Ben Affleck's Batman Will Be "Mostly Original"

>"I think what I would do, what I probably would do, is in some ways what Zack did with this movie, which is to borrow certain things from the great comic books, but create an original story around it because I wouldn't want the fans to already know the story and be familiar, but I would borrow, steal, great things that have been done before in the comics."

WTF, BEN ??!! It was said that you would leash Zach, not join him! You were to bring balance to the DCEU, not leave it in darkness!!

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Is this true?

Is this the one where batman rapes the joker?

frankly, that's the only sensate way to do it. based affleck

the line between familiar and new is one that must be erased and passed in all creative work
this feeds the hypercrisis better too

What he's really saying is 'what he did' because his agent already confirmed he had a script for the film a few months ago.

>Ben, you have to rape Snyder.

so hes doing what Nolan did, and every director before him

So should I expect anything from it or not?

I'm fucking HYPE for Affleck brings us. I hope it's dark, spooky, and really plays into the urban legend vibe that's supposed to surround the Batman. I want to see gadgets whose sole purpose is to scare people - things like blackout smoke, IR lenses, real "creature of the night" sorts of things.