Hollow Man (2000)

What would you do if you were in his position?

same shit, flash my dick to everyone and fuck bitches

Hunt down Tremors

walk outside naked haha

watch tv and play video games in my room

Kevin Bacon is an American treasure, even when he plays an invisible rapist!


hollow out your mom


Going to have to state the trivial answer: Ghost rape.

delete this

Cum on random people and/or their food in public.

im already invisible


Pretty sure no one has answered this yet.
r a p e

haunt a house

Steal a lot of money, buy a house away from the city, venture back every once in a while to drug and fuck some girls I know.

Suck so many titties it's not funny. Bacon had the right idea. Winters should suck though.

Would the cum still be invisible

I'd wear a white bedsheet and annoy the fuck out of people. When they finally tear it off me, I'd say something like "Thank you mortal, you have freed me from the shackles that kept me here. Farewell".
Rinse and repeat until everyone thinks there is a ghost plague.


hunt some Elisabeth Shue

try to cope with the fact that im blind cause my retinas no longer function.

what's the point of drugging them? just invisirape them.

I hope not. Or if it was, then my other bodily functions would be too. So I'd just shit and piss on people and that would be really funny to me.

Literally rape and steal

Kevin Bacon in The Woodsman as a pedo FTW

>not rape steal and kill

what a fucking pleb

I rewatched this the other day and asked myself the same question.

If I wanted to do anything illegal (which I do), I would have to do what he did, which is kill all the people who know about the experiment.

Which then leaves me in a position of having no friends, and without other people's help, probably would never be able to turn myself visible again.

I mean raping and stealing would probably be exiting at first. But living a life where you are literally invisible, and never able to interact with anybody ever again, just isn't much of a life.

So probably I would just be a good boy and figure out a way to undo the whole being invisible thing.

Whisper ghost shit to women all day long. They are all into that.
Tell them I'm a higher being and I chooses them to be my bride. They all want to be something special.
If this not working out, ghost rape.


Be some loser kid's imaginary friend and watch over them like a guardian angel.

What do you mean? He can still talk to people, right? Just pretend you're a ghost.

Not really, just go live in SoCal or something. It'll never drop below freezing and an invisible person can easily find some house to squat in, probably a rich celebrity's house too.

Because I want them to be pliable and relaxed enough to just think they're dreaming. Not screaming and thrashing around.

haha sounds sweet .. i would try and make people go insane by doing this and moving shit around

dude just go to some wiccan or witchcraft meeting and tell them you'll impregnate them with the antichrist or goat god or whatever, they'll let you do whatever

Rob a bank, enter Area 51 and other top secret government facilities,

probably rape.

Invisibility does not
>erase your stinky ass smell
>make you impervious to weather while naked
>muffle your breathing noises
>get rid of the noises simply moving makes
>give you super lockpicking skills
>improve your agility enough to slip into a door at the same time as someone entering or exiting without bumping into them
>endow you with magic rape strength

So just fuck off with this meme fantasy

>He doesn't want to rape after becoming invisible

go to a store and starting eating food in front of people

At least have the dignity to call yourself a phantom

how loud do you breathe user?

and if you make some noise moving, no one's going to instantly assume there's an invisible man roaming about

Phantoms don't wear bedsheets, and I am totally wearing a bedsheet.

Yeah this.

Also try going into a bank and take out a bunch of cash. You literally can't. Not unless you're willing to eat it first.

Phantoms and spectres wear whatever they want
It's ghosts and spooks who can only wear sheets

Imagine just eating cans and cans of baked beans, finding unsuspecting people alone and ripping giant farts when they enter your vicinity. They'd be all confused and looking around like "who the fuck? what the fuck was that? did I do that?"

why would anyone want cash? it'd be ridiculously easy to lift credit and debit cards, which you can also use to make purchases online

I'm aware. But I want to wear a bed sheet.

>Suck so many titties it's not funny.

I'd hang around maternity wards

>not always farting anyway

No, but you can stand by an ATM machine to see people's PINs then grab their wallet and hide it between your legs or something and withdraw as much cash as you can.

