This is a PlayStation 4

This is a PlayStation 4

No its not you dirty ass nigger. It is a Game Boy Advance.

This is the new PlayStation 4 pro

And this, this is a PlayStation that's ascended past a PlayStation Pro. Or you could just call this a PlayStation Turbo

No it's not you faggot. That's the new iPhone 7 and iPhone 7+

Okay okay, but surely this, the PlayStation Super is beyond anything you've ever seen

Nah that is clearly some gamecube remake, a shitty one.

You cannot argue that THIS, the PlayStation 4 HYPER EDITION isn't the one true king of the consoles

I don't understand, why aren't you fucking faggots praising the glory of the ultimate gaming machine

We just have to go further, I don't want to have to do this....


too bad they wont allow mods for skyrim or fallout. Xbox is going to steal a lot of sales from sony when the remastered skyrim drops

Will the remaster finally make skyrim a good game or is it one of those, half assed, not as good as fan made mods type of remaster?

Okay nigger but listen, what if I told you the legends of a machine called the Ultra

Can i get a PS4 Supreme ?


I DAMAND A FUCKING SUPREME YA DINGUS DOO. Don't be a fucko, supply the goods.

Well that's it this is it this is all that's left im fucking sorry but you'll just have to wait till next gen

Wait a minute..

What is this

I'm getting reports of an unidentified structure

No, it can't be

This is hilarious

God is dead

Ya fucko, got my own bootleg ps4. Thanks for the help

Like we didn't know.