle it, and not do what the voices do, then we're fine.

This is what I'll go for

You're not in my shoes, lad/lass (due to crazy talk since I've never once heard a voice)

real nigga here op is a fag

Just be there for her. I suffer from strong paranoid delusions and when I have my episodes, I black out and go into a different personality where I accuse my girlfriend of being an FBI agent and tell her I'm going to kill her because she knows too much and then I laugh hysterically on the floor for 15 minutes and then run around and hide in random parts of the house talking to my cat.
Be there for her homie. If you can't handle it, don't feel bad for leaving. But if you think it's something you can accept and if you really love her, then be there and let her talk to you and just be there every step of the way. Get her some professional help

If you're here on the Chan you can't be too normal yourself. Both my and my girl have mental issues. It's a fucking blast.


It's not that farfetched if you think about it......
What AREN'T (((they))) lying about?


.....yeah? That's true? I'm just suggesting we're not being told the whole truth.

>your fucking dumb

That's one of my favorite places!

In other news, you fags should read this review of my music.
That's me on guitar, bass, keys, and drums.
Also, I was the one who recorded it all.

multi personality has never been found to be true, edited your fullofshit (you are) or you're an important case study waiting to be found wasting everyone's time posting about experiences on Sup Forums
either way, gtfo

just love her good

where did you find a computer and who is helping you use it, nigger?

>But if she can handle it, and not do what the voices do, then we're fine.
as long as you can tell hallucination from reality you can live with it. ive gone days hearing constant whispering and some pretty fucked up conversation fragments. didn't really faze me in the slightest though.
sucks when they sound just like real shit though.
never got help and after awile it stopped. this was like 6 years ago. usually starts in early 20s and gets better or worst over a few years, schizophrenia that is.

have fun with you're rekt life

it's like this guy says

>People are far more capable of controlling their thoughts, emotions and reactions to them than they are willing to take responsibility for.

you're giving her attention for doing this, so she's gonna keep doing it. you, friendo, are an enabler

>You're not in my shoes, lad/lass

neither is anyone else on Sup Forums, you still came here for advice
for god knows what reason

> Tfw had voices starting before age 10
> 19 now, haven't heard em in a year or two
Good stuff.

take her to psychologist for meds

>you're giving her attention for doing this, so she's gonna keep doing it. you, friendo, are an enabler
thats a baseless assumption. she could just as easily be trying to cope with legitimate psychosis.

yes women are typically attention seeking whores but that doesn't mean it motivates everything they do.

I'm just posting some of what happens from what my girlfriend tells me. I feel it coming on and then there's nothing til I wake up

Similar situation. Wish I had an answer for you, but I don't.

>been with her 2.5 years
>lived together for a year now
>she says she has OCD, runs in her family
>she'll latch onto the most random things
>small things, out of the blue
>stays mad for literally days at a time
>barely eats
> yells at me sometimes but mostly won't speak to me
>eventually it passes
>I think it's more than just OCD, but don't know what
>she has hidden (serious) things from me in the past

When she isn't like this, we're great together. She's willing to talk about it sometimes. She knows it's her problem. She knows she needs to fix it. But she refuses to get help.

females lie

Convince her to get professional help. Being her only outlet will fuck you up hard. Don't do anything stupid.

so do males.
doesn't mean she is lying this time.

>stays mad for literally days at a time
>barely eats
> yells at me sometimes but mostly won't speak to me
>eventually it passes

>guys what's wrong with my woman?

you stupid motherfucker i'm crying

Good luck user, it's gonna take time

borderline personality disorder from being molested as a child.
girls getting molested as children is hella common.

this is solid advice, schizophrenia is very treatable in most cases

user although on some level i believe you i think you're reading too deep into things. Not every doctor or scientist is evil or hiding the truth a majority of them study long and hard to help us and help diagnose problems with the human body to help us live normal lives. there is no (((they))) things such as schizophrenia have been study for a long time before they are made public and from there they show us how to prevent cure or subdue the problem.

Yea this is good if not just to help her gain new perspectives. Doesn't need to be permanent

or maybe... she's perioding?

She needs professional help.

Just let her know that you still love her, this doesn't change the way you see her, and you'll be there for her. Treat her like you normally would. Maybe that last one is just me, but I hate when people treat me with a bunch of pity when I'm going through shit.

She has to want it too tho

Don'b be stupid and take her to the shrink. Break it gently to her and explain that you should check with the doctor. Do it during the time she is fine, when she is not distraught. Be there with her and be supportive. Schizophrenia isn't the end of life. It can be managed.

There really arent too many coping mechanism because all cases of schizophrenia are different.

Best bet, get her disgnosed and treated. It won't cure it, but it will help both of you identify how best to deal with things.

Beyond thst, just hold onto the good, and remind yourself that the bad is usually just the illness talking.

But if things get physical, don't just let that slide. Even schizos need to learn there are limits... lines you cant cross.

Been there done that (literally HAHA) OP.

Based on the fucking drama she's injected into her messages there, she's probably faking it to get your attention. She's fucking nuts, but probably not schizophrenic. She is the crazy from "don't stick your dick in crazy". Women like this are my type.