Don't post ITT if you wouldn't put stuff up your butt to see was like

are you going to impersonate the babies?

I hope so. I hope all my bodily fluids and excrement would be. I'd love to shit in a movie theatre one day desu.

this. Anyone not realizing that they're blind while being invisible?

I don't need to impersonate anything when there's an extra titty. Women don't feed two babies at the same time that's gross.

youd proabably die in a few months
not being able to see yourself would really suck. you wouldnt be able to upkeep

Assassinate Trump, Hillary, Bernie so that John McAfee can become president.

But how would you wipe yourself properly

they'll be even more confused if you make an invisible fart while you ghost rape them

his position in the film is that he is not blind, reap the OP

Damn calm down satan.

go to bed john


on people's clothes

Oh look, this post again

Defeats the purpose of you can't see the shit stains tbqh

What does robbing a bank do when you can't spend any of the money because you're invisible. He can't cut off his invisibility.

As someone who lives in one of those "greatest climates in the world" towns, it would still suck

buy stuff online

You just gotta be thorough. And sometimes YOU JUST KNOW

I guess I'll just have to keep wiping my asshole on people

raped a lot more people thats for sure

I said that and I live here, it would not suck, don't know what you're talking about senpai.

clothes, gloves one of those realyl detailed masks they have now and some sunglasses .. problem solved

bruh just wrap yourself up in gauze and pretend to be a burn victim/mummy

>go to comic con as the invisible man
>people will be amazed

I think what's more disturbing ITT is not the amount of people wanting to rape but the people who want to shit everywhere and wipe their asses on people/people's clothes.

Why? It's funny.

dude imagine smearing it on some person's ceiling and they can't figure out why their room smells so terrible

The average man is significantly stronger than the actual woman, and the invisible man is empowered to rape women insofar as he retains his starting strength, so to say, together with his newfound ability to avoid detection.

Contrary to your greentext, invisibility /does/ confer magic rape strength insofar as it is a fictional device /to remove social consequences (to a point), while leaving innate physical powers intact/. And since everyone knows that if any man who really wants to bad enough, can creep up on a woman alone, he can physically overpower her and have her. And, somewhere deep down inside, functional woman knows that the man who is bold enough to do this to her, /deserves her/ on some level. Hence the commonality of women's rape fantasies. In some sense, a successful ravishing is /by definition/ sufficient display of value, of competence.

It's been years since I saw Hollow Man, but I seem to remember the suggestion that the sci-fi was addling his brain a la Jeff Goldblum's Fly, in the expected rapey directions per the plot. The invisibility, like say Sup Forums anonymity (or what remains of internet anonymity more generally) is license to act like an ass, or to rape. It represents blessed escape from consequences. There's actually some interesting angles here for everyone: Sup Forums males, tumblr feminists, and camille paglia contrarians.

or on their upper lip. Or in their meatloaf

well they'd feel or taste that then, the interesting part to me is the sheer confusion they'll experience at not being able to figure out why it smells.

Oh I just want to trick someone into eating poop

kill yourself.

Where's your ms paint comic

>being this edgy
End yourself faggot.

>confronted with an excellent and thoughtful post which goes right straight to the heart of everyone and everything, in both the RL and fictional narratives entailed

>first (You): k-kys

no higher compliment.

submit this for peer review on my desk by tomorrow 9 am morning Johnson

Refute one fucking thing I said.

you can't.

this would actually be pretty entertaining desu. just pick one poor soul and keep wiping small amounts of invisible shit on them over a long period of time until they gradually go insane

he doesn't secretly desire to rape and shit on people

>hide something between your invisible legs

nice logic dumbass

you'd be surrounding it with invisibility, ergo it's invisible like the innards of your body

In which order?

well it's not really rape if they're dead

>surrounding it with invisibility
Fucking genius.

I would become the most prolific hitman to have ever existed.

>not the most prolific rape man to have ever existed