Hows everyone commemorating 911

Hows everyone commemorating 911

congrats for 15 yrs


I is having a bbq

Jet beams cant melt steel fuel.

my bday is tomorrow niggah GUNNA PARTAY


Fuel beams melt steel can't jet

Im cutting off 9 of my fingers and 11 of my toes. And buying a hummer. Dicks out for rombay.

getting my dick sucked by my qt muslim gf

I'm not. I don't want to give the actions of assholes any more credit than they have already.

gonna drink 3000 beers lol

Don't really give a shit that it's 9/11 tomorrow, but it is sunday and i drink on sundays, so while i'm getting plastered i'll try to remember to pour some of my can in honor of the victims. But i'll probably forget

Tomorrows my birthday I'm celebrating with nachos and cake, you?

get the party favors out in 2 hrs its gonna be 911


Going to kill some terrorist...





Happy burn a Quran day!





I think 911 was a Zionist-Saudi combined operation with the saudis doing the grunt work. Both these regimes had an interest in doing what followed which is destabilizing iraq, iran and syria. And off course the jews got to tighten their control further over europe and america using islamic terror as pretext.