Best way to deal with a relationship like this?
Toughen up. You need to show her you wont put up with her shit. Train her like a dog. Tell her when she's overstepped a line, and "punish" her with non-communication when she's done something wrong.

If you act all caring and naive she will ear you alive.

>Mabye shes perioding

periods just make women into mega bitches not crazy bitches.

Sometimes what you need isn't what you want.


terrible advice. all these idiots who have no experience with psychosis telling you to be tough with her really have no clue.

if you want to make get hallucinating worse then stress her out.

Faggot did you even read what I wrote?

I'd bet my left nut she's bullshitting and isn't actually hearing voices.

yeah i don't know what kind of crazy youve had your dick in before but most women wouldn't lie about that.

what he described was a bitch perioding

>stays mad for literally days at a time
>barely eats
> yells at me sometimes but mostly won't speak to me
>eventually it passes

i grew up in a house with 4 women
it can make them REALLY bad at times
it took until my late teens till i figured out what had been going on all these years

no she doesn't want to talk about it

yeah maybe if it happens at the same time every month but most women know that they get bitchy on their periods so why would she blame it on OCD or whatever?

Her goddam message sounds like it's been ripped straight from a shakespear play or something.

People who actually hear voices tend to keep it to themselves, or if they do share it, it's not like that!

Just because she hears voices doesn't necessarily mean she's schizofrenic.

I heard voices during a time where I was in severe starvation, calling my name mostly, and it only happened for a week or so. I was fed and the voices were gone, never heard voices again.

In short, hearing voices may have other causes. Don't play the doc OP but get her to a real doc

>why would she blame it on OCD or whatever?

because she doesn't want to talk about it
surprisingly, bleeding from the crotch makes you feel a little unclean

you ever been with a girl who doesn't turn into solid snake when they gotta take a shit? they NEVER want you to see their unclean side

Could be this. She gets super mad if I ever try to tickle her. Says her uncle used to pin her down and tickle her when she was a kid and hated it. She gets weird when she talks about it though, always suspected it was more than just tickling.

lol your reading too much into the cadence of a fucking text message. my girl will send my 8 fucking texts in a row instead of one, why? how the fuck should i know. doesn't mean she is lying.

and if your hearing voices and you want help you tell someone you trust.

its a mistake to just assume she is lying, especially if she is a generally honest person.

I wish it was something as simple as PMS, but it isn't. There is no correlation between these episodes and the time of the month.

>most women know that they get bitchy on their periods so why would she blame it on OCD or whatever?
This user is correct. She isn't shy about her period at all. If there was any way she could blame it on this, she would. But that obviously isn't the cause.

Sorry OP, good luck dealing with it, hopefully you do better than the people who've been around in my life. unmedicated Schizo/Bipolar2 here.

Simple correct response.
The teenage menstruation experts ITT don't know wtf they're taking about


Big word, shame you used it incorrectly.

OP mark my words, she's full of shit and unless you grow some balls she'll have you cucked 2 years tops.

I'm out

try determine if her interpretation of these voices are internal or external.
that will reveal alot. then after that, get the fuck outta there man.

I'm sorry, but it won't ever be the same ever again. You have 2 options

>option 1: Let her be
This is by far the worst of the two. Paranoid Schizophrenia is degenerative, meaning it gets worse over time. Her hallucinations will progressively get wilder and more erratic while also having more of them. It could drive her to suicide or even hurt others since what she is experiencing isn't actually real. The only way to distinguish what is and isn't real in the hallucinations is to recognize the hallucinations are have someone without schizophrenia to tell you what is and isn't real. But this can be challenging since the hallucinations are very vivid and seem completely real.

>Option 2: Medication
Medication can have serious side affects, all though it will prevent hallucinations. But some side affects can cause these people to sleep and sleep walk often, cause involuntary muscle movements in the face and limbs. Not adhering to the treatment strictly can cause the body to reject the medication or exacerbate side affects.

Obviously you should choose medication, but she won't ever be the same.

learn to speak English you dunce.

You try telling someone what they're seeing, which looks 100% real, actually isn't real.

Hello, OP.
My mother has schizophrenia. That caused her to beat me and leave me alone when I was a child while my father was away working to feed us. That led me to my depression and anxiety issues. She also is bipolar and I was told I had chances to develop that too, I'm starting to slowly feel humor shifts from time to time and that scares me.

Dealing with schizophrenia is though. Takes practice to get used to things that are completely out of reality. I had times when I was exposed to this so much that I couldn't say what was real and what wasn't.
If you really love her maybe you could endure that, I don't really love my mother anymore, I can't say what I'd feel if I did. But if you really love her you should be comprehensive and get used to that. Those kind of things could be hurtful and she has no control over that. Get her treated, this is a thing you can control and live in a healthy way, but it is really really important to take care of that. I didn't had the chance to do this because of financial issues so that snowballed into the ruins of what I could've been, but if you have the opportunity, do not let her take this lightly. She should be seing some kind of professional. There are some medications that might be necessary, without those thing she could self destruct and take everyone around her along, just light my mother did.

Good luck with your relationship, I wish you the best. Take care of your own mental health and take care of hers as well, or at least encourage her to do so.