What is your elo on league of legends? mine is plat

what is your elo on league of legends? mine is plat

no one cares kill urself faget

dia 2


unranked, get matched with g5-3 in norms.

I'd play ranked but I've only been playing about 2 months and want to expand my champ pool a bit, and get a feel for every role.


bronze 5?


Support main, lost the past 4.

Nice, respect for maining support.

>"mine is plat"
>doesn't mention what division
good job getting plat 5 faggot
i'm plat 1 65 lp


gold s4 plat s5 now d3
main supp suck my dick blitz ftw
hooks 4 free wins
fuck all you pussy ass beta ap supports
all what grills main, and we know how well grills play

None of this makes any sense to me
stop playing games i dont play

Gold V.

I hit gold and quit for the semester. Ain't nobody got time for that.

add me on NA: Osama Xin Laden

I hate that I feel the need to ban Blitz every game because shitters can't dodge that shit, RIP.

I don't play garbage

>playing league of lesbians
get overwatch its way better faggot

Overwatch peaked and crashed faster than Pokemon GO lmao

Its called carry yourself faggot
>Sup main in silver
>Can't grt out
>Wonder why

I play dota like a fucking man

Brand support got me out of silver. If my adc is shit I start taking kills and snowballing. No matter what though I build damage, usually Rylais first item to secure kills.

AP Mage support will do that.

Got gold V last week :D