Alright Sup Forums

alright Sup Forums
got a bottle of this stuff and despite me reading multiple things of people saying you can't get high off of it i've read quite a few posts about people using the cwe method to get water from it (obviously) could someone explain what drinking that water would do? or just explain it to me in general

cwe to extract codeine right? That doesn't have codeine

acetaminophen is hepatotoxic and more than 6 tablets could severely damage your liver.

The thing that makes you high is Codeine (dunno if pic related brand contains it, but its a must). Don't fool around with CWE, it's hard if you don't really have any clue what is going on there (like you).
High is bullshit anyways, just get blazed

acetaminophen has 0 recreational use. I think that outside of the US, some Tylenol preparations contain a bit of codeine, which might be what you're trying for. but cwe would not isolate the codeine... you'd get exactly what you're consuming without the cwe, minus insoluble binders/filler.

anyway, don't fuck with crazy doses of acetaminophen. knew a guy that attempted suicide this way and was in a coma for weeks. best case scenario, you get high on codeine, which is SHIT opiate.

im not exactly sure, like i had said it confused me and i figured other people would know about it. my apologies.

thanks for this. wasn't planning on doing anything related to it until i had some sense on what i was doing.

i was mainly look for an opiate high but im not prescribed to anything of the sort so i was just exploring my options. thanks for the words on this.

This is paracetamol in the UK, para-acetylaminophenol I think can't get you high

also i don't mean to sound like a complete dick but would you happen to know how much he took? i've managed to take quite a bit before with no repercussions.

No worries and nothing to apologise about. But I agree with other posters. Codeine is a shit can do a cwe to get it out..but gotta be careful. Maybe triple filter near freezing water. Get out most of the acetaminophen which doesn't dissolve in any great amount at those temps.But don't bother IMO.

You are gonna fuck up your liver

as of now im not planning on it at all because to me its just too much work for a shitty high. nonetheless though, thanks for the help.

i figured that in a sense i was just more or so curious as to how much would be "too much"

Stop going through mommys medicine cabinet and eat your tendies young man!

hey, ill have you know ive already eaten my dinosaur chicken nuggets and my cosmic brownie. i am more than a man.

What are you guys talking about this shit gets you lit. They started carding at cvs for this shit now

if you do this you wont get high, just shut down your liver

Just grow some poppy seeds do from Walmart. There great value brand seeds grow some good ones and the opium Fuck you up good

Carding for retards?

Unless you want to have the kind of hallucinations that are caused by hepatic and renal failure, while the remainder of your short life circles the drain, don't do it. Bad idea.

You dumb af CWE is used for actual painkillers like Codeine basically you heat then feeze your water and after its been CHILLED not frozen the acetominophren stays at the bottom of the cup and the actual stuff you want is in the water and you just pour the good water into another and get your buzz on. I tried it and i had bad experience if i were you, id get some hydrocodone and just take the pills how they are idk why but only that works for me

any way of contact?

like i said i didn't know much about cwe in general but thanks on the help!

Anyone here used 5-htp?

Never felt shit