Earth is flat, prove me wrong

Earth is flat, prove me wrong

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Your a troll, prove me wrong.


earth is round, prov me wrong

earth is round, prove me wrong

Pictures from space show it isn't.




how can there be a spark in outer space? there's no oxygen there you go


how can something that is hollow be flat?

>checkmate sheeples

Modern weapons will fire in space, they do not need air because they are compressed inside a canister (shell). And there is no earth, only zuul

if the earth were flat, we'd all see the same night sky, but with today's technology you can call a friend in Australia and they will pick out different constellations than someone in the US. Also the polar magnets only make sense if the earth were a sphere, or at least a cylinder. Magnets have never worked 'flat earth style' on any disk.

Blind motherfuckers and their basement, supporting spinning ball because NASA said so. Fuckin' fluoride-filled goyim...

Obese redditors will eat you, beware

m8 the clouds changed position and so the earth looks different thats all you fucking retard

No edge and firmament? 0/8 b8

look up "how to see earths curvature"
also there can't be a north or south pole if the earth is flat

It takes longer to fly around the equator, long distance flights use the shape of the earth to take less time. LOOK LOL IT'S MAGIC

a bullet is self contained
>if it wasnt you wouldnt be able to shoot underwater retard

It doesn't work like that, YOU have to prove your assertion.

This meme is honestly pretty gay

I mean just objectively it's very dry

holy shit

Stop suckin' dick and realize that's fuckin' bullshit. You people will believe everything as long it's on TV, Nixon said it well

Cmon its this special time of the year

finally someone gets it


Also who'd let a jew into space generally the finances are done back on earth

Why there is no picture of earth spinning....
How can someone be that stupid


fucks sake i don't give a fuck about nasa, how can you show how earth looks like in it's entirety while it's a fucking sphere ? if it was flat it wouldn't had moved you retard.

No curvature except that GoPro joke, when the horizon is concave-flat-convexe. Pic related.

kill yourself now

on a scale of 1 to adam sandler, how dead are you?

Newton's law of universal gravitation
if earth were flat, everything would be pulled towards the center cuz mass distribution
that is all

Dear diary today op was a faggot

What ?
Backward thinking here i think

Lol, I kno.... Better look for Pokemon more often


Man, has Sup Forums always been Fox News Jr.?


>Okay. I will bite. To what end does it change things if the earth is flat, and not round? Why the conspiracy?

different Camera, different focus focus retard.

Whoops, accidental greentext.

yes it has, now leave and never come back retarded fagget

people that just like to think that they know something that everybody else does not...

Underrated post

Cool tired old insults bro.


famous people being edgelords
science man rap battles
makes me kek everytime i see a new argument

If the earth is flat, there's a dome above (where the stars are). And heaven above that all. We're created, our everyday life might seem like Truman Show, but that also means we have a purpose, we are being supervised (just like all ancient text and teachings suggest).
We're not stardust, evolve from primordial soup through this absurde amount of time.
Search about masons, their relation with the Catholic Church, Jesuits, Copernicus, Newton... This heliocentric model was and it still is just a theory, pushed by this cool religion called science.

It's never a very convincing argument as to the why. Tonnes and tonnes of talk on the specifics of the vast and great machinations that propagate and maintain the conspiracy, but never a concrete answer as to why bother going through all the trouble.


god exists

that's nice unless psychology messed up the resulrs as we know it could. link to the actual scientific article measuring it with the means of electronical sensors only and I shall be disproven

As a Jew, I'm glad this flat Earth thing is taking off. You guys don't realize the benefits we're about to reap from this. And how easy it is to dupe people into believing it. Niggers sending emails from Africa are now following us to find new avenues, simply because stupid people believe anything. Including, and I never would have believed it, that the planet is flat. I honestly never thought it would be this easy.

Your money and your mind, bro...

I bet you're real fun at parties user!

this doeas not answear him at all

Oh, wait, you're right: my iPhone can't detect it, Neil DeGrass Nigger says it's not true... so yeah, more reddit all day, whooo


That still doesn't answer my question though. What difference would that make on the day to day affairs of normal people?

You should feel bad about yourself.

he just said maybe ur not cosmic monkey

Why would the earth being a flat disk change the way I spend money, or my way of thinking?

It wouldn't. It's called reaching.

Prove they're real

um, which words exactly convince you so?
one of us is clearly failing a reading comprehension check, sir

Dude, your taxmoney is sucked by the Gov, funding Photoshop contest held by NASA & co - while you think your entire life is just an accident.

That would prevent me from drinking rolling rock so I can't do that Merchant-san

Posting shitbongs. Jesus UK, get it together DAD

if you are going to use those nice words i might aswell think a little
here's the biggest problem:
"humanity is afraid of the unknown and will try to explain everything they don't understand" add an ignorant famous someone and you got a forest fire, plus then there's the faggots who don't like to be proven wrong and will keep on holding to their beliefs no matter how good your arguments are

>that's nice unless psychology messed up the resulrs as we know it could.
nope. it didn't.
gauss knew this too and factored it in but the effect was too great in his field experiment. like, waaay over the threshold of error.
brah, Gauss didn't exactly publish his findings on the internet
Any maths textbook on differential geometry will do, but probably to hard for most 4channers to understand
have some popsci instead, isbn 978-3-596-17663-2

>get shrek'd, no counterargument exists
>"y-you suck!"

We're not stardust, evolve from primordial soup through this absurde amount of time.

That's about evolution, I guess. The Big Gang Bang Theory, invented by a catholic priest

Well, If the earth where flat ships would not go from bottom up over the horizon. The current explanation and math for gravity would have to be redone ( an object the size of earth that's flat would crush in onto its self). If you where walking to the edge of the earth the flat earth you would feel as though you where walking up a mountain. There's also the fact that people have actually been into space, and you can see that the earth is curved even from a plane if you believe the government faked the moon landing


The Earth is flat AND the center of ALL the universe

Milky Way is nothing but a candy bar

ITT idiots who don't know shit about science

>golden gun

t. cuck

ah, you replied to the wrong post then. with this I can agree, sure. check again


Prove they aren't

Well, first off, I'm not an American, so no they do not directly, and why would the shape of the planet change my beliefs, whatever they may be?

Assuming you mean that I couldn't believe in both God and trust in science, If God is eternal and all powerful, why couldn't He create the universe as the heliocentric model claims it is structured?


High as fuck right now. This is the last thing I need to see

Nile is lava

man, this isbn points to some shit in german.
give me the actual "too hard" articles. If they are in a normal fucking language this won't be a problem for me

God can't even control abortion machines

which part about "literally any maths textbook about differential geometry" do you not understand.

oh shit.
thanks for the warning bro

it's all clear to me
but you seem to not understand the always present "if you want to convince me, then it;s your job to provide me with understandable sauce"

How can pictures be real if our eyes aren't real?

I'm an astronaut who's been to space and can tell you first hand it's round

A "flat" Earth at that size, under control of the sun's gravity literally can't happen. You'd have to break the laws of physics to let that happen.

and I'm an astronaut who have been to THREE spaces and also I'm not sponsored by anybody and I can tell you it's shaped like a banana. 4-dimensional

God bless you

If earth is flat then who is phone